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Sources for Glossaries


Bird Lists Other Bird Sources Dictionaries and Reference Books

This glossary primarily draws on these lists of birds:

A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds
By Cheng Tso-Hsin (郑作新) Science Press
Beijing 2000 cheng tso-hsin birds of china
The "gold standard" of Chinese bird names at the turn of the century, although dated due to subsequent splits and featuring some idiosyncratic species assignments. Includes subspecies.
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China
Chief Editor Zheng Guangmei (郑光美) Science Press
Beijing 2005 birds of china zheng guangmei
Effectively the successor to (1), this up-to-date list includes most of the latest species splits. Eliminates a couple of doubtful Anatidae sightings. Includes subspecies.
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation)
By John MacKinnon (约翰・马敬能), Karen Phillipps (卡伦・菲利普斯), in collaboration with He Fen-qi (荷芬奇) 湖南教育出版社
(Hunan Jiaoyu Chuban-she)
Changsha 2000 mackinnon china
As a translation from English, lacks the authority of native Chinese bird lists, but highly influential due to its widespread availability and break from the conservatism of (1). Names are based on (1), but often differ from (2) in case of species splits. Can be found online here and here and here.
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World
Chief Editor Zheng Guangmei (郑光美) Science Press
Beijing 2002
One of two Chinese lists of world birds. Flawed by a slapdash approach to naming which does not appear to have fully taken into account either domestic bird names or Cheng's list of birds of the world (5).
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed.
Cheng Tso-Hsin et al 郑作新等 Science Press
Beijing 2002 cheng tso-hsin world
The second edition of Cheng's list of birds of the world; appeared posthumously. I have not seen the first edition, but this list is rather dated in comparison with (4), despite appearing in the same year.
中国鸟类分布名录 第二版
(Distribution List of Chinese Birds, 2nd edition)
郑作新 (Cheng Tso Hsin) 科学出版社 (Science Press) 1976 cheng tso hsin 1976
Authoritative list as of the end of the Cultural Revolution. Useful for checking some earlier official names (which are still used in some later sources).
Birds of Hong Kong and South China (Chinese translation)
香港及華南鳥類 尹璉
Clive Viney (尹璉), Karen Phillipps (費嘉倫), Lin Chaoying (林超英). Hong Kong Govt. Press. Hongkong 1994
(Actually revised since 1994 but not shown in the publication details).
birds of hk and s china
Covers only South China. Useful as it corroborates certain naming variants.
A Field Guide to the Birds of China
Zheng Guang-mei (鄭光美), Zhao Zheng-jie (趙正階), Yan Zhong-wei (顏重威), Xu Wei-shu (許維樞), Tan Yao-kuang (譚耀匡) 翠鳥文化事業有限公司
(Cuiniao Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi)
Taipei 1996 yeniao tujian
Useful as it includes both Mainland and Taiwanese names.
Taiwan Bird Checklist 2008
    2008 china wild bird federation
The most up-to-date Taiwanese checklist available.
Bird Names of Taiwan (part of the Checklist of the Birds of Taiwan)
Tzung-Su Ding     (No longer available online)
Absolutely essential in the original creation of this site. Now superseded by the Taiwan Bird Checklist 2008.
Pocket Checklist of the Birds of the Republic of Singapore
Senai Jenis-Jenis Burung di Singapura
Lim Kim Seng Nature Society (Singapore) 1999 pocket list of the birds of singapore
Singapore is a Chinese-speaking community that seems to get left out when it comes to bird naming. Lim follows Cheng, but has a number of variant namings, which I've noted.
A Field Guide to Birds of Japan
フィールドガイド 日本の野鳥
By Shinji Takano (高野伸二) and the Wild Bird Society of Japan 日本野鳥の会
Wild Bird Society of Japan
The standard guide for Japan, but dated. For more recent names (splits, etc.), it is essential to refer to the Internet.
Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam
By Professors Võ Quý and Nguyễn Cử Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp Hanoi
The standard list for Vietnam. Flawed on occasion by the use of the same common name for different species.
Chim Việt Nam
(Birds of Vietnam)
Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội
Published under auspices of the World Conservation Union, the World Bank, and Birdlife International.
2000 chim viet nam cover
A rather poor effort, with errors, omissions, and whimsical changes to common names. Useful for birds not mentioned in (12), but sometimes fails to rectify 12's problems and actually adds problems of its own.
(Dictionary of Mongolian Bird Names in Ten Languages)
Compiled by A. Bold, N Tseveernmyadag, Sch. Boldbaatar, G. Mainjargal
Edited by J. Bayansan, N. Purevjav
Published by: State Nomenclature Council of Mongolia, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Language and Literature Applied Linguistic Sector, Institute of Biology Ornithological Laboratory. Copyright vested in Institute of Biology Ornithological Laboratory Ulaanbaatar 2007 2007 ornithological list (10 languages)
A recent listing with extreme regularisation of names (one name per genus). Authoritative in its field, with the official imprimatur of government and academic authorities. Carries both old and new names.
A Dictionary of Vertebrate Animals of Mongolia
Монгол орны сээртэн амьтын нэрцийн толь

GOMBOBAATAR Sundev Bodonguud
Бодонгууд овогт Сүндэвийн ГОМБОБААТАР
  Ulaanbaatar 2009 mongolian vertebrates
A slightly more up-to-date list. The list contains more species than (14).
Birds of Kazakhstan - Kazakh Names (16) Э.И.Гаврилов. "Фауна и распространение птиц Казахстана".   Almaty 1999 (No longer available online)
This list was downloaded from Birds of Kazakhstan
Birds Korea Checklist (17)
    2007 birds korea
This checklist was downloaded from Birds Korea. It is a modern, authoritative checklist with notes.
Bird Guide of Thailand (18) Lekagul, Boonsong Ramin Press Bangkok 1968 t68
The first edition version of a guide book to Thai birds, in English with species names in Thai.
Bird Guide of Thailand Second Edition (19) Lekagul, Boonsong and Edward W. Cronin, Jr. Kurusapa Ladprao Press Bangkok 1974 t74
The second edition version of a guide book to Thai birds, in English with species names in Thai.
A guide to the Birds of Thailand (20) Lekagul, Boonsong and Philip D. Round Saha Karn Bhaet Co., Ltd. Bangkok 1991 t91
The third edition version of a guide book to Thai birds, in English with species names in Thai.
Check-list of Thai Birds (20a) Round, Philip D. Bird Conservation Society of Thailand Bangkok 2008  
Draft version downloaded from the site of the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand in 2009 but no longer posted there, an expanded update of the species included in Lekagul & Round 1991
(Birds in Thailand)
รศ. โอภาส ขอบเขตต
(Assoc. Prof. Obhas Khobkhet)
Sarakadee Press Bangkok
An encyclopedia of Thai birds, in Thai with species names also in English; first published as a series of five separate books from 1998 through 2001, as below.
เล่ม ๑ (Book 1) 1998 5v1
เล่ม ๒ (Book 2) 1999 5v2
เล่ม ๓ (Book 3) 2000 5v3
เล่ม ๔ (Book 4) 2001 5v4
เล่ม ๕ (Book 5) 2001 5v5
(Birds [of] Thailand
จารุจินต์ นภีตะภัฏ, กานต์ เลขะกุล, วัชระ สงวนสมบติ
(Jarujin Nabhitabata, Karn Lekagul, Wachara Sanguansombat)
คณะบุคคล นายแพทย์ บุญส่ง เลขะกุล
(Dr Boonsong Lekagul Group)
Bangkok 2007 t07
The fourth edition version of a guide book to Thai birds, in Thai with species names also in English. In Thailand this is referred to as the first Thai edition. The originator of the series Dr Boonsong Lekagul died in 1992 and his work has been continued and published by his family foundation. This version was published in honour of the 2007 centennial of his birth.
(Birds [of] Thailand
จารุจินต์ นภีตะภัฏ, กานต์ เลขะกุล, วัชระ สงวนสมบติ
(Jarujin Nabhitabata, Karn Lekagul, Wachara Sanguansombat)
คณะบุคคล นายแพทย์ บุญส่ง เลขะกุล
(Dr Boonsong Lekagul Group)
Bangkok 2012 t12
The fifth edition version of a guide book to Thai birds, in Thai with species names also in English. In Thailand this is referred to as the second Thai edition. The originator of the series Dr Boonsong Lekagul died in 1992 and his work has been continued and published by his family foundation.
Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara
(List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia) (24)
Ismail, Abdul Rahman Perhilitan
(Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia / Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia)
Kuala Lumpur 1981 wgm
Updated version formerly online here (24a).
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 1 - Non-passerines (25) Wells, David R. Academic Press London 1999 w99
Includes birds in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, with species names in Thai and Malay.
A Field Guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore (26) Jeyarajasingam, Allen and Alan Pearson Oxford University Press Oxford 1999 jp
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 2 - Passerines (27) Wells, David R. Christopher Helm, A&C Black London 2007 w07
A continuation of (24) above.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (second edition) (28)
Jeyarajasingham, Allen
Illustrations by Alan Pearson
Oxford University Press Oxford 2012 j12
Second edition of (26)
A Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali (second edition) (29)
MacKinnon, John Gadjah Mada University Press Yogyakarta 1990 m90
Burung-Nusantara (30) Burung Nusantara / Birds indonesia site     burung nusantara
Our authority for Indonesian names.
Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг)
Editor: 汉蒙名词术语分类词典编纂委员会
《Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь》найруулах комисс
Өвөр Монголын ардын хэвлэл
Hohhot 1990 hanmeng mingci shuyu fenlei cidian
A dated source for Inner Mongolian ornithological names.
内蒙古动物志 (第三卷 鸟纲 非雀形目)
Fauna Inner Mongolia (Volume 3 Aves Non-Passerines)
Editor: 旭日干 (Xurigan)

内蒙古人大学版社 (Inner Mongolian University Press)
Hohhot 2013 hanmeng mingci shuyu fenlei cidian
Text is in Chinese but carries Mongolian names. A more up-to-date source of Inner Mongolian names which we've adopted as standard.
内蒙古动物志 (第四卷 鸟纲 雀形目)
Fauna Inner Mongolia (Volume 4 Aves Passerines)
Editor: 旭日干 (Xurigan)

内蒙古人大学版社 (Inner Mongolian University Press)
Hohhot 2015 hanmeng mingci shuyu fenlei cidian
Text is in Chinese but carries Mongolian names. A more up-to-date source of Inner Mongolian names which we've adopted as standard. Unfortunately this volume contains a lnumber of misspellings or misprints.
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim Ở Việt Nam (Latinh - Việt - Pháp - Anh - Hán)
Trần Văn Chánh Published in Tạp chí Nghiên cứu và Phát triển 2008-09 vietnam bird list
An updated list of Vietnamese bird names. Regrettably, it does not resolve some of the issues of older lists, including name conflicts. In four parts. Can be downloaded at the following URLs: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Chinese Birds (A Tentative List of Chinese Birds)
By N. Gist Gee, Lacy I. Moffett, G. D. Wilder (祁天錫, 慕維德, 萬卓志) The Peking Society of Natural History Peiping 1927 (Second Printing May 1948) cheng tso-hsin birds of china
The first full list of Chinese bird species, with Chinese names. Partly draws on earlier Zoological Nomenclature by Y. T. Tu, T. T. Tu, T. L. Wu, C. H. Ling & C. C. Hsu (eds.) (1923 Commercial Press, Shanghai) and "List of the Birds of the Province of Chihli" by Wlder and Hubbard (1924 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society)
中国观鸟年报-中国鸟类名录 1.1
The CBR Checklist of Birds of China v1.1
China Bird Review 2010 CBR Checklist
Relatively up-to-date checklist from the China Bird Review
2014年 台灣鳥類名錄
2014 Taiwan Bird Checklist
中華民國野鳥學會鳥類記錄委員會 10 July 2014 Taiwan Bird List 2014
Up-to-date checklist from the Chinese Wild Bird Federation
鸟类网 (38)
Comprehensive site devoted to birds in China and around the world. With photos, descriptions and alternative names.
中国动物志 - 鸟纲
Fauna Sinica - Aves
Editorial Committee of Fauna Sinica, Chinese Academy of Sciences (each volume has different editors) 科学出版社
Science Press
1978 onwards
A series of 14 volumes, published gradually. I have only vols 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11. As of 2006, only vols 3 and 12 remained to be published.
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第一卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 1
第一部 中国鸟纲绪论
第二部 潜鸟目 pi鹈目 鹱形目 鹈形目 鹳形目
Part 1 Introductory Account of the Class Aves in China
Part 2 Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes, Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes
Cheng Tso-Hsin
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第二卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 2
Cheng Tso-Hsin
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第四卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 4
Cheng Tso-Hsin
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第五卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 5
鹤形目 [行鸟]醒目 鸥醒目
Gruiformes, Charadriiformes, Lariformes
王岐山 马鸣 高育仁
Wang Qishan
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第流卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 6
鸽形目 鹦形目 鹃形目 鴞形目
Columbiformes, Psittaciformes, Cuculiformes, Strigiformes
郑作新 冼耀华 关贯勋
Cheng Tso-Hsin, Xian Yaohua, Guan Guanxun
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第七卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 7
夜鹰目 雨燕目 咬鹃目 佛法僧目 列鸟形目
Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes, Trogoniformes, Coraciiformes, Piciformes
谭耀匡 关贯勋
Tan Yaokuang, Guan Guanxun
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第八卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 8
雀形目 (阔嘴科-和平鸟科)
Passeriformes (Eurylaimidae - Irenidae)
Zheng Baolai et al
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第十卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 10
雀形目 (鶲科-I 鸫亚科)
Passeriformes (Muscicapidae I Turdinae)
郑作新 龙泽虞 卢汰春
Cheng Tso-Hsin, Long Zeyu, Lu Taichun
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第十一卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 11
雀形目 (鶲科-II 画眉亚科)
Passeriformes (Muscicapidae I Timaliinae)
郑作新 龙泽虞 郑宝赉
Cheng Tso-Hsin, Long Zeyu, Zheng Baolai
Science Press
中国动物志 - 鸟纲第十一卷
Fauna Sinica - Aves Vol 11
雀形目 (鶲科-II 画眉亚科)
Passeriformes (Muscicapidae I Timaliinae)
郑作新 龙泽虞 郑宝赉
Cheng Tso-Hsin, Long Zeyu, Zheng Baolai
Science Press
The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World (Third Edition) Editor: Edward C. Dickinson Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersey 2003 hm2003
Our earlier standard for taxonomy and naming. Now in the process of conversion to HM4.
The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World (Fourth Edition) Volume 1 Non-Passeriformes Editors: Edward C. Dickinson and JV Remsen Jr. Aves Press Eastbourne 2013 hm2013
Our new standard for taxonomy and English naming.
The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World (Fourth Edition) Volume 2 Passeriformes Editors: Edward C. Dickinson and L Christidis Aves Press Eastbourne 2014 hm2014
Our new standard for taxonomy and English naming.
Avibase Denis Lepage's Avibase     avibase
The world's most comprehensive database of bird species, including names from major languages. An amazing database that includes Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Russian, French, Kazakh names, along with many others, and has not only been an excellent source for the naming of birds, but an invaluable guide to the increasing complexities of avian classification.

Mainland Chinese names: Several sources have been followed. These include Cheng Tso-Hsin's 2000 list of birds of China (1), Zheng Guangmei's checklist of birds of China (2), MacKinnon and Phillipps field guide to China (3), Zheng Guangmei's world birdlist (4), and Cheng Tso-Hsin's world birdlist (5).

香港及華南鳥類 (Birds of Hong Kong and South China) by Viney et al (1994) has been used to supply some additional names and for further information on species and splits. Note that all names by Viney have been changed into Simplified Characters.

Lim has been used to add bird names from Singapore. Lim uses Cheng Tso-Hsin's Birds of the World (in Chinese), published by Science Publishing Bureau in 1999 and occasionally differs not only from ZGM but from other sources as well.

Taiwanese names: Both the' Field Guide to the Birds of China' (Taipei 1996) and the 'Bird Names of Taiwan' web site have been used, although some minor differences can be found between them.

Japanese: 'A Field Guide to Birds of Japan' has been used, supplemented by Internet sources. Internet sources are remarkably reliable for Japanese because of the remarkable discipline and order in naming. Very seldom do you encounter people trying to push their own names without consulting with other people.

Vietnamese: Professor Vo Quy's authoritative checklist has been followed, supplemented by Chim Việt Nam (Names from Chim Việt Nam are shown below Professor Vo's standard name, separated by a bar).

Mongolian: The authoritative Dictionary of Mongolian Bird Names in Ten Languages (14) has been used. Further names have been sourced at A Dictionary of Vertebrate Animals of Mongolia (15), although the basis for the addition of quite a few additional species over (14) is not explained. Inner Mongolian names have been derived from 汉蒙名词术语分类词典(自然科学部分)(Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг)) (31) and from Inner Mongolian general dictionaries. Avibase has also been used to check previously current names.

Korean: The Birds Korea checklist (17) has been followed. Romanisation is from thelapan, an excellent online site that will immediately transliterate Korean letters into the recently adopted rr romanisation. Meanings have been checked from the, with invaluable help from Wiktionary.

Thai: The Thai names follow the Thai checklist of 2008 (18). For transliteration and glosses, I originally used thai2english, but this has been superseded by the efforts of Michael Nichols.

Kazakh: The Kazakh names follow the list found at the Kazakh Birds site (no longer on line). I have a Kazakh-Mongolian Dictionary that helps with glossing the names.

Malay: The Malay names are derived from a variety of sources (18-29) shown above.

Indonesian: Indonesian names are taken from the Nusantara list (30).

Other bird sources

In addition to the main sources, the following have been referred to, especially in order to provide popular names:

Hiraizumi's Japanese bird dictionary   Comprehensive, good for Chinese characters and local names throughout Japan (which, however, are too detailed and numerous to be included in this site).  
Search Birds   List of Japanese names for species around the world. I have used it as the standard for non-native birds. This list also has an English version.  
Birding   List of Japanese names for species around the world, but can only be looked up if you already know the Japanese name. Useful at times for finding Chinese characters.  

Wikipedia lists of birds in:


  I have used these in places for newer species where Wikipedia is virtually the only source for Japanese names. I do so with some trepidation as Wikipedia in general can be a mixed bag. Articles on other subjects range from excellent to mediocre to just plain wrong.  
A Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia
by Craig Robson
Princeton 2000 Good for checking South Chinese and Southeast Asian species using Sibley-Monroe names and species. English only.
Search Birdy   Source of English bird names around the world, German names are a plus.  
The Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight Field Guide to the Birds of Australia Angus & Robertson 1999 Useful background.  
Unofficial checklist of the birds of Japan   Gives bird names in Japanese  
Checklist of the birds of Japan   Another checklist of birds in Japan with Japanese names  
A Checklist of the Birds of Malaysia Bird Conservation Council,
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS)
Persuatan Pencinta Alam Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur 2005
Richard Gregory-Smith's "Birds of Sarawak: A Digital Annotated Checklist" Richard Gregory-Smith A list of birds in Sarawak, with species names in Malay.  

Nuôi Chim Những Điều Cần Biết
by Hồng Anh
Nhà Xuất Bản Mũi Cà Mau 2002 Small book about keeping birds as pets. The names (mainly parrots and similar birds) do not follow the official scientific names at all. Since there is some question that the scientific names represent normal usage in Vietnam, I have included several names from this book.
People's Education Press - Scientific Knowledge Column   Also good selection, somewhat shorter  
Rare and endangered species of China - birds      
Government cites site   Gives a lot of popular or variant names, although the list is rather disordered and some character usage is cavalier or suspect  
Chinese (Taiwan)      
Taiwan bird page      


Dictionaries and reference books

Chinese (Mainland)      
辞海 Cihai 上海辞书出版社
Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe 1999
A Chinese encyclopaedia. Gives a greater variety of popular names than the following (Xiandai Han'yu Cidian). I have used it as a standard source of popular names.  
Xiandai Han'yu Cidian
Shāngwùyìn Shūguǎn (Commercial Press)
Standard, strong on birds and animals, gives officially accepted popular names. The Revised edition of 1999 is much weaker on birds than the 1993 edition.  
(Zhong-Ri Fenlei Cidian),
Edited by Zhang Hui-Fu, Jin Mu-Zhen, and Guo Ya-Kun
Waiwen Chubanshe 1990
Contains an excellent list of bird name equivalents in C-J, although with a couple of mistakes.  
ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese
by Axel Schuessler
University of Hawa'i Press
Useful for very old Chinese etymologies ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese
Tư Điển Việt-Anh
Vietnamese-English Dictionary
(Bùi Phụng)
in two volumes
Nhà Xuất Bản Thế Giới 2000 Vietnamese-English dictionary. Generally up to date with the usage of the Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam, but also carries some other names (no clear species identification). Từ Điển Việt-Anh
Tư Điển Anh-Việt
English-Vietnamese Dictionary
Viện Ngôn Ngữ Học
Nhà Xuất Bản Thế TP. Hồ Chí Minh 1995 Gives definitions in both English and Vietnamese Từ điển Anh-Việt English-Vietnamese Dictionary
Việt-Anh Tự-Điển
Vietnamese English Dictionary

by Nguyễn-Văn-Không
Knowledge Publishing Co., Kowloon Preface dated 1984 in Saigon Việt-Anh Tự-Điển Vietnamese English Dictionary 越英辭典
NTC's Vietnamese-English Dictionary
by Dinh-hoa Nguyen
NTC Publishing Group
Lincolnwood Chicago
  NTC's Vietnamese-English Dictionary
Tự-Điển Tiêu-Chuẩn Anh-Việt
Standard Pronouncing English-Vietnamese Dictionary

by Lê Bá Kông Giáo-sư
Ziên-Hồng Prefaces dated 1950 in Hanoi, 1968 in Saigon. Tự-Điển Tiêu-Chuẩn Anh-Việt
The Oxford Modern English Dictionary
Từ Điển Anh-Việt
English-Vietnamese Dictionary

Edited by Nguyển Sanh Phúc
Nhà Xuất Bản Đồng Nai
Biên Hòa, Đồng Nai Prov.
Small dictionary Oxford Modern English Dictionary Từ Điển Anh-Việt
The Little Oxford Dictionary
Từ Điển Anh-Việt
English-Vietnamese Dictionary

Edited by Ning Hùng
Nhà Xuất Bản Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
Small dictionary used as backup Little Oxford Dictionary Từ Điển Anh-Việt
Han-Yue Cidian
Từ Điển Hán-Việt
Shāngwùyìn Shūguǎn (Commercial Press) 1997
Chinese-Vietnamese dictionary. Although modern, it is only marginally useful for birds. 汉越词典
Từ Điển Việt Hán
Edited byGiáo sư Đinh Gia Khánh
Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục 1996 Vietnamese-Chinese dictionary. Dated but useful for checking the existence of other bird names. Từ điển Việt Hán
Nhật-Việt Tiễu Tự Điễn


Nhà Xuất Bản Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

Useful at times to check Japanese translation into Vietnamese Nhật-Việt Tiễu Tự Điễn 日越小辭典
Việt-Nhật Tiễu Tự Điễn
東京 1986
Useful to check Japanese translation of Vietnamese terms. My copy appears to be pirated. (No image available)
Đại từ điển Tiếng Việt
Edited by Nguyễn Như Ý
Nhà Xuất Bản Văn Hóa-Thông Tin 1999 General monolingual dictionary of Vietnamese. Marginally useful. Bird explanations very general. Entry for 'penguin' notes that they occur at the north pole. Đại từ điển Tiếng Việt
Từ Điển Tiểng Việt
Edited by Hoàng Phê et al.
Nhà Xuất Bản Đà Nẵng
Trung Tâm Từ Điển Học 2000
General monolingual dictionary of Vietnamese. Marginally useful. Bird explanations are too general to be of great use. Từ Điển Tiểng Việt
Từ Điển Đối Chiếu
Từ Địa Phương

Edited by Nguyễn Như Ý
Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục 2001 Dictionary of Vietnamese dialect terms; useful for checking dialect variation. vietnamese dialect dictionary
Монгол хэлний дэлгэрэнгүй тайлбар толь
Монгол улсын шинжлэх ухааны акадэми
General Editor: Л. Болд (L. Bold)
Улаанбаатар 2008 Although billed as the largest, most comprehensive dictionary of the Mongolian language, this 5-volume set is marked by many curious lacunae. For bird names, descriptions are sometimes detailed, sometimes vague, but don't spell out the actual species in scientific terms or mark synonymy (alternative names for the same species will read as though they are descirbing separate species). Pictured is volume 1. five-volume mongolian dictionary
wǔtǐ qīngwén jiàn
Таван зүйлийн үсгээр хавсарсан манж үгний толь бичиг Tavaŋ züiliŋ üsgeer khavsarsaŋ maŋj ügni tol' bichig
(In three volumes)
A source of pre-modern names dating to the late 18th century and originally published in 1805. Based on Inner Mongolian usage (Inner Mongolia was the centre of Mongolian culture at the time). wutiqingwenjian
Шинэ Монгол - Хятад толь
Shāngwùyìn Shūguǎn (Commercial Press)
Indispensible. Carries lots of words not found anywhere else. However, as a dictionary compiled in China it does not reflect the Mongolian standard since it includes many Inner Mongolian terms (not marked as such) and some spellings are suspect. Chinese translations are sometimes idiosyncratic (localised or literary). shine mongol hyatad tol'
蒙汉词典 增订本
Монгол Хятад толь нэмэн засахсан дэвтэр
內蒙古大学出版社 / Өвөрмөнголын их сургалийн хэвлэлийн хороо 1999
Standard Mongolian-Chinese dictionary in China. Inner Mongolian standard. menghan cidian
多功能 新蒙汉词典
Олон чадвартай Шинэ Монгол Хятад толь

Edited by 特沫若
Takes a less purist approach to Mongolian vocabulary. 多功能新汉蒙词典
汉蒙词典 第三版
Хятад Монгол толь гуравдугаар хэвлэл
Authoritative for Inner Mongolian 汉蒙词典
A Modern Mongolian-English Dictionary
Editor: Gombojab Hangin et al
Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies
A relatively early dictionary with careful definitions. A Modern Mongolian-English Dictionary
Mongolian-English Dictionary 4th edition
by Ch. Ganhuyag (Chief Editor)
2012 Despite its claim to comprehensive coverage, this dictionary is very heavily slanted towards modern vocabulary and is very poor on traditional vocabulary or that related to the natural world. English Mongolian dictionary
English-Mongolian Dictionary
by Ch. Ganhuyag (Chief Editor)
2010 Similar problem to the Mongolian-English dictionary (above). english mongolian dictionary ganhuyag
Англи Монгол толь
(English-Mongolian Dictionary)
Э. Чинбат (E. Chinbat)
Fairly large dictionary English Mongolian dictionary
Oxford Monsudar English-Mongolian Dictionary
Оксфорд-Mонсудар Англи-Монгол толь

Editor: Amarsanaa Luvsandorj
Good idiomatic dictionary but lacks many words Monsudar Oxfor E-M dictionary
Монгольско-русский словарь
(Монгол орос толь)
А. Лувсандандэва
Государственное Издатэльство Иностранных и национальных словарей
Moscow 1957
Mongolian-Russian dictionary Mongol Oros Tol'
Орос Монгол толь
(Русско-Монгольский словарь)

Ш. Лувсанвандан
Улсын хэвлэлэйн газар
Ulaanbaatar 1982
Standard cookie-cutter Russian-Mongolian dictionary oros mongol tol'
Ород=Бурят-Монгол словарь
(Русско=Byрят-Монгольский словарь)

Ц. Б. цыдендамбаевай
Хари ба национальна словарьнуудай гүрэнэй хэблэл
Moscow 1954
Standard cookie-cutter Russian-Buryat dictionary orod buryad tol'
和蒙辞典 増訂2版 Wa-mō jiten
Япон-Монгол толь бичиг Нэмж засварласан хоёр дахь хэвлэл
Санжийн Дэмбэрэл
Ulaanbaatar 2010
Fairly large new Japanese-Mongolian dictionary Japanese Mongolian dictionary
現代モンゴル語辞典 改定増補版
Орчин үеийн Монгол-Япон хэлний товч толь

Edited by 小沢重男 (Озава шигэо)
My copies are Mongolian reproductions.
Mongolian-Japanese dictionary, contains traditional orthography in romanised form. Japanese Mongolian dictionary
Монгол Англи Япон толь
A Modern Mongolian-English-Japanese Dictionary
From about 1977; my copy appears to be a Mongolian reproduction
Useful at times for checking names and meanings, although not very comprehensive and uses idiosyncratic Mongolian spelling. Mongolian-English-Japanese
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary Merriam-Webster 1983 Because I haven't got anything newer.  
A New Practical Chinese-English Dictionary edited by Liang Shi-Qiu
Far Eastern Publishing
Good for Taiwanese and pre-1949 usages.  
Chinese-English Dictionary, revised edition.
Waiyu Jiaoyu yu Yanjiu Chubanshe 1995
Reliable, comprehensive accurate. A must-have dictionary.  
Iwanami's Japanese-Chinese Dictionary
Edited by Kuraishi Takeshiro 倉石武四郎, reprinted for the Chinese market.
Shāngwùyìn Shūguǎn (Commercial Press) 1997
Tries to steer clear of literal renderings, unlike some other J-C dictionaries, but vocabulary is rather limited.  
Ri-Zhong Cidian (J-C)
Shogakkan 1987
Japanese-Chinese dictionary. Sometimes useful, but a tendency to literally translate from the Japanese means that it is often off course.  
Zhong-Ri Cidian (C-J)
Shogakkan 1992
Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Closely follows the 现代汉语词典 Xiandai Han'yu Cidian.  
Chunichi Dai Jiten (C-J), 2nd expanded edition
Taishukan 1987
Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Accurate scientifically and extremely good for popular Chinese variants. Definitions are careful to avoid the literal translation trap, synonyms are marked conscientiously. Leaves the others for dead in the size of its vocabulary. 中日大辞典
大辞泉 Daijisen, edited by Matsumura Akira et al. 小学館
Shogakkan 1995
Strong on animal and bird names, good for Chinese characters and common alternative names. I have used this as the standard source of variant names.  
Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary for the General Reader
Edited by T. Matsuda
Kenkyusha 1984 Slightly dated but good.  
Obunsha's Kan'wa Jiten, reprinted for the Chinese market.
Shijie Tushu Chubanshe 1997
Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters. Useful for looking at the Classical Chinese roots of Japanese character usage.  
A Malay-English Dictionary (Romanised)
by R.J. Wilkinson C.M.G
Mytilene (Greece) 1932  
A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary: Second Edition
by Alan M. Stevens and A. Ed. Schmidgall-Tellings
Ohio University Press 2010 As the name implies, a large and comprehensive Indonesian-English dictionary.