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Whether in popular or ornithological usage, Thai naming makes no distinction between the Falconidae, Accipitridae, and Pandionidae. The collective general name for all of the various kinds of falcons, hawks, eagles, kites, and other actively predatory diurnal raptors is เหยี่ยว yìaw, here glossed 'hawk'. It is an old regional name related to Chinese 鷂 (Mandarin , Cantonese jiu6 'sparrowhawk'), Vietnamese diều 'hawk', and names in other Tai languages (Zhuang yiuh yiu 'sparrowhawk', Lao ຍ່ຽວ- nyīau- '[sparrow]-hawk', etc.).
Many of these birds have been used in falconry and, as with other tamed birds, names with เหยี่ยว yìaw do not require the addition of นก nók 'bird'. Another non-ornithological name for this group is the Indic name นขทารณ์ ná-kʰá-tʰaan 'hawk'.
เหยี่ยวปีกแหลม yìaw pìik-lăeem 'sharp-winged hawk' is an ornithological name created to distinguish the Falconidae from other raptors but is not used in any species names.
เหยี่ยวแมลงปอ yìaw ma-laeeng-poaa 'dragonfly-hawk' is a general name for Microhierax falconets.
Species names
FALCONINAE | ||||||||
FALCONINI | ||||||||
Microhierax | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
fringillarius![]() |
Black-thighed falconet | เหยี่ยวแมลงปอขาดำ yìaw ma-laeeng-poaa kʰăa-dam 'black-legged dragonfly-hawk' |
(เหยี่ยว)ตะไกร (yìaw) tà-kray 'scissors (hawk)' |
Burung Alap-alap Capung 'dragonfly falcon (bird)' (from Javanese alap-alap 'hawk'; capung from Jakartanese) |
黑腿小隼 (黑腿小隼) 'black-legged small falcon' |
モモグロヒメハヤブサ (股黒姫隼) momo-guro hime hayabusa 'black-thighed princess falcon' |
caerulescens![]() ![]() |
Collared falconet Red-thighed falconet |
เหยี่ยวแมลงปอขาแดง yìaw ma-laeeng-poaa kʰăa-daeeŋ 'red-legged dragonfly-hawk' |
Chim Cắt nhỏ bụng hung 'reddish-bellied small falcon (bird)' |
红腿小隼 (紅腿小隼) 'red-legged small falcon' |
モモアカヒメハヤブサ (股赤姫隼) momo-aka hime hayabusa 'red-thighed princess falcon' |
Polihierax | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Polihierax insignis![]() |
White-rumped Falcon Feilden's Falconet |
เหยี่ยวเล็กตะโพกขาว yìaw lék tà-pʰôok-kʰăaw 'white-rumped small hawk' |
Chim Cắt nhỏ họng trắng 'white-throated small falcon (bird)' (12, 34) |
白腰侏隼 (白腰侏隼) 'white-rumped pygmy falcon' (4) 缅甸侏隼 (緬甸侏隼) 'Burmese pygmy falcon' (5) |
ハイイロヒメハヤブサ (灰色姫隼) hai-iro hime hayabusa 'grey-coloured princess falcon' |
Falco | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Falco tinnunculus![]() ![]() |
Common kestrel Eurasian kestrel Kestrel |
เหยี่ยวเคสเตรล yìaw kʰee-sà-trĕen 'kestrel hawk' (kʰee-sà-trĕen from English 'kestrel') |
Burung Helang Kestrel 'kestrel hawk (bird)' (kestrel from English) (26) Burung Falko Padang 'field falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco') (25) Burung Falko Serani 'Christian falcon (bird)' (serani/nasrani from Arabic, formerly also meant 'Portuguese'; falko from Latin 'falco') (24) |
Burung Alap-alap Erasia 'Eurasian falcon (bird)' (from Javanese alap-alap 'hawk') |
Chim Cắt lưng hung 'reddish-backed falcon (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
红隼 (紅隼) 'red falcon' Taiwan: (红隼) 紅隼 'red falcon' |
チョウゲンボウ (長元坊) chōgenbō 'kestrel' |
Falco amurensis![]() |
Amur falcon Eastern red-footed falcon Manchurian red-footed falcon Red-legged falcon |
เหยี่ยวตีนแดง yìaw tiin-daeeŋ 'red-footed hawk' |
Burung Falco Lalat 'freckled falcon (bird)' (falco, mistake for falko; from Latin 'falco') |
Chim Cắt Amur 'Amur falcon (bird)' (13) Chim Cắt Amua 'Amur falcon (bird)' (34) |
红脚隼 (紅腳隼) 'red-footed falcon' (1, 2, 4, 5) 阿穆尔隼 (阿穆爾隼) 'Amur falcon' (3) ![]() ![]() Taiwan: (红脚隼) 紅腳隼 'red-footed falcon' |
アカアシチョウゲンボウ (赤足長元坊) aka-ashi chōgenbō 'red-legged kestrel' |
Falco columbarius![]() ![]() |
Merlin | เหยี่ยวเมอร์ลิน yìaw moee-lin 'merlin hawk' (moee-lin from English 'merlin') |
Chim Cắt lưng xám 'grey-backed falcon (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
灰背隼 (灰背隼) 'grey-backed falcon' Taiwan: (灰背隼) 灰背隼 'grey-backed falcon' |
コチョウゲンボウ (小長元坊) ko chōgenbō 'small kestrel' |
Falco subbuteo![]() ![]() |
Eurasian hobby Northern hobby Hobby |
เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้พันธุ์ยุโรป yìaw hôaap-bîi pʰan yú-rôop 'European species hobby hawk' (hôaap-bîi from English 'hobby') |
เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้ยุโรป yìaw hôaap-bîi yú-rôop 'European hobby hawk' (hôaap-bîi from English 'hobby') (19, 20) เหยี่ยวฮอบบียุโรป yìaw hôaap-bii yú-rôop 'European hobby hawk' (hôaap-bii from English 'hobby') (21) |
Burung Helang Hobby 'hobby hawk (bird)' (hobby from English) (26) Burung Falko Hobi Utara 'northern hobby falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco'; hobi from English 'hobby') (25) Burung Falko Utara 'northern falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco') (24) |
Burung Alap-alap Walet 'swiftlet falcon (bird)' (from Javanese alap-alap 'hawk') |
Chim Cắt Trung Quốc 'Chinese falcon (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
燕隼 (燕隼) 'swallow falcon' Taiwan: (燕隼) 燕隼 'swallow falcon' |
チゴハヤブサ (稚児隼) chigo hayabusa 'child falcon' |
Falco severus![]() |
East Asian hobby | เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้พันธุ์เอเชีย yìaw hôaap-bîi pʰan ee-cʰia 'Asian species hobby hawk' (hôaap-bîi from English 'hobby') |
เหยี่ยวฮอบบี้ yìaw hôaap-bîi 'hobby hawk' (hôaap-bîi from English 'hobby') (18, 19, 20) เหยี่ยวฮอบบีเอเชีย yìaw hôaap-bii ee-cʰia 'Asian hobby hawk' (hôaap-bii from English 'hobby') (21) |
Burung Falko Hobi Timur 'eastern falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco'; hobi from English 'hobby') (25) |
Burung Alap-alap Macan 'tiger falcon (bird)' (from Javanese alap-alap 'hawk'; macan = Javanese 'tiger') |
Chim Cắt bụng hung 'reddish-bellied falcon (bird)' (12, 34) |
猛隼 (猛隼) 'savage falcon' |
ミナミチゴハヤブサ (南稚児隼) minami chigo hayabusa 'southern child falcon' |
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Falco peregrinus![]() ![]() |
Peregrine falcon | เหยี่ยวเพเรกริน yìaw pʰee-ree-krin 'peregrine hawk' (pʰee-ree-krin from English 'peregrine') |
Burung Helang Peregrine 'peregrine hawk (bird)' (peregrine from English) (26) Burung Falko Peregrin 'peregrine falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco'; peregrin from English 'peregrine') (25) Burung Falko Belalang 'grasshopper falcon (bird)' (falko from Latin 'falco') (24) |
Burung Alap-alap Kawah 'escarpment falcon (bird)' (from Javanese alap-alap 'hawk') |
Chim Cắt lớn 'large falcon (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
游隼 (遊隼) 'roaming falcon' Taiwan: (游隼) 遊隼 'roaming falcon' |
ハヤブサ (隼) hayabusa 'falcon' |
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002
世界鸟类名称(拉丁文、汉文、英文对照)第二版 郑作新等 科学出版社 北京 2002年
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed. by Cheng Tso-Hsin et al, Science Press, Beijing 2002
中国鸟类分布名录 第二版 郑作新 科学出版社 北京 1976年
(Checklist of the Classification of Birds of China 2nd edition by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 1976)
香港及華南鳥類(第六版)(翻譯成中文及重新修訂) 尹璉、費嘉倫、林超英 香港性徵特區政府新聞處政府印務局 1994年
Birds of Hong Kong and South China (6th edition, translated into Chinese and newly revised) by Clive Viney, Karen Phillipps, Lin Chaoying, Hong Kong Govt. Press 1994
Pocket Checklist of the Birds of the Republic of Singapore / Senai Jenis-Jenis Burung di Singapura / 新加坡野鸟目录 by Lim Kim Seng Nature Society (Singapore) 1999
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam (In lần thứ hai) (Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam) Võ Quý, Nguyễn Cử, Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp, Hà Nội 1999
Chim Việt Nam Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps; Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội, 2000
Bird Guide of Thailand by Lekagul, Boonsong, Ramin Press, Bangkok 1968
Bird Guide of Thailand 2nd edition by Lekagul, Boonsong and Edward W. Cronin, Jr., Kurusapa Ladprao Press, Bangkok 1974
A guide to the Birds of Thailand by Lekagul, Boonsong and Philip D. Round, Saha Karn Bhaet Co., Ltd., Bangkok 1991
นกในเมืองไทย รศ. โอภาส ขอบเขตต (Birds in Thailand, Assoc. Prof. Obhas Khobkhet), in 5 volumes, Sarakadee Press, Bangkok, 1998-2001
Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981 br> (List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981
Previously online version of: Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981
List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 1 - Non-passerines by Wells, David R., Academic Press, London 1999
A Field Guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore by Jeyarajasingam, Allen and Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 2 - Passerines by Wells, David R., Christopher Helm, A&C Black, London 2007
A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (second edition) by Jeyarajasingham, Allen, Illustrations by Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012
A Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali (second edition) by MacKinnon, John, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta 1990
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim ở Việt Nam (Latinh, Việt, Pháp, Hán) Trần Văn Chánh 2008-2009