This site is devoted to bird names in different languages of Asia. Sibagu is the Classical Mongolian word for 'bird'. In the traditional script this is written , using the letters ᠰ᠊, ᠊ᠢ᠊, ᠊ᠪ᠊, ᠊ᠠ᠊, ᠊ᠭ᠋᠊, ᠊ᠣ (s-i-b-a-g-u) but it is pronounced shuvuu (or even shuwuu) in modern Mongolian.
The site icon is , a highly stylised version of the Mongolian traditional script based on calligraphy by the well-known Inner Mongolian artist Tuya. In this particular case the calligraphic style has been influenced by Chinese calligraphy, which visualises each character as a square. More traditional styles of Mongolian calligraphy are in linear form travelling from top to bottom down the page.
Current content is:
* How to find the Chinese species names of almost all the birds in the world, and find out the pronunciation and meaning as well.
* The convoluted way the Japanese have adapted Chinese characters to writing Japanese bird names.
* How the Chinese word for 'oriole', a staple of classical poetry, has been expanded to unrelated birds under the influence of Japanese.
* Multilingual bird lists for the following countries:
List of updates is here.
Sources are here.
Links page is here.