Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Pinyin reflects Mandarin pronunciation; for some dialect names, it is no more than a polite fiction. Korean glosses are tentative. Comments and corrections welcome. Hover over Green Lettering Green lettering at this site hides a tool tip with glosses, further explanations, etc. Hover cursor to reveal. to see additional information.
The two genera in the Monarchidae are named separately in Chinese.
1. The paradise flycatchers (Terpsiphone) are known as 绶带鸟 'coloured ribbon bird' or 绶带 'coloured ribbon' because of their colourful appearance. Since 'coloured ribbon' can refer to the type of ribbon that is used on a coffin, the more auspicious-sounding 寿带 'longevity ribbon' is sometimes substituted. 练鹊 'lian magpie' (also 练雀 'lian sparrow') is another name.
2. The Hypothymis monarch flycatcher is known as a 王鹟 'king flycatcher', a calque (loan translation) from English 'monarch flycatcher'. Taiwan uses 蓝鹟 or 'blue flycatcher', a calque on English 'blue flycatcher'. The earliest suggested ornithological name from Chinese Birds 1927 (35) was 华南黑颈鹟 'South China black-naped flycatcher'.
鹟 is used in Chinese for most species known as 'flycatchers' in English at the time of naming. Aside from the monarch flycatchers, this includes many species in the Muscicapidae and Rhipiduridae (fantails). 鹟 in the sense of 'flycatcher' was taken into Chinese from Japanese, where it is used to write hitaki 'flycatcher'.
During the Qing Dynasty in China, the Paradise Flycatcher (练雀 ) was depicted in 'Mandarin Squares' (known as 补子 ) attached to official uniforms of high-ranking bureaucrats. It was the insignia of rank for Grade Nine of civilian official.
Species names
Hypothymis | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Mongolian |
Hypothymis azurea![]() |
Black-naped monarch Black-naped blue monarch Black-naped monarch flycatcher |
黑枕王鹟 (黑枕王鶲) 'black-naped king flycatcher' |
(黑枕蓝鹟) 黑枕藍鶲 'black-naped blue flycatcher' |
クロエリヒタキ (黒襟鶲) kuro-eri hitaki 'black-collared flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi xanh gáy đen 'black-naped blue/green fly-snapping bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Inner M: Хар тачит (?) намнаахай ᠬᠠᠷᠠ ᠲᠠᠴᠢᠳᠣ ᠨᠠᠮᠨᠠᠭᠠᠬᠠᠢ khar tachit (?) namnaakhai 'black-? flycatcher' (33) |
Terpsiphone | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Mongolian |
Terpsiphone atrocaudata![]() |
Japanese paradise-flycatcher Black paradise flycatcher |
紫寿带 (紫壽帶) 'purple longevity ribbon' or 紫寿带鸟 (紫壽帶鳥) 'purple longevity ribbon bird' (alt in 1) |
(紫寿带) 紫壽帶 'purple longevity ribbon' Taiwan formerly: (绶带鸟) 綬帶鳥 'coloured-ribbon bird' |
黑寿带 (黑壽帶) 'black longevity ribbon' 练鹊 (練鵲) 'lian magpie' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 三光鸟 (三光鳥) 'three lights bird' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 日本练鹊 (日本練鵲) 'Japanese lian magpie' (early ornithological) (35) |
サンコウチョウ (三光鳥) sankōchō 'three-lights bird' (cry sounds like 'tsuki hi hoshi = moon sun stars, i.e., the 'three lights') |
삼광조 sam-gwang-jo 'three-lights-bird' |
Chim Thiên đường đuôi đen 'black-tailed paradise bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Terpsiphone incei | Amur paradise-flycatcher | 寿带 (壽帶) 'longevity ribbon' or 寿带鸟 (壽帶鳥) 'longevity ribbon bird' (alt in 1) (shared with Terpsiphone paradisi) |
(亚洲寿带) 亞洲壽帶 'Asian longevity ribbon' (shared with Terpsiphone paradisi) |
练鹊 (練鵲) 'lian magpie' 赭练鹊 (赭練鵲) 'reddishbrown lian magpie' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 白带子 (白帶子) 'white belt' 紫带子 (紫帶子) 'purple belt' 白带子 (白帶子) 'white belt' 老白带子 (老白帶子) 'old white belt' |
- | |||
Terpsiphone affinis | Blyth's Paradise-flycatcher | 寿带鸟马来亚种 (寿带鸟马来亚种) 'longevity ribbon, Malay subspecies' |
- | |||||
Terpsiphone paradisi![]() |
Indian Paradise-flycatcher Asian Paradise-flycatcher Asiatic paradise flycatcher Paradise flycatcher |
寿带 (壽帶) 'longevity ribbon' or 寿带鸟 (壽帶鳥) 'longevity ribbon bird' (alt in 1) (shared with Terpsiphone incei) |
练鹊 (練鵲) 'silk-ribbon magpie' 练雀 (練雀) 'silk-ribbon sparrow' 长尾鹟 (長尾鶲) 'long-tailed flycatcher' (31) 一枝花 (一枝花) 'one flower' 长尾巴鸫 (長尾巴鶇) 'long-tailed thrush' |
カワリサンコウチョウ (変り三光鳥) kawari sankōchō 'variable three-lights bird' |
별삼광조 byeol-sam-gwang-jo 'star three-lights-bird' |
Chim Thiên đường đuôi phướn 'malkoha-tailed paradise bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Inner M: Ганзган сүүлт намнаахай ᠭᠠᠨᠵᠣᠭᠠᠨ ᠰᠡᠭᠦᠯᠲᠦ ᠨᠠᠮᠨᠠᠭᠠᠬᠠᠢ ganzagan süült namnaakhai 'saddlethong-tailed flycatcher' (31) |
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam (In lần thứ hai) (Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam) Võ Quý, Nguyễn Cử, Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp, Hà Nội 1999
Chim Việt Nam Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps; Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội, 2000
汉蒙名词术语分类词典(自然科学部分) Mongolian (Cyrillic): Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг) (Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary, natural sciences part) by 《汉蒙名词术语分类词典》编纂委员会 Mongolian (Cyrillic): "Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь" найруулах комисс (Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary editorial committee), Inner Mongolian People's Press, Hohhot 1990
内蒙古动物志 (第四卷 鸟纲 雀形目) Fauna Inner Mongolia (Volume 4 Aves Passerines), 主编:旭日干 (Chief Editor: Xurigan), 内蒙古人大学版社 (Inner Mongolian University Press), Hohhot 2015
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim ở Việt Nam (Latinh, Việt, Pháp, Hán) Trần Văn Chánh 2008-2009
Chinese Birds (A Tentative List of Chinese Birds) 中國鳥類(中國鳥類目錄試編) N. Gist Gee, Lacy I. Moffett, G. D. Wilder (祁天錫, 慕維德, 萬卓志), Peiping, 1927 (reprinted 1948)