Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Pinyin reflects Mandarin pronunciation; for some dialect names, it is no more than a polite fiction. Korean glosses are tentative. Comments and corrections welcome. Hover over Green Lettering to see additional information.
The Osprey is known in Chinese as 鹗 or alternatively as 鱼鹰 'fish hawk'. The name 鱼鹰 is also used for the cormorants.
2. Species names
Pandion | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Mongolian |
Pandion haliaetus![]() |
Osprey | 鹗 (鶚) 'osprey' or 鱼鹰 (魚鷹) 'fish hawk' (alt in 1, 5) |
(鱼鹰) 魚鷹 'fish hawk' |
ミサゴ (鶚) misago 'osprey' |
물수리 mul-suri 'water eagle' |
Chim Ó cá 'fish eagle1 (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Загасч явлаг ᠵᠢᠭᠠᠰᠣᠴᠢ ᠶᠠᠪᠠᠯᠠᠭ zagasch yavlag 'fishing osprey' Inner M: Явлаг элээ ᠶᠠᠪᠯᠠᠠᠭ ᠡᠯᠢᠶᠠ yavlag elee 'osprey kite' (31, 32) |
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002