Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Comments and corrections welcome. All Malaysian and Indonesian names in the process of conversion into modernised spelling only. Hover over Green Lettering Green lettering at this site hides a tool tip with glosses, further explanations, etc. Hover cursor to reveal. to see additional information.
The fantails are known in Malay as Burung Murai Gila 'crazy thrush (bird)'.
Many species across a number of families are called Murai 'thrush' in Malaysian ornithological naming, including the Turdidae (thrushes), Pachycephalidae (Mangrove Whistler), Oriolidae (Black-and-Crimson Oriole), Muscicapidae (Rock Thrush and Stonechat), Monarchidae (Paradise-flycatchers), Leiothrichidae (some minlas), and Irenidae (Fairy Bluebird).
Indonesian names
In Indonesian ornithological naming the fantails are called Burung Kipasan 'fan-bird'.
Species names
Rhipidura | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Malaysian | Other M |
Indonesian |
Thai |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Rhipidura albicollis![]() |
White-throated fantail White-throated fantail flycatcher |
Burung Murai Gila Gunung 'mountain crazy-thrush (bird)' (26, 27) Burung Sambar Gila Gunung 'mountain crazy-flycatcher) bird' (24) |
Burung Kipasan Gunung 'mountain fan-bird' |
นกอีแพรดคอขาว nók ii-pʰrâeet kʰoaa-kʰăaw 'white-necked fantail (bird)' |
Chim Rẻ quạt họng trắng 'white-throated fanspoke bird' (12, 13, 34) |
白喉扇尾鹟 (白喉扇尾鶲) 'white-throated fan-tailed flycatcher' |
ノドジロオウギビタキ (喉白扇鶲) nodo-jiro ōgi-bitaki 'white-throated fan flycatcher' |
Rhipidura javanica![]() ![]() |
Pied Fantail Malaysian Fantail Black-and-white Fantail |
Burung Murai Gila 'crazy-thrush (bird)' (26) Burung Murai Gila Biasa 'common crazy-thrush (bird)' (27) Burung Sambar Murai Gila 'crazy-thrush-flycatcher (bird)' (24) |
Burung Kipasan Belang 'pied fan-bird' |
นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ nók ii-pʰrâeet tʰàeep-òk-dam 'black-breast-banded fantail (bird)' |
Chim Rẻ quạt Java 'Javanese fanspoke bird' (12, 34) |
斑扇尾鹟 (斑扇尾鶲) 'striped fan-tailed flycatcher' |
ムナオビオウギビタキ (胸帯扇鶲) muna-obi ōgi-bitaki 'breast-banded fan flycatcher' |
Rhipidura perlata![]() |
Spotted fantail | Burung Murai Gila Berbintik 'spotted crazy-thrush (bird)' (26, 27) Burung Sambar Gila Bukit 'hill crazy-flycatcher (bird)' (24) |
Burung Kipasan Mutiara 'pearl fan-bird' |
นกอีแพรดอกลาย nók ii-pʰrâeet òk-laay 'stripe-breasted fantail (bird)' |
珠点扇尾鹟 (珠點扇尾鶲) 'pearl-spotted fan-tailed flycatcher' |
シロボシオウギビタキ (白星扇鶲) shiro-boshi ōgi-bitaki 'white-starred fan flycatcher' |
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002
世界鸟类名称(拉丁文、汉文、英文对照)第二版 郑作新等 科学出版社 北京 2002年
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed. by Cheng Tso-Hsin et al, Science Press, Beijing 2002
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam (In lần thứ hai) (Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam) Võ Quý, Nguyễn Cử, Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp, Hà Nội 1999
Chim Việt Nam Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps; Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội, 2000
Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981
List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981
Previously online version of: Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Perhilitan (Jabatam Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara, Semenanjung Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur 1981
List of the Names of Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Southeast Asia by Ismail, Abdul Rahman, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1981
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 1 - Non-passerines by Wells, David R., Academic Press, London 1999
A Field Guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore by Jeyarajasingam, Allen and Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula: Vol. 2 - Passerines by Wells, David R., Christopher Helm, A&C Black, London 2007
A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (second edition) by Jeyarajasingham, Allen, Illustrations by Alan Pearson, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012
A Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali (second edition) by MacKinnon, John, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta 1990
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim ở Việt Nam (Latinh, Việt, Pháp, Hán) Trần Văn Chánh 2008-2009