Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Species list may not be current. Korean glosses are tentative. Comments and corrections welcome. Hover over Green Lettering Green lettering at this site hides a tool tip with glosses, further explanations, etc. Hover cursor to reveal. to see additional information.
Japanese names for the Muscicapidae are a late 19th century creation based on common names current at the time. There are a few general names that correspond to English names, plus a number of names for individual species or small groups of species.
1. ヒタキ hitaki (in combination often ビタキ -bitaki) is the general Japanese name for flycatchers (Muscicapa and Ficedula), stonechats and bush chats (Saxicola), and redstarts (Phoenicurus). It is roughly equivalent to 'flycatcher' in English. It is written with the character 鶲.
Redstarts bear the distinctive name of ジョウビタキ jō-bitaki, written 尉鶲, 常鶲 or 上鶲. All characters for jō are arbitrarily assigned based on pronunciation (ate-ji).
Writing: According to Obunsha Kanwa Jiten, use of the character 鶲 for the flycatchers originated in Japanese. 鶲 in Chinese was an old character for an unknown kind of bird that was appropriated to represent hitaki 'flycatcher' in Japanese for lack of a suitable alternative.
On the other hand, 鶲 in this sense may not be entirely without precedent in Chinese. Minus the bird radical, 翁 (pronounced ) meant both 'old man' and the 'feathers on the nape of a bird's neck' in Classical Chinese. The well-known Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) is known in Chinese as 白頭翁 'white-headed old man'. Moreover, in folk usage two muscicapid species are also known as : the White-capped Water Redstart (Chaimarrornis leucocephalus) or 白頂鶲 'white-capped weng' and the Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) or 白頭鶲 'white-headed weng'. Both can be written with the character 鶲. This suggests that the use of 鶲 for hitaki is conceivably based on existing Chinese usage.
2. The robins are named after the Japanese Robin (Larvivora akahige) or コマドリ koma-dori 'pony-bird', which is so named because its call resembles the whinnying of a horse. It is written 駒鳥, using the characters for 'pony' and 'bird'. This name was then extended to other types of 'robin', such as the Siberian Rubythroat (Calliope calliope) or ノゴマ no-goma, literally 'field pony', written 野駒, and the Bluethroat (Luscinia svevica) or オガワコマドリ ogawa koma-dori, 'Ogawa pony bird', written 小川駒鳥, named after the 19th century ornithologist Minori Ogawa. The written name eventually gave rise to the modern Chinese ornithological name for the robins.
3. A few species have individual names outside the regular generic names. These include:
ムギマキ mugi-maki 'wheat-sower', written 麦蒔き or 麦播き. The name arises from the bird's arrival in autumn at the time wheat needs to be sown.
ルリ ruri 'lapis lazuli', written 瑠璃 or 琉璃, is used for the Blue-and-white Flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana) and the Siberian Blue Robin (Larvivora cyane) on the basis of their blue colour.
アカヒゲ aka-hige 'red beard' is written 赤髭 'red beard' and is the name of the Ryukyu Robin (Larvivora komadori).
4. The rock thrushes (Monticola), originally with the Turdidae, are known in Japanese as イソヒヨドリ (磯鵯) iso-hiyo-dori or イソヒヨ (磯鵯) iso-hiyo, both 'rrocky-shore bulbul'.
The scientific names of Luscinia komadori and Luscinia akahige are the reverse of the Japanese names from which they are derived. This mixup is due to Temminck. The incorrect names have become quite entrenched, and the French names even take the erroneous scientific names as the basis for the French ornithological names.
2. Species names
Muscicapa | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Muscicapa griseisticta![]() ![]() |
Grey-streaked flycatcher Spot-breasted flycatcher Grey-spotted flycatcher Gobemouche à taches grises Fleckenschnäpper Пестрогрудая мухоловка |
エゾビタキ (蝦夷鶲) ezo-bitaki 'Hokkaido flycatcher' |
灰纹鹟 (灰紋鶲) 'grey patterned flycatcher' (1, 2, 3, 4) 灰斑鹟 (灰斑鶲) 'grey striped flycatcher' (5) |
灰斑鶲 (灰斑鹟) 'grey striped flycatcher' |
斑胸鹟 (斑胸鶲) 'stripe-chested flycatcher' (6, 7, 31) |
제비딱새 jebi-ttak-sae 'swallow flycatcher-bird' |
Muscicapa sibirica![]() |
Dark-sided flycatcher Siberian flycatcher Sooty flycatcher Gobemouche de Sibérie Rußschnäpper Сибирская мухоловка |
サメビタキ (鮫鶲) same-bitaki 'shark flycatcher' |
乌鹟 (烏鶲) 'dark flycatcher' |
(乌鹟) 烏鶲 'dark flycatcher' |
Taiwan formerly: (鲜卑鹟) 鮮卑鶲 'Xianbei flycatcher' 西比利亚鹟 (西比利亚鶲) 'Siberian flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) 鲛鹟 (鮫鶲) 'shark flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 斑鹟 (斑鶲) 'striped flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) |
솔딱새 sol-ttak-sae 'pine flycatcher-bird' |
Muscicapa dauurica![]() ![]() |
Asian brown flycatcher Brown flycatcher Gobemouche brun Braunschnäpper Ширококлювая мухоловка |
コサメビタキ (小鮫鶲) ko-same-bitaki 'small shark flycatcher' |
北灰鹟 (背灰鶲) 'northern grey flycatcher' |
(宽嘴鹟) 寬嘴鶲 'broad-billed flycatcher' |
阔嘴鹟 (闊嘴鶲) 'broad-billed flycatcher' (alt in 7) 大眼嘴儿 (大眼嘴兒) 'large eye bill' 小斑鹟 (小斑鶲) 'small striped flycatcher' |
쇠솔딱새 soe-sol-ttak-sae 'small pine flycatcher-bird' |
Muscicapa ferruginea![]() |
Ferruginous flycatcher Rufous-tailed flycatcher Gobemouche ferrugineux Rostschnäpper |
ミヤマビタキ (深山鶲) mi-yama-bitaki 'deep mountain flycatcher' |
棕尾褐鹟 (棕尾褐鶲) 'reddishbrown-tailed brown flycatcher' (2, 3, 4) 棕尾鹟 (棕尾鶲) 'reddishbrown-tailed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 5) |
(红尾鹟) 紅尾鶲 'red-tailed flycatcher' |
红褐鹟 (紅褐鶲) 'red-brown flycatcher' (6, 7) |
귤색딱새 gyul-saek-ttak-sae 'orange-coloured flycatcher-bird' or 회색머리갈색딱새 hoe-saek-moeri-gal-saek-ttak-sae 'grey-headed brown-coloured flycatcher-bird' |
Cyanoptila | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Cyanoptila cyanomelana Ficedula cyanomelana ![]() ![]() |
Blue-and-white flycatcher Gobemouche bleu Japanschnäpper Синяя мухоловка |
オオルリ (大瑠璃 ~ 大琉璃) ō ruri 'large lapis lazuli' |
ルリ (瑠璃 ~ 琉璃) ruri 'lapis lazuli' ルリチョウ (瑠璃鳥 ~ 琉璃鳥) ruri-chō 'lapis lazuli bird' |
白腹姬鹟 (白腹姬鶲) 'white-bellied lady flycatcher' or 白腹鹟 (白腹鶲) 'white-bellied flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
(白腹琉璃) 白腹琉璃 'white-bellied lapis-lazuli' |
白腹蓝姬鹟 (白腹藍姬鶲) 'white-bellied blue lady flycatcher' 日本蓝白鹟 (日本藍白鶲) 'Japanese blue&white flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) 竹林鸟 (竹林鳥) 'bamboo-forest bird' (35, general name, from Zool. Nomen.) 琉璃鸟 (琉璃鳥) 'glass bird' (35, general name, from Zool. Nomen.) |
큰유리새 keun-yuri-sae 'large lapis lazuli bird' |
Larvivora | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Larvivora sibilans Luscinia sibilans Erithacus sibilans ![]() |
Rufous-tailed robin Swinhoe's robin Red-tailed robin Swinhoe's red-tailed Robin Rossignol siffleur Schwirrnachtigall Соловей-свистун |
シマゴマ (島駒) shima-goma 'island robin' |
红尾歌鸲 (紅尾歌鴝) 'red-tailed song-robin' |
(红尾歌鸲) 紅尾歌鴝 'red-tailed song-robin' |
红腿欧鸲 (紅腿歐鴝) 'red-legged European-robin' 宣氏红腿欧鸲 (宣氏紅腿歐鴝) 'Mr Xuan's red-legged European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
울새 ul-sae 'robin bird' |
Larvivora akahige Luscinia akahige Erithacus akahige ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Japanese robin Rossignol akahigé Japanisches Rotkehlchen Японская зарянка ![]() ![]() |
コマドリ (駒鳥) koma-dori 'robin-bird' |
日本歌鸲 (日本歌鴝) 'Japanese song-robin' or 歌鸲 (歌鴝) 'song-robin' (alt in 1, 5) |
(日本歌鸲) 日本歌鴝 'Japanese song-robin' |
夜莺 (夜鶯) 'night warbler' (literary) 鸲鸟 (鴝鳥) 'robin bird' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) |
붉은가슴울새 bulgeun-gaseum-ul-sae 'red-breasted robin bird' |
Larvivora komadori Luscinia komadori Erithacus komadori ![]() |
Ryukyu robin Riukiu robin Rossignol komadori Samtkehlchen Черногорлая зарянка ![]() ![]() |
アカヒゲ (赤髭) aka-hige 'red-beard' |
琉球歌鸲 (琉球歌鴝) 'Ryukyu song-robin' |
(琉球歌鸲) 琉球歌鴝 'Ryukyu song-robin' |
Larvivora cyane Luscinia cyane Erithacus cyane ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Siberian blue robin Rossignol bleu Blaunachtigall Синий соловей |
コルリ (小瑠璃 ~ 小琉璃) ko-ruri 'small lapis lazuli' |
蓝歌鸲 (藍歌鴝) 'blue song-robin' |
(蓝歌鸲) 藍歌鴝 'blue song-robin' |
蓝鸲 (藍鴝) 'blue robin' 青鸲 (青鴝) 'green/blue robin' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 小琉璃 (小琉璃) 'small glass' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 黑老婆儿 (黑老婆兒) 'black wife' (northern) (35) 蓝尾巴根子 (藍尾巴根子) 'blue tailroot' (northern) 蓝靛杠 (藍靛槓) 'indigo rod' 挂银牌 (掛銀牌) 'wear silver medallion' (Sichuan) 轻尾儿 (輕尾兒) 'light-tail' 裴氏蓝歌鸲 (裴氏藍歌鴝) 'Mr Pei's blue song-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
쇠유리새 soe-yuri-sae 'small lapis lazuli bird' |
Luscinia | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Luscinia svecica Luscinia svecicus Erithacus svecicus ![]() ![]() |
Bluethroat Gorgebleue à miroir Blaukehlchen Варакушка |
オガワコマドリ (小川駒鳥) ogawa koma-dori 'Ogawa robin-bird' |
蓝喉歌鸲 (藍喉歌鴝) 'blue-throated song-robin' or 蓝点颏 (藍點頦) 'blue-dot chin' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
(蓝喉鸲) 藍喉鴝 'blue-throated robin' |
蓝靛颏儿 (藍點頦兒) 'blue chin' 点颏 (點頦) 'dot chin' (also used for Calliope calliope) 蓝脖 (藍脖) 'blue throat' 蓝脖子雀 (藍脖子雀) 'blue-throated sparrow' 九圈领 (九圈領) 'nine ring collar' 蓝秸 (藍秸) 'blue stalk/straw' 芦槁鸟 (蘆稿鳥) 'reed withered bird' (Also used for Calliope calliope) 蓝膀 (藍膀) 'blue wing' (juvenile) 西比利亚欧鸲 (西比利亞歐鴝) 'Siberian European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
흰눈썹울새 huin-nunsseob-ul-sae 'white-eyebrowed robin bird' |
Calliope | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Calliope calliope Luscinia calliope Erithacus calliope ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Siberian rubythroat Rossignol calliope Rubinkehlchen Соловей-красношейка |
ノゴマ (野駒) no-goma 'field-robin' |
ヒノマル (日の丸) hinomaru 'hinomaru' (Japanese flag) ノドアカ (喉赤) nodo-aka 'red-throat' |
红喉歌鸲 (紅喉歌鴝) 'red-throated song-robin' or 红点颏 (紅點頦) 'red-dot chin' (1, 3, 5) |
(野鸲) 野鴝 'field-robin' |
红靛颏儿 (紅靛頦兒) 'red-indigo chin?' 红颏 (紅頦) 'red chin' 点颏 (點頦) 'dot chin' (also used for Luscinia svecica) 白点颏 (白點頦) 'white-dot chin' (female) 红脖 (紅脖) 'red throat' 红脖雀 (紅脖雀) 'red-throated sparrow' 芦槁鸟 (蘆槁鳥) 'reed withered bird' (also used for Luscinia svecica) |
진홍가슴 jin-hong-gaseum 'true (?) red-breast' |
Tarsiger | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Tarsiger cyanurus Luscinia cyanura Erithacus cyanurus ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Red-flanked Bluetail Orange-flanked Bush Robin Red-flanked bush robin Siberian bluechat Rossignol à flancs roux Blauschwanz Синехвостка |
ルリビタキ (瑠璃鶲 ~ 琉璃鶲) ruri-bitaki 'lapis lazuli flycatcher' |
红胁蓝尾鸲 (紅脇藍尾鴝) 'red-flanked blue-tailed robin' |
(蓝尾鸲) 藍尾鴝 'blue-tailed robin' |
青鹟 (青鶲) 'green/blue flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 蓝尾欧鸲 (藍尾歐鴝) 'blue-tailed European-robin' 亚东蓝尾欧鸲 (亞東藍尾歐鴝) 'East Asian blue-tailed European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) Ianthia rufilata rufilata: 红胁歌鸲 (紅脇歌鴝) 'red-flanked song-robin' 青尾儿 (青尾兒) 'green/blue tail' (also Larvivora cyane) 蓝尾巴根子 (藍尾巴根子) 'blue-tailroot' (also Larvivora cyane) (northern) (35) 蓝点冈儿 (藍點岡兒) 'blue-spotted rod' (northern) (35) 蓝尾述 (藍尾述) 'blue-tailed shu' (southern) |
유리딱새 yuri-ttak-sae 'lapis lazuli flycatcher-bird' |
Ficedula | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Ficedula albicilla Ficedula parva Muscicapa parva ![]() |
Taiga Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-throated flycatcher Gobemouche nain Zwergschnäpper Малая мухоловка |
オジロビタキ (尾白鶲) o-jiro-bitaki 'white-tailed flycatcher' |
红喉姬鹟 (紅喉姬鶲) 'red-throated lady flycatcher' or 红喉鹟 (紅喉鶲) 'red-throated flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) or 黄点颏 (黃點頦) 'yellow-dot chin' (alt in 1, 5) |
(红喉鹟) 紅喉鶲 'red-throated flycatcher' |
黄靛颏 (黃靛頦) 'yellow dianke' |
Ficedula parva: 서양흰꼬리딱새 seoyang-huin-kkori-ttak-sae 'western white-tailed flycatcher-bird' Ficedula albicilla: 흰꼬리딱새 huin-kkori-ttak-sae 'white-tailed flycatcher-bird' |
Ficedula mugimaki![]() ![]() |
Mugimaki flycatcher Robin flycatcher Gobemouche mugimaki Mugimakischnäpper Таежная мухоловка |
ムギマキ (麦蒔き ~ 麦播き) mugi-maki 'wheat-sower' |
コツバメ (小燕) ko-tsubame 'little swallow' |
鸲姬鹟 (鴝姬鶲) 'robin lady flycatcher' or 鸲鹟 (鴝鶲) 'robin flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
(白眉黄鹟) 白眉黃鶲 'white-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
노랑딱새 norang-ttak-sae 'yellow flycatcher-bird' |
Ficedula narcissina![]() ![]() |
Narcissus flycatcher Narcissina flycatcher Gobemouche narcisse Goldschnäpper Японская мухоловка |
キビタキ (黄鶲) ki-bitaki 'yellow flycatcher' |
黄眉姬鹟 (黃眉姬鶲) 'yellow-eyebrowed lady flycatcher' or 黄眉鹟 (黃眉鶲) 'yellow-eyebrowed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
(黄眉黄鹟) 黃眉黃鶲 'yellow-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
황금새 hwanggeum-sae 'golden bird' Ficedula narcissina elisae: 중국황금새 jungguk-hwanggeum-sae 'Chinese golden bird' Ficedula narcissina wostoni: 적도황금새 jeokdoh-wanggeum-sae 'equatorial ? golden bird' |
Ficedula zanthopygia![]() |
Yellow-rumped flycatcher Tricolor flycatcher Gobemouche à croupion jaune Koreagoldschnäpper Желтоспинная мухоловка |
マミジロキビタキ (眉白黄鶲) mami-jiro ki-bitaki 'white-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
白眉姬鹟 (白眉姬鶲) 'white-eyebrowed lady flycatcher' or 白眉鹟 (白眉鶲) 'white-eyebrowed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
(白眉鹟) 白眉鶲 'white-eyebrowed flycatcher' |
鸭蛋黄 (鴨蛋黃) 'duck egg yolk' 黄鹟 (黃鶲) 'yellow flycatcher' |
흰눈썹황금새 huin-nunsseop-hwanggeum-sae 'white-eyebrowed golden-bird' |
Phoenicurus | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Phoenicurus ochruros![]() ![]() |
Black redstart Rougequeue noir Hausrotschwanz Горихвостка-чернушка |
クロジョウビタキ (黒尉鶲 ~ 黒常鶲 ~ 黒上鶲) kuro jō-bitaki 'black jō-flycatcher' |
赭红尾鸲 (赭紅尾鴝) 'brownish-red red-tailed robin' |
(赭红尾鸲) 赭紅尾鴝 'reddishbrown red-tailed robin' |
검은머리딱새 geomeun-meori-ttak-sae 'black-headed flycatcher-bird' |
Phoenicurus auroreus![]() ![]() |
Daurian redstart Rougequeue aurore Gartenrotschwanz Сибирская горихвостка |
ジョウビタキ (尉鶲 ~ 常鶲 ~ 上鶲) jō-bitaki 'jō flycatcher' |
モンツキドリ (紋付き鳥) mon-tsuki-dori 'bird with insignia/crest' (refers to white patch on wing) |
北红尾鸲 (北紅尾鴝) 'northern red-tailed robin' |
(黃尾鸲) 黃尾鴝 'yellow-tailed robin' |
花红燕儿 (花紅燕兒) 'flowery red swallow' (northern) (35) 大红燕 (大紅燕) 'large red swallow' 火燕 (火燕) 'fire swallow' 茶鹟 (茶鶲) 'tea (brown) flycatcher' 朗鹟 (朗鶲) 'bright flycatcher' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 穿马褂 (穿馬褂) 'jacket wearer’ 灰顶茶鸲 (灰頂茶鴝) 'grey-headed brown robin' 灰顶红茶鸲 (灰頂紅茶鴝) 'grey-headed red-brown robin' 灰顶红尾鸲 (灰頂紅尾鴝) 'grey-headed red-tailed robin' |
딱새 ttak-sae 'flycatcher-bird' |
Monticola | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Monticola gularis Petrophila gularis ![]() |
White-throated rock thrush White-throated rock-thrush Blue-headed rock thrush Monticole à gorge blanche Amurrötel Белогорлый дрозд |
ヒメイソヒヨ (姫磯鵯) hime iso-hiyo 'princess rocky-shore bulbul' |
白喉矶鸫 (白喉磯鶇) 'white-throated rocky-shore thrush' (2, 3, 4) 蓝头矶鸫 (藍頭磯鶇) 'blue-headed rocky-shore thrush' (alt in 1, 5) ![]() ![]() |
(白喉矶鸫) 白喉磯鶇 'white-throated rocky-shore thrush' |
红喉矶鸫 (紅喉磯鶇) 'red-throated rocky-shore thrush' 白喉石鸫 (白喉磯鶇) 'white-throated stone thrush' (early ornithological) (35) 虎皮翠 (虎皮翠) 'tiger skin kingfisher' 葫芦翠 (葫蘆翠) 'gourd kingfisher' |
꼬까직박구리 kkokka-jikbakguri 'flowery bulbul' |
Monticola saxatilis![]() |
Common rock thrush Rufous-tailed rock-thrush Mountain rock thrush White-backed rock thrush Robin thrush Rock thrush Monticole merle-de-roche Steinrötel Пестрый каменный дрозд |
コシジロイソヒヨ (腰白磯鵯) koshi-jiro iso-hiyo 'white-rumped rocky-shore bulbul' |
白背矶鸫 (白背磯鶇) 'white-backed rocky-shore thrush' |
白背石鸫 (白背石鶇) 'white-backted stone thrush' (early ornithological) (35) |
Monticola solitarius![]() |
Blue rock thrush Blue rock-thrush Monticole merle-bleu Blaumerle Синий каменный дрозд |
イソヒヨドリ (磯鵯) iso-hiyo-dori 'rocky-shore bulbul' |
Many regional names (see Hiraizumi - Japanese site) | 蓝矶鸫 (藍磯鶇) 'blue rocky-shore thrush' |
(蓝矶鸫) 藍磯鶇 'blue rocky-shore thrush' |
水嘴 (水嘴) 'water mouth' 麻石青 (麻石青) 'hemp stone green/blue' 石鸫 (石鶇) 'stone thrush' 矶鸫 (磯鶇) 'rocky-shore thrush' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 亚东蓝石鸫 (亞東藍石鶇) 'East Asian blue stone-thrush' (early ornithological) (35) |
바다직박구리 bada-jikbakguri 'sea bulbul' |
Saxicola | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Saxicola maurus Saxicola torquatus Saxicola torquata ![]() |
Eastern Stonechat or Siberian Stonechat Common stonechat Stonechat Common bushchat Tarier pâtre Schwarzkehlchen Черноголовый чекан |
ノビタキ (野鶲) no-bitaki 'field flycatcher' |
黑喉石䳭 (黑喉石䳭) 'black-throated stone chat' |
(黑喉鸲) 黑喉鴝 'black-throated robin' |
Saxicola torquata: 西比利亚石子石栖鸟 (西比利亞石子石棲鳥) 'Siberian rock rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
검은딱새 geomeun-ttak-sae 'black flycatcher-bird' |
Saxicola ferreus Saxicola ferrea ![]() |
Grey Bush Chat Grey Bushchat Tarier gris Grauschmätzer |
ヤマザキヒタキ (山崎鶲) yamazaki hitaki 'Yamazaki flycatcher' |
灰林䳭 (灰林䳭) 'grey forest chat' |
(灰丛鸲) 灰叢鴝 'grey thicket robin' |
中国灰树丛石栖 (中國灰樹叢石棲) 'Chinese grey bush rock-roost' (early ornithological) (35) |
검은뺨딱새 geomeun-ppyam-ttak-sae 'black-cheeked flycatcher-bird' |
Oenanthe | |||||||
Latin |
Eng, Fr, Ger, Ru |
Japanese |
Other J |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Korean |
Oenanthe oenanthe![]() ![]() |
Northern wheatear Wheatear Traquet motteux Steinschmätzer Обыкновенная каменка |
ハシグロヒタキ (嘴黒鶲) hashi-guro hitaki 'black-billed flycatcher' |
穗䳭 (穗䳭) 'grainear chat' |
(穗䳭) 穗䳭 'grainear chat' |
石栖鸟 (石棲鳥) 'rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 麦穗 (麥穗) 'wheat tassel' (early ornithological) (35) |
북방사막딱새 bukbang-samak-ttak-sae 'northern desert flycatcher-bird' |
Oenanthe isabellina![]() |
Isabelline wheatear Traquet isabelle Isabellschmätzer Каменка-плясунья |
イナバヒタキ (因幡鶲) inaba hitaki 'Inaba flycatcher' |
沙䳭 (沙䳭) 'sand chat' |
(沙䳭) 沙䳭 'sand chat' |
黄褐色石栖鸟 (黃褐色石棲鳥) 'yellow-brown rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
긴다리사막딱새 gin-dari-samak-ttak-sae 'long-legged desert flycatcher-bird' |
Oenanthe deserti![]() |
Desert wheatear Traquet du désert Wüstenschmätzer Каменка пустынная |
サバクヒタキ (砂漠鶲) sabaku-hitaki 'desert flycatcher' |
漠䳭 (漠䳭) 'desert chat' |
(漠䳭) 漠䳭 'desert chat' |
黑喉沙漠地石栖鸟 (黑喉沙漠地石棲鳥) 'black-throated desert-land rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 黑喉沙漠地麦穗 (黑喉沙漠地麥穗) 'black-throated desert-land wheat ear' (early ornithological) (35) |
Oenanthe pleschanka![]() |
Pied wheatear Traquet pie Nonnenschmätzer Каменка-плешанка |
セグロサバクヒタキ (背黒砂漠鶲) se-guro sabaku-hitaki 'black-backed desert flycatcher' |
白顶䳭 (白頂䳭) 'white-capped chat' (1, 2, 3, 5) 斑䳭 (斑䳭) 'striped chat' (4) ![]() ![]() |
(白顶䳭) 白頂䳭 'white-capped chat' |
白头鹟 (白頭鶲) 'white-headed flycatcher' (northern) (35) ![]() ![]() 西比利亚石栖鸟 (西比利亞石棲鳥) 'Siberian rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 中国白顶石栖鸟 (中國白頂石棲鳥) 'Chinese white-capped rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
검은등사막딱새 geomeun-deung-samak-ttak-sae 'black-backed desert flycatcher-bird' |
Named after Japanese ornithologist Ogawa Minori (小川三紀), 1876-1908.
The meaning of jō here is not clear. It can be written with the characters 尉 'officer, captain', 常 'always', or 上 'above' respectively.
Although it uses the character 鹟 wēng ('flycatcher'), this name is identical in pronunciation to the popular name of the Light-vented Bulbul 白头翁 bái-tóu-wēng (Pycnonotidae)
The word 鮮卑 xiānbēi refers to an ancient Mongolic-speaking ethnic group living in the area of modern eastern Mongolia and northeastern China. They established a large empire in the early centuries of the Christian era and one branch later established the Northern Wei dynasty in China (386-535). This name for Muscicapa sibirica possibly reflects the theory that the Xianbei gave their name to Siberia.
The magua (马褂) was a kind of riding jacket originally worn by the Manchus (see Magua).
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002
世界鸟类名称(拉丁文、汉文、英文对照)第二版 郑作新等 科学出版社 北京 2002年
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed. by Cheng Tso-Hsin et al, Science Press, Beijing 2002
中国鸟类分布名录 第二版 郑作新 科学出版社 北京 1976年
(Checklist of the Classification of Birds of China 2nd edition by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 1976)
香港及華南鳥類(第六版)(翻譯成中文及重新修訂) 尹璉、費嘉倫、林超英 香港性徵特區政府新聞處政府印務局 1994年
Birds of Hong Kong and South China (6th edition, translated into Chinese and newly revised) by Clive Viney, Karen Phillipps, Lin Chaoying, Hong Kong Govt. Press 1994
汉蒙名词术语分类词典(自然科学部分) Mongolian (Cyrillic): Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг) (Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary, natural sciences part) by 《汉蒙名词术语分类词典》编纂委员会 Mongolian (Cyrillic): "Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь" найруулах комисс (Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary editorial committee), Inner Mongolian People's Press, Hohhot 1990
Chinese Birds (A Tentative List of Chinese Birds) 中國鳥類(中國鳥類目錄試編) N. Gist Gee, Lacy I. Moffett, G. D. Wilder (祁天錫, 慕維德, 萬卓志), Peiping, 1927 (reprinted 1948)