Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Comments and corrections welcome. Hover over Green Lettering Green lettering at this site hides a tool tip with glosses, further explanations, etc. Hover cursor to reveal. to see additional information.
Prior to the strong influence of ornithological naming, นกนางนวล nók naaŋ-nuan collectively referred to all species of terns and gulls without differentiation. The name is a combination of นวล nuan, a colour term meaning 'soft, pale, or light coloured; cream or ivory coloured, etc.' together with an old wildlife prefix นาง- naaŋ-.
In all of Southeast Asia, terns are much more common than gulls, and it is possible that the primary referent for นกนางนวล nók naaŋ-nuan was originally 'tern'. As late as (18), fifteen species of tern were reported and only a single species of gull (which was named as 'large'). The joint influence of Western languages and scientific taxonomy have focused the modern primary meaning of นกนางนวล nók naaŋ-nuan as 'gull' (Larinae), although 'tern' is still included in all dictionary definitions.
As a result, the Sterninae terns have been differentiated as นกนางนวลแกลบ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep, intended as 'lesser gull'. (The ornithological meaning of แกลบ klàeep is 'lesser', but generally it means 'something light in weight and easily blown by the wind, e.g. chaff, tissue paper, etc.'.)
The Rychopinae skimmers are known by the separate name of นกกรีดน้ำ nók krìit-náam 'water-cutter (bird)'.
In (22, 23) the three subfamilies of the H&M 3 Laridae have been promoted to family rank with the following family names:
Rhynchopidae วงศ์นกกรีดน้ำ woŋ nók krìit-náam 'skimmer family'.
Sternidae วงศ์นกน็อดดีและนกนางนวลแกลบ woŋ nók nóat-dii láe nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep 'noddy and tern family'.
Laridae วงศ์นกนางนวล woŋ nók naaŋ-nuan 'gull family'.
With the breakup of the Larus argentatus (Herring Gull) complex, it is difficult to get clear information on the distribution or naming of species. The original naming of the Herring Gull is as follows:
Latin |
English/French |
Thai |
Malaysian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Larus argentatus |
Herring Gull | นกนางนวลแฮร์ริ่ง nók naaŋ-nuan haee-rîŋ 'herring gull (bird)' (haee-rîng from English 'herring') (20, 20a) |
Burung Camar Melaka 'Malaccan tern (bird)' (24) |
Chim Mòng bể chân vàng 'yellow-legged sea gull (bird)' ![]() ![]() |
银鸥 (銀鷗) 'silver-gull' Taiwan: (黑脊鸥) 黑脊鷗 'black-spined gull' |
セグロカモメ (背黒鴎) se-guro kamome 'black-backed gull' |
In the species table below, the species occurring in Thailand are treated as Larus fuscus (L. f. heuglini) and L. smithsonianus (L. s. mongolicus).
Species names
ANOINAE | ||||||||
Anous | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Anous stolidus![]() ![]() |
Brown noddy Common noddy Noddy Tern |
นกน็อดดี nók nóat-dii 'noddy (bird)' (nóat-dii from English 'noddy') |
นกน็อดดี้ nók nóat-dîi 'noddy (bird)' (nóat-dîi from English 'noddy') (20, 20a) นกนอดดี nók nôaat-dii 'noddy (bird)' (nôaat-dii from English 'noddy') (21) นกนอดดี้ nók nôaat-dîi 'noddy (bird)' (nôaat-dîi from English 'noddy') (18, 19) |
Burung Camar Angguk 'nodding tern (bird)' (24, 25, 26, 28) |
Burung Camar-angguk Coklat 'brown nodding-tern (bird)' Burung Camar-angguk Hitam Besar 'large black sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn đầu xám 'grey-headed tern (bird)' (12, 34) |
白顶玄鸥 (白頂玄鷗) 'white-headed dark-gull' (1, 3, 36) 白顶玄燕鸥 (白頂玄燕鷗) 'white-headed dark swallow-gull' (2, 4, 5) Taiwan: (玄燕鸥) 玄燕鷗 'dark swallow-gull' |
クロアジサシ (黒鯵刺) kuro aji-sashi 'black tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
RYNCHOPINAE | ||||||||
Rynchops | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Rynchops albicollis![]() ![]() |
Indian skimmer | นกกรีดน้ำ nók krìit-náam 'water-cutter (bird)' |
Burung Seludang India 'Indian Indian spathe[-billed] bird' (24) |
Chim Xúc cá 'scoop-fish bird' (12) |
剪嘴鸥 (剪嘴鷗) 'scissor-billed gull' or 白领剪嘴鸥 (白領剪嘴鷗) 'white-collared scissor-billed gull' (alt in 5) |
シロエリハサミアジサシ (白襟鋏鯵刺) shiro-eri hasami aji-sashi 'white-collared scissor tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
LARINAE | ||||||||
Rissa | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Rissa tridactyla Larus tridactylus ![]() ![]() |
Black-legged kittiwake Kittiwake |
นกคิตติเวกขาดำ nók kʰít-tì-wêek kʰăa-dam 'black-legged kittiwake-bird' (from English 'kittiwake') |
三趾鸥 (三趾鷗) 'three-toed gull' |
ミツユビカモメ (三つ趾鴎) mitsu-yubi kamome 'three-toed gull' |
Chroicocephalus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Chroicocephalus genei Larus genei ![]() ![]() |
Slender-billed gull | นกนางนวลปากเรียว nók naaŋ-nuan pàak-riaw 'slender-billed gull' |
Larus genei: 细嘴鸥 (細嘴鷗) 'slender-billed gull' |
Larus genei: ハシボソカモメ (嘴細鴎) hashi-boso kamome 'slender-billed gull' |
Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus Larus brunnicephalus ![]() ![]() |
Brown-headed gull Indian black-headed gull |
นกนางนวลธรรมดา nók naaŋ-nuan tʰam-ma-daa 'common gull (bird)' |
นกนางนวลหัวสีน้ำตาล nók naaŋ-nuan hŭa-sĭi-nám-taan 'brown-headed gull (bird)' (alt in 21) นกนางนวล nók naaŋ-nuan 'gull (bird)' (18) นกนางนวลใหญ่ nók naaŋ-nuan yày 'large gull (bird)' (18) |
Larus brunnicephalus: Burung Camar Topeng Coklat 'brown-masked tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Kepala Coklat 'brown-headed tern (bird)' (24, 25) |
Larus brunnicephalus: Burung Camar Kepala-coklat 'brown-headed tern (bird)' |
Larus brunnicephalus: Chim Mòng bể đầu nâu 'brown-headed sea gull (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Larus brunnicephalus: 棕头鸥 (棕頭鷗) 'reddishbrown-headed gull' Taiwan: Larus brunnicephalus: Larus brunnicephalus: (棕头鸥) 棕頭鷗 'reddishbrown-headed gull' |
Larus brunnicephalus: チャガシラカモメ (茶頭鴎) cha-gashira kamome 'brown-headed gull' |
Chroicocephalus ridibundis Larus ridibundis ![]() |
Black-headed Gull Common Black-headed Gull |
นกนางนวลขอบปีกขาว nók naaŋ-nuan kʰòaap-pìik kʰăaw 'white-border-winged gull (bird)' |
Larus ridibundis: Burung Camar Topeng Hitam 'black-masked tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Kepala Hitam 'black-headed tern (bird)' (24, 25) |
Larus ridibundis: Burung Camar Kepala-hitam 'black-headed tern (bird)' |
Larus ridibundis: Chim Mòng bể 'sea gull (bird)' (12, 34) |
Larus ridibundis: 红嘴鸥 (紅嘴鷗) 'red-billed gull' Taiwan: Larus ridibundis: Larus ridibundis: (红嘴鸥) 紅嘴鷗 'red-billed gull' |
Larus ridibundis: ユリカモメ (百合鴎) yuri kamome 'lily gull' |
Hydrocoloeus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Hydrocoloeus minutus Larus minutus ![]() ![]() |
Little gull | นกนางนวลเล็ก nók naaŋ-nuan lék 'small gull' |
Larus minutus: 小鸥 (小鷗) 'little gull' |
Larus minutus: ヒメカモメ (姫鴎) hime kamome 'princess gull' |
Ichthyaetus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Ichthyaetus hemprichii Larus hemprichii |
Sooty gull | นกนางนวลสีเทาดำ nók naaŋ-nuan sĭi-tʰaw-dam 'black-grey gull (bird)' |
Larus hemprichii: 白领鸥 (白領鷗) 'white-collared gull' (4) 烟黑鸥 (煙黑鷗) 'smoke-black gull' (5) |
Larus hemprichii: ススケカモメ (煤け鴎) susuke-kamome 'soot gull' |
Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus Larus ichthyaetus ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pallas's Gull or Great Black-headed Gull |
นกนางนวลหัวดำใหญ่ nók naaŋ-nuan hŭa-dam yày 'large black-headed gull (bird)' |
Larus ichthyaetus: Burung Camar Kepala Hitam Besar 'large black-headed tern (bird)' (24) |
Larus ichthyaetus: Chim Mòng bể đầu đen lớn 'large black-headed sea gull (bird)' (12) |
Larus ichthyaetus: 渔鸥 (漁鷗) 'fishing gull' Taiwan: Larus ichthyaetus: (渔鸥) 漁鷗 'fishing gull' |
Larus ichthyaetus: オオズグロカモメ (大頭黒鴎) ō zu-guro kamome 'large black-headed gull' |
Larus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Larus crassirostris![]() ![]() ![]() |
Black-tailed gull Japanese gull |
นกนางนวลหางดำ nók naaŋ-nuan hăaŋ-dam 'black-tailed gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Ekor Hitam 'black-tailed tern (bird)' (24) |
Chim Mòng bể đuôi đen 'black-tailed sea gull (bird)' (12, 13) |
黑尾鸥 (黑尾鷗) 'black-tailed gull' Taiwan: (黑尾鸥) 黑尾鷗 'black-tailed gull' |
ウミネコ (海猫) umi-neko 'sea cat' |
Larus canus![]() ![]() ![]() |
gull Common gull |
นกนางนวลปากเหลือง nók naaŋ-nuan pàak-lĕuaŋ 'yellow-billed gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Balai'balai tern (bird)' (24) | Chim Mòng bể đầu trắng 'white-headed sea gull (bird)' (12, 34) |
海鸥 (海鷗) 'sea gull (bird)' Taiwan: (海鸥) 海鷗 'sea gull (bird)' |
カモメ (鴎) kamome 'gull' |
Larus fuscus![]() |
Lesser black-backed gull | นกนางนวลหลังดำเล็ก nók naaŋ-nuan lăŋ-dam lék 'small black-backed gull (bird)' ![]() ![]() |
Burung Camar Cina 'Chinese tern (bird)' (28) ![]() ![]() |
Chim Mòng bể chân vàng 'yellow-legged sea gull (bird)' (13) ![]() ![]() |
小黑背银鸥 (小黑背銀鷗) 'silver-gull' (2, 5) ![]() ![]() Taiwan: (小黑背鸥) 小黑背鷗 'silver-gull' ![]() ![]() |
ニシセグロカモメ (西背黒鴎) nishi se-guro kamome 'western black-backed gull' ![]() ![]() |
Larus smithsonianus | American Herring Gull | Larus mongolicus: นกนางนวลพันธุ์มองโกเลีย nók naaŋ-nuan pʰan moaaŋ-koo-lia 'Mongolian species gull (bird)' |
นกนางนวลแฮร์ริ่ง nók naaŋ-nuan haee-rîŋ 'herring gull (bird)' (haee-rîng from English 'herring') (20, 20a) นกนางนวลเฮอริง nók naaŋ-nuan heuu-riŋ 'herring gull (bird)' (heuu-riŋ from English 'herring') (21) |
Larus argentatus: 银鸥 (銀鷗) 'silver-gull' ![]() ![]() |
Larus argentatus: セグロカモメ (背黒鴎) se-guro kamome 'black-backed gull' ![]() ![]() |
Larus schistisagus![]() ![]() ![]() |
Slaty-backed gull | นกนางนวลหลังเทา nók naaŋ-nuan lăŋ-tʰaw 'grey-backed gull' |
Burung Camar Hinggap 'alighting tern (bird)' (24) | 灰背鸥 (灰背鷗) 'grey-backed gull' |
オオセグロカモメ (大背黒鴎) ō se-guro kamome 'large black-backed gull' |
STERNINAE | ||||||||
Onychoprion | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Onychoprion fuscatus Sterna fuscata ![]() |
Sooty Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบดำ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep dam 'black lesser-gull (bird)' |
Sterna fuscata: Burung Camar Angin 'wind tern (bird)'(24, 25, 26, 28) |
Sterna fuscata: Burung Dara-laut Sayap-hitam 'black-winged sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Sayap Hitam 'black-winged sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Sterna fuscata (12, 13): Chim Nhàn nâu 'brown tern (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Sterna fuscata: 乌燕鸥 (烏燕鷗) 'dark swallow-gull' Taiwan: Sterna fuscata: (乌领燕鸥) 烏領燕鷗 'dark-collared swallow-gull' |
Sterna fuscata: セグロアジサシ (背黒鯵刺) se-guro aji-sashi 'black-backed tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Onychoprion anaethetus Onychoprion anethetus Sterna anaethetus |
Bridled tern Brown-winged Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบคิ้วขาว nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep kʰíw-kʰăaw 'white-eyebrowed lesser-gull (bird)' |
Sterna anaethetus: Burung Camar Batu 'rock tern (bird)' (24, 25, 26, 28) |
Sterna anaethetus: Burung Dara-laut Batu 'rock sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Sayap Coklat 'brown-winged sea-pigeon (bird)'(29) |
Sterna anaethetus: Chim Nhàn lưng đen 'black-backed tern (bird)' (12, 13) |
Sterna anaethetus: 褐翅燕鸥 (褐翅燕鷗) 'brown-winged swallow-gull' Taiwan: Sterna anaethetus: (白眉燕鸥) 白眉燕鷗 'white-eyebrowed swallow-gull' |
Sterna anaethetus: マミジロアジサシ (眉白鯵刺) mami-jiro aji-sashi 'white-eyebrowed tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Sternula | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Sternula albifrons Sterna albifrons ![]() ![]() |
Little Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบเล็ก nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep lék 'small lesser-gull (bird)' |
Sterna saundersi: นกนางนวลแกลบน้ำเค็ม nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep nám-kʰem 'salt-water lesser-gull (bird)' (21) |
Sterna albifrons: Burung Camar Kecil 'small tern (bird)' (old, 24, 25, 26, 28) |
Sterna albifrons: Burung Dara-laut Kecil 'small sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Kecil 'small sea-pigeon (tern)' (29) |
Sterna albifrons (12, 13): Chim Nhàn nhỏ 'small tern (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Sterna albifrons: 白额燕鸥 (白額燕鷗) 'white-foreheaded swallow-gull' Taiwan: Sterna albifrons: (小燕鸥) 小燕鷗 'small swallow-gull' |
Sterna albifrons: コアジサシ (小鯵刺) ko aji-sashi 'small tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Gelochelidon | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Gelochelidon nilotica Sterna nilotica ![]() ![]() |
Gull-billed Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบปากหนา nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep pàak năa 'thick-billed lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Tiram 'oyster tern (bird)' (24, 26, 28) Burung Camar Ketam 'crab tern (bird)' (25) (conflicts with Sterna saundersi) |
Burung Dara-laut Tiram 'oyster sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara-laut Paruh Lebar 'broad-billed sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn chân đen 'black-legged tern' (12, 13, 34) |
鸥嘴噪鸥 (鷗嘴噪鷗) 'gull-billed noisy gull' Taiwan: (鸥嘴燕鸥) 鷗嘴燕鷗 'gull-billed swallow-gull' |
ハシブトアジサシ (嘴太鯵刺) hashi-buto aji-sashi 'thick-billed tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Hydroprogne | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Hydroprogne caspia Sterna caspia Hydroprogne tschegrava ![]() ![]() |
Caspian Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบแคสเปียน nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep kʰaee-sà-pĭan 'Caspian lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Caspian 'Caspian tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Kaspian 'Caspian tern (bird)' (24) Burung Camar Kaspia 'Caspian tern (bird)' (25) |
Burung Dara-laut Caspia 'Caspian sea-pigeon (bird)' |
Sterna caspia (13): Chim Nhàn Caxpia 'Caspian tern' (12, 13, 34) |
红嘴巨鸥 (紅嘴巨鷗) 'red-billed giant gull' or 黑海巨鸥 (黑海巨鷗) 'Black Sea giant gull' (alt in 5) Taiwan: (里海燕鸥) 裏海燕鷗 'inland sea (=Caspian Sea) swallow-gull' |
オニアジサシ (鬼鯵刺) oni aji-sashi 'ogre tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Chlidonias | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Chlidonias hybrida Chlidonias hybridus Sterna hybrida ![]() ![]() |
Whiskered Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบเคราขาว nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep kʰraw-kʰăaw 'white-whiskered lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Bermisai 'moustached tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Batu Berumbai 'fringed rock tern (bird)' (24) Burung Camar Tasik 'lake tern (bird)' (25) |
Burung Dara-laut Kumis 'moustached sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Berkumis 'moustached sea-pigeon bird' (29) |
Chim Nhàn đen 'black tern (bird)' (12, 13) |
须浮鸥 (鬚浮鷗) 'whiskered floating-gull' Taiwan: (黑腹燕鸥) 黑腹燕鷗 'black-bellied swallow-gull' |
クロハラアジサシ (黒腹鯵刺) kuro-hara aji-sashi 'black-bellied tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Chlidonias leucopterus Sterna leucoptera ![]() ![]() |
White-winged Tern White-winged Black Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบดำปีกขาว nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep dam pìik-kʰăaw 'white-winged black lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Hitam Sayap Putih 'white-winged black tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Kepak Putih 'white-winged tern (bird)' (24) Burung Camar Bahu Putih 'white-shouldered tern (bird)' (25) |
Burung Dara-laut Sayap-putih 'white-winged sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Sayap-putih 'white-winged sea-pigeon (bird)'(29) |
Chim Nhàn xám 'grey tern (bird)' (12, 13) |
白翅浮鸥 (白翅浮鷗) 'white-winged floating-gull' Taiwan: (白翅黑燕鸥) 白翅黑燕鷗 'white-winged black swallow-gull' |
ハジロクロハラアジサシ (羽白黒腹鯵刺) ha-jiro kuro-hara aji-sashi 'white-winged black-bellied tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Sterna | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Sterna aurantia![]() |
River tern Indian river Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบแม่น้ำ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep mâe-náam 'river lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Sungai 'river tern (bird)' (24) |
黄嘴河燕鸥) (黃嘴河燕鷗) 'yellow-billed river swallow-gull' |
カワアジサシ (河鯵刺) kawa ajisashi 'river tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Sterna dougalli![]() ![]() |
Roseate Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบสีกุหลาบ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep sĭi-kù-làap 'rose lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Jambu 'pink tern (bird)' (old, 26, 28) Burung Camar Berjalur 'striped tern (bird)' (possibly an error) (24) Burung Camar Molek 'beautiful tern (bird)' (25) |
Burung Dara-laut Jambon 'pink sea-pigeon (bird)' (jambon is Javanese form of jambu) Burung Dara Laut Jambu 'pink sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn hồng 'rosy tern (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
粉红燕鸥 (粉紅燕鷗) 'pink swallow-gull' Taiwan: (红燕鸥) 紅燕鷗 'red swallow-gull' |
ベニアジサシ (紅鯵刺) beni aji-sashi 'crimson tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Sterna sumatrana![]() |
Black-naped Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบท้ายทอยดำ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep tʰáay-tʰoaay-dam 'black-naped lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Tengkuk Hitam 'black-naped tern (bird)' (26, 28) Burung Camar Topi Hitam 'black-hatted tern (bird)' (24) Burung Camar Sumatera 'Sumatran tern (bird)' (25) |
Burung Dara-laut Tengkuk-hitam 'black-naped sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Sumatera 'Sumatran sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn Xumatra 'Sumatran tern (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
黑枕燕鸥 (黑枕燕鷗) 'black-naped swallow-gull' Taiwan: (苍燕鸥) 蒼燕鷗 'darkblue swallow-gull' |
エリグロアジサシ (襟黒鯵刺) eri-guro aji-sashi 'black-collared tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Sterna hirundo![]() ![]() |
Common Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบธรรมดา nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep tʰam-ma-daa 'common lesser-gull (bird)' |
นกนางนวลแกลบทะเล nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep tʰá-lee 'sea lesser-gull (bird)' (alt in 21) |
Burung Camar 'tern (bird)' Burung Camar Siput 'shell tern (bird)' (24, 25, 26, 28) |
Burung Dara-laut Biasa 'common sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Biasa 'common sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn 'tern (bird)' (12, 13) |
普通燕鸥 (普通燕鷗) 'common swallow-gull' Taiwan: (燕鸥) 燕鷗 'swallow-gull' |
アジサシ (鯵刺) aji-sashi 'tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Sterna acuticauda Sterna melanogaster ![]() |
Black-bellied Tern | นกนางนวลแกลบท้องดำ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep tʰóaaŋ-dam 'black-bellied lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Paruh Hitam 'black-billed tern (bird)' (24) |
Chim Nhàn bụng đen 'black-bellied tern (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
黑腹燕鸥 (黑腹燕鷗) 'black-bellied swallow-gull' |
インドアジサシ (インド鯵刺) indo aji-sashi 'Indian tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Thalasseus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Thai |
Other Th |
Malaysian |
Indonesian |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Thalasseus bengalensis Sterna bengalensis ![]() ![]() |
Lesser crested tern Lesser crested-tern Little crested Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบหงอนเล็ก nók naaŋ-nuan klàeep ŋŏaan lék 'small crested lesser-gull (bird)' |
Sterna bengalensis: Burung Camar Berjambul Kecil 'small crested-tern (bird)' (25) Burung Camar Kecil Berjambul 'crested large tern (bird)' (24, 26) |
Sterna bengalensis: Burung Dara-laut Benggala 'Bengalese sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Jambul Kecil 'small crested sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Sterna bengalensis: 小凤头燕鸥) (小鳳頭燕鷗) 'little phoenix-headed swallow-gull' |
ベンガルアジサシ (ベンガル鯵刺) bengaru ajisashi 'Bengalese tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Thalasseus bernsteini Sterna bernsteini Thalasseus zimmermanni ![]() |
Chinese crested tern Chinese crested-tern Chinese lesser crested Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบจีน nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep ciin 'Chinese lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Berjambul Cina 'Chinese crested-tern (bird)' (25) Burung Camar Cina Berjambul 'crested Chinese tern (bird)' (24) |
Burung Dara-laut Cina 'Chinese sea-pigeon (bird)' |
黑嘴端凤头燕鸥 (黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗) 'black-billed level phoenix-headed swallow-gull' or 黑嘴端燕鸥 (黑嘴端燕鷗) 'black-billed level swallow-gull' (alt in 5) |
ヒガシシナアジサシ (東シナ鯵刺) higashi shina ajisashi 'East China tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Thalasseus bergii Sterna bergii ![]() ![]() |
Greater crested tern Great Crested-tern Crested tern Large crested Tern |
นกนางนวลแกลบหงอนใหญ่ nók naaŋ-nuan-klàeep ŋŏaan yày 'large crested lesser-gull (bird)' |
Burung Camar Berjambul Besar 'large crested-tern (bird)' (25) Burung Camar Besar Berjambul 'crested large tern (bird)' (24, 26, 28) |
Burung Dara-laut Jambul 'crested sea-pigeon (bird)' Burung Dara Laut Jambul Besar 'large crested sea-pigeon (bird)' (29) |
Chim Nhàn mào 'crested tern' (12) |
大凤头燕鸥 (大鳳頭燕鷗) 'large phoenix-headed swallow-gull' Taiwan: (凤头燕鸥) 鳳頭燕鷗 'phoenix-headed swallow-gull' |
オオアジサシ (大鯵刺) ō aji-sashi 'large tern' (aji-sashi written 'horse-mackerel stabber') |
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. Depending on the taxonomy, many sources list Larus heuglini as a separate species. Names include:
'black silver-gull' (35)
'Huilin's silver-gull' (huilin literally 'grey forest') (3)
'Huilin's gull' (huilin literally 'grey forest') (alt in 3)
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. Internet sources propose the following as names for Larus heuglini:
'Huilin's silver-gull' (huilin literally 'grey forest')
'Huilin's silver-gull' (huilin literally 'grey forest')
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. Some Internet sources propose the following for Larus heuglini:
hoigurin kamome
'Heuglin's gull'
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. As an independent species the following name is given for Larus heuglini:
Chim Mòng biển Heuglin
'Heuglin's sea gull (bird)' (33)
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. As an independent species the following name is given for Larus heuglini:
nók naaŋ-nuan lăŋ-dam pʰan rát-sia
'Russian species black-backed gull (bird)'
Larus fuscus includes Larus fuscus heuglini. The following name clearly applies to Larus heuglini:
Burung Camar Heuglin
'Heuglin's tern (bird)' (25)
In classing the Asian herring gulls as Larus smithsonianus (with subspecies L. s. vegae and L. s. mongolicus), Howard and Moore run counter to every existing Chinese naming system. Very few sources even have a name for Larus smithsonianus. Here we've adopted Larus argentatus as per traditional naming. More recent sources give names for L. vegae and L. mongolicus. They include:
Larus vegae:
'Siberian silver-gull' (2), (4), (35)
'weaving girl (=Vega) silver-gull' (3)
'weaving girl gull' (alt in 3)
Larus mongolicus:
'red-legged silver-gull' (7)
'Mongolian silver-gull' (35)
In classing the Asian herring gulls as Larus smithsonianus (with subspecies L. s. vegae and L. s. mongolicus), Howard and Moore run counter to the existing Taiwanese naming system. As of 2014, the Chinese Wild Bird Federation still lists Larus argentatus as the relevant species occuring in Taiwan. For L. vegae, some Internet sites propose the following name:
Larus vegae:
'weaving girl (=Vega) silver-gull'
In classing the Asian herring gulls as Larus smithsonianus (with subspecies L. s. vegae and L. s. mongolicus), Howard and Moore run counter to the existing Japanese naming system. Here we use the original naming for L. argentatus. Subspecies are as follows:
Larus argentatus vegae:
se-guro kamome
'black-backed gull'
Larus argentatus smithsonianus:
amerika se-guro kamome
'American black-backed gull'
H. Hiraizumi's Birding Page: 日本産鳥類目録改訂第7版(日本鳥学会,2012)
Mostly from Robinson (& Chasen) 1927-1939 v1-4; additions from Madoc 1947 (et.seq.), and Glenister 1951 (both mostly names copied from Robinson)
Per (25), the Malaysian specimens previously labeled and named as Sterna saundersi are actually Sterna albrifrons.
The presence of Sterna aleutica in Malaysia is subject to dispute
The white crown is thought to resemble the shaven-bald head of a haji, an Islamic pilgrim
The presence of Anous minutus in Malaysia is from a single record in 1856 which is subject to dispute
The bill of the skimmer is thought to resemble the sheath (or spathe) of a palm blossom, (se)ludang. The same descriptor is also used for a long narrow boat of the same shape.
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002
世界鸟类名称(拉丁文、汉文、英文对照)第二版 郑作新等 科学出版社 北京 2002年
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed. by Cheng Tso-Hsin et al, Science Press, Beijing 2002
中国鸟类分布名录 第二版 郑作新 科学出版社 北京 1976年
(Checklist of the Classification of Birds of China 2nd edition by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 1976)
香港及華南鳥類(第六版)(翻譯成中文及重新修訂) 尹璉、費嘉倫、林超英 香港性徵特區政府新聞處政府印務局 1994年
Birds of Hong Kong and South China (6th edition, translated into Chinese and newly revised) by Clive Viney, Karen Phillipps, Lin Chaoying, Hong Kong Govt. Press 1994
Pocket Checklist of the Birds of the Republic of Singapore / Senai Jenis-Jenis Burung di Singapura / 新加坡野鸟目录 by Lim Kim Seng Nature Society (Singapore) 1999
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam (In lần thứ hai) (Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam) Võ Quý, Nguyễn Cử, Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp, Hà Nội 1999
Chim Việt Nam Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps; Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội, 2000
Bird Guide of Thailand by Lekagul, Boonsong, Ramin Press, Bangkok 1968
Bird Guide of Thailand 2nd edition by Lekagul, Boonsong and Edward W. Cronin, Jr., Kurusapa Ladprao Press, Bangkok 1974
A guide to the Birds of Thailand by Lekagul, Boonsong and Philip D. Round, Saha Karn Bhaet Co., Ltd., Bangkok 1991
Check-list of Thai Birds Round, Philip D., Bird Conservation Society of Thailand, Bangkok 2008. Draft version downloaded from the site of the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand in 2009 but no longer posted there, an expanded update of the species included in Lekagul & Round 1991
นกในเมืองไทย (Birds in Thailand) by รศ. โอภาส ขอบเขตต์ (Assoc. Prof. Obhas Khobkhet), Sarakadee Press, Bangkok 1998
นกเมืองไทย (Birds [of] Thailand) by จารุจินต์ นภีตะภัฏ, กานต์ เลขะกุล, วัชระ สงวนสมบติ (Jarujin Nabhitabata, Karn Lekagul, Wachara Sanguansombat), คณะบุคคล นายแพทย์ บุญส่ง เลขะกุล (Dr Boonsong Lekagul Group), Bangkok 2007
นกเมืองไทย (Birds [of] Thailand) by จารุจินต์ นภีตะภัฏ, กานต์ เลขะกุล, วัชระ สงวนสมบติ (Jarujin Nabhitabata, Karn Lekagul, Wachara Sanguansombat), คณะบุคคล นายแพทย์ บุญส่ง เลขะกุล (Dr Boonsong Lekagul Group), Bangkok 2012
Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981
(List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981)
Previously online version of: Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981
List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 1 - Non-passerines by Wells, David R., Academic Press, London 1999
A Field Guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore by Jeyarajasingam, Allen and Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 2 - Passerines by Wells, David R., Christopher Helm, A&C Black, London 2007
A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (second edition) by Jeyarajasingham, Allen, Illustrations by Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012
A Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali (second edition) by MacKinnon, John, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta 1990
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim ở Việt Nam (Latinh, Việt, Pháp, Hán) Trần Văn Chánh 2008-2009
中国观鸟年报-中国鸟类名录 1.1 (The CBR Checklist of Birds of China v1.1)中国观鸟年报 (China Bird Review), 2010 ()