Information is from dictionaries and other sources. Comments and corrections welcome. Hover over Green Lettering to see additional information.
The Taiwan Chinese ornithological names of the Muscicapidae follow English and international naming patterns, but the source of the names themselves tends to be Japanese. Only a few names are taken from Chinese popular or ordinary usage. Older Taiwanese ornithological names are often somewhat different from Mainland names, but more recent additions to the list almost invariably adopt the Mainland name, sometimes at the expense of consistency. Given the large size of the family and the convoluted background of some of the names, the following notes are somewhat lengthy.
Chinese has non-ornithological names for a number of species. The most prominent is 知更鳥 'know hours (time watches) bird', the conventional term for the robin (etymological background unknown). There are folk names for a number of focal species, notably the magpie robins, flycatchers, redstarts and rock thrushes.
Ornithological names
The ornithological names for the Muscicapidae fall into the following groups:
1. 鶲 is used for species known as 'flycatchers' in English. It is not an independent word and can only form part of a larger word. It covers the genera Muscicapa, Cyornis, Anthipes, Niltava, Cyanoptila, Eumyias, and Ficedula. In other families it also refers to the monarch flycatchers (Monarchidae: Hypothymis).
The fairy flycatchers (Cyornis, Niltava) are known as 仙鶲 'fairy flycatcher'. 仙 is a Chinese term for fairies, immortals, and mountain hermits (who have supposedly attained Daoist secrets like longevity). The suggestion for naming niltavas in the earliest Chinese ornithological list, Chinese Birds (35), was 仙女 'fairy woman', a translation of the English name. This has been since simplified into the two-character format 仙鶲 .
Origin: 鶲 in the sense of 'flycatcher' was clearly taken from Japanese, where it is used to write hitaki 'flycatcher'. Less clear is the origin of the Japanese usage. Lexicological sources suggest that 鶲 was an old Chinese character for an unspecified kind of bird that was adopted to represent hitaki 'flycatcher' in the absence of a suitable alternative. 鶲 in its new sense was then adopted by the Chinese for their ornithological names.
However, it appears that 鶲 is not entirely without a background in Chinese. Minus the bird radical, 翁 meant both 'old man' and the 'feathers on the nape of a bird's neck' in Classical Chinese. The popular modern name of the Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) is 白頭翁 'white-headed old man'. Moreover, two muscicapid species are known as 鶲 in folk usage: the White-capped Water Redstart (Chaimarrornis leucocephalus) is 白頂鶲 'white-capped weng' and the Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) is 白頭鶲 'white-headed weng'. It is possible that the Japanese use of 鶲 for hitaki is actually based on some kind of Chinese model.
2. 鴝 is the Chinese ornithological name of the robins (Erithacus, Luscinia, Larvivora, Calliope, Myiomela, and Tarsiger), magpie robins (Copsychus and Kittacincla) and redstarts (Phoenicurus, Phoenicuropsis, Rhyacornis, Chaimarrornis). Names have been subdivided by genus:
鵲鴝 'magpie robin', a literal translation of the English, is used for Copsychus.
歌鴝 'song-robin' is used for species previously belonging to Erithacus or Luscinia, now scattered among a number of genera.
林鴝 'forest-robin' is used for the genus Tarsiger. The earlier form of this name, as found in Chinese Birds (35), was 樹叢歐鴝 , literally 'bush European-robin'. It has since been changed to the current, simpler name.
紅尾鴝 'red-tailed robin' is used for redstarts formerly belonging to Phoenicurus, now split between Phoenicurus and Phoenicuropsis.
水鴝 'water robin' is used for the Rhyacornis water redstarts.
溪鴝 'brook robin' is used for the Chaimarrornis water redstart (river chat).
Origin: The character 鴝 traditionally formed part of the word 鴝鵒 meaning 'myna' and was never used independently. Its use for the robins also took place under Japanese influence, but in a roundabout way. In Japanese, 駒鳥 'horse-bird' or 'pony-bird' is the name of the Japanese Robin (Larvivora akahige), due to the resemblance of its call to a horse's whinnying. This name was extended to other types of robin, such as the Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope) or 野駒 no-goma, literally 'field pony'. In the seminal Chinese biological dictionary Zoological Nomenclature (1923), 駒鳥 was listed as 鴝鳥 and 野駒 as 野鴝 , substituting 鴝 for 駒 'pony'. The motive for the substitution is clear: it would have seemed quite incongruous to call a small bird a 'horse'. The two characters share the phonetic element 句; the substitution involves changing the semantic element from 'horse' (馬) to 'bird' (鳥). (In fact, the actual form used at the time was
). In this way, the character 鴝 went from being part of a name for the mynas to being an ornithological name for the robins.
3. Several species are known by the name 琉璃 'glass', borrowed from Japanese 琉璃 'lapis lazuli'. The name has a somewhat different meaning in the two languages.
4. 剪尾 'cut-tail' is the name given to the Taiwanese species of forktail in Chinese Birds (35) and has been used in Taiwan until the present day.
5. Oenanthe is a relative newcomer to Taiwanese bird lists, and the name given to the genus, 䳭 , is based on the Mainland ornithological names. 䳭 is traditionally an alternative form of the character 鹡 'wagtail', and forms part of the Chinese word for 'wagtail' (鶺鴒 ). The reason for the choice of character is unclear. This name replaced the suggested name in Chinese Birds (35), 石栖鸟 'rock-roosting bird', which was an attempt to render the English name.
Among the wheatears, Oenanthe oenanthe is called the 穗䳭 or 'grain-ear chat' in Chinese. This is based on the suggested name in Chinese Birds (35), which was 麥穗 'wheat ear'. In fact, the wheatear in English was originally named not for its resemblance to a grain of wheat but for its white rump or 'white arse', which was later modified into 'wheatear'. The Chinese name is therefore based on a misapprehension.
6. Several genera were originally placed with the Turdidae and bear thrush names. They include:
小翼鶇 'small-winged thrush' for the shortwings (Brachtyperus). The original suggested name in Chinese Birds was 短髈 'short-wing'. The Taiwanese name here differs from the Mainland name.
嘯鶇 'whistling-thrush' for the whistling-thrushes (Myophonus). The original suggested name in Chinese Birds was 嘯聲鶇 'whistling-voiced-thrush.
磯鶇 'rocky-shore thrush' is used for the rock thrushes (Monticola), based on Zoological Nomenclature (1923), under the influence of the Japanese name, 磯鵯 iso-hiyodori 'rocky-shore bulbul'. The suggested name in Chinese Birds was 石鶇 'stone-thrush'.
2. Species names
COPSYCHINI | ||||||||
Copsychus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Copsychus saularis![]() |
East Asian Magpie Robin East Asian Magpie-Robin Magpie robin Dyal |
鵲鴝 (鹊鸲) 'magpie-robin' |
(鵲鴝) 鹊鸲 'magpie-robin' |
信鳥 (信鸟) 'message bird' 進鳥 (进鸟) 'enter bird?' 屎坑雀 (屎坑雀) 'dung pit sparrow' (Cantonese) 四喜 (四喜) 'four happiness' 豬屎喳 (猪屎喳) 'pig-dung peep' 豬屎雀 (猪屎雀) 'pig-dung sparrow' 精鴉雀 (精鸦雀) 'skilful crow-sparrow' (not to be confused with the parrotbills) 屎鴉雀 (屎鸦雀) 'dung-crow sparrow' (not to be confused with the parrotbills) 土更鳥 (土更鸟) 'earth watches (=hours) bird' ('earth robin') 知時鳥 (知时鸟) 'know-time bird' (cf robin) 得鴉鳥 (得鸦鸟) 'get-crow (dé yā = dayal) bird' (early ornithological) (35) 喜鵲歐鴝 (喜鹊欧鸲) 'magpie European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
シキチョウ (四季鳥) shiki-chō 'four-season-bird' |
Chim Chích chòe 'magpierobin (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Kittacincla | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Kittacincla malabarica Copsychus malabaricus ![]() |
White-rumped shama | 白腰鵲鴝 (白腰鹊鸲) 'white-rumped magpie-robin' |
(白腰鵲鴝) 白腰鹊鸲 'white-rumped magpie-robin' |
アカハラシキチョウ (赤腹四季鳥) aka-hara shiki-chō 'red-bellied four-season-bird' |
MUSCICAPINI | ||||||||
Muscicapa | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Muscicapa striata![]() ![]() |
Spotted flycatcher | 斑鶲 (斑鹟) 'striped flycatcher' |
(斑鶲) 斑鹟 'striped flycatcher' |
ムナフヒタキ (胸斑鶲) muna-fu hitaki 'stripe-breasted flycatcher' |
Muscicapa griseisticta![]() ![]() |
Grey-streaked flycatcher Spot-breasted flycatcher Grey-spotted flycatcher |
灰斑鶲 (灰斑鹟) 'grey-striped flycatcher' |
(灰紋鶲) 灰纹鹟 'grey-patterned flycatcher' (1, 2, 3, 4) (灰斑鶲) 灰斑鹟 'grey-striped flycatcher' (5) |
斑胸鶲 (斑胸鹟) 'stripe-chested flycatcher' (6, 7, 31) |
エゾビタキ (蝦夷鶲) ezo-bitaki 'Hokkaido flycatcher' |
제비딱새 jebi-ttak-sae 'swallow flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi xám 'grey fly-snapping bird' (12, 13) |
Muscicapa sibirica![]() |
Dark-sided flycatcher Siberian flycatcher Sooty flycatcher |
烏鶲 (乌鹟) 'dark flycatcher' |
(烏鶲) 乌鹟 'dark flycatcher' |
Taiwan formerly: 鮮卑鶲 (鲜卑鹟) 'Xianbei flycatcher' 西比利亚鶲 (西比利亚鹟) 'Siberian flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) 鮫鶲 (鲛鹟) 'shark flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 斑鶲 (斑鹟) 'striped flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) |
サメビタキ (鮫鶲) same-bitaki 'shark flycatcher' |
솔딱새 sol-ttak-sae 'pine flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi Xibêri 'Siberian fly-snapping bird' (12, 34) |
Muscicapa dauurica![]() ![]() |
Asian brown flycatcher Brown flycatcher |
寬嘴鶲 (宽嘴鹟) 'broad-billed flycatcher' |
(北灰鶲) 北灰鹟 'northern grey flycatcher' Muscicapa williamsoni: (褐紋鶲) 褐纹鹟 'brown fine-patterned flycatcher' |
闊嘴鶲 (阔嘴鹟) 'broad-billed flycatcher' (alt in 7) 大眼嘴兒 (大眼嘴儿) 'large eye bill' 小斑鶲 (小斑鹟) 'small striped flycatcher' |
コサメビタキ (小鮫鶲) ko-same-bitaki 'small shark flycatcher' Muscicapa williamsoni: ミナミコサメビタキ (南小鮫鶲) minami ko-same-bitaki 'southern small shark flycatcher' |
쇠솔딱새 soe-sol-ttak-sae 'small pine flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi nâu 'brown fly-snapping bird' (12, 13) Muscicapa siamensis: Chim Đớp ruồi sọc nâu 'brown-streaked fly-snapping bird' (34) |
Muscicapa muttui![]() |
Brown-breasted flycatcher | 褐胸鶲 (褐胸鹟) 'brown-breasted flycatcher' |
(褐胸鶲) 褐胸鹟 'brown-breasted flycatcher' |
拉氏鶲 (拉氏鹟) 'Mr La's flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
チャムネサメビタキ (茶胸鮫鶲) cha-mune same-bitaki 'brown-breasted shark flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi ngực nâu 'brown-breasted fly-snapping bird' (13, 34) |
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Muscicapa ferruginea![]() |
Ferruginous flycatcher Rufous-tailed flycatcher |
紅尾鶲 (红尾鹟) 'red-tailed flycatcher' |
(棕尾褐鶲) 棕尾褐鹟 'reddishbrown-tailed brown flycatcher' (2, 3, 4) (棕尾鶲) 棕尾鹟 'reddishbrown-tailed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 5) |
紅褐鶲 (红褐鹟) 'red-brown flycatcher' (6, 7) |
ミヤマビタキ (深山鶲) mi-yama-bitaki 'deep mountain flycatcher' |
귤색딱새 gyul-saek-ttak-sae 'orange-coloured flycatcher-bird' or 회색머리갈색딱새 hoe-saek-moeri-gal-saek-ttak-sae 'grey-headed brown-coloured flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi đuôi hung 'reddish-tailed fly-snapping bird' (12) |
Cyornis | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Mongolian |
Cyornis hainanus Niltava hainana Muscicapella hainana ![]() |
Hainan blue flycatcher Hainan blue-flycatcher Grant's niltava Hainan niltava Grant's flycatcher |
海南藍仙鶲 (海南蓝仙鹟) 'Hainan blue fairy-flycatcher' |
(海南藍仙鶲) 海南蓝仙鹟 'Hainan blue fairy-flycatcher' |
海南藍鶲 (海南蓝鹟) 'Hainan blue flycatcher' (6, 7, 35) |
ハイナンアオヒタキ (海南青鶲) hainan ao-hitaki 'Hainan blue/green flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi Hải Nam 'Hainan fly-snapping bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Cyornis brunneatus Rhinomyias brunneatus Rhinomyias brunneata |
Brown-chested jungle flycatcher Brown-chested jungle-flycatcher White-gorgetted jungle flycatcher Brown-chested flycatcher |
白喉林鶲 (白喉林鹟) 'white-throated forest flycatcher' |
(白喉林鶲) 白喉林鹟 'white-throated forest flycatcher' |
白頸甲鶲 (白颈甲鹟) 'white neck-armoured flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
ムナオビヤブヒタキ (胸帯薮鶲) muna-obi yabu hitaki 'breast-sashed thicket flycatcher' |
Niltava | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Niltava davidi Muscicapella davidi |
Fujian niltava Fukien niltava David's niltava |
棕腹大仙鶲 (棕腹大仙鹟) 'reddishbrown-bellied large fairy-flycatcher' |
(棕腹大仙鶲) 棕腹大仙鹟 'reddishbrown-bellied large fairy-flycatcher' |
大衛仙女鶲 (大卫仙女鹟) 'David's fairy-flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
フウチェンアオヒタキ (福建青鶲) fūchen ao-hitaki 'Fujian blue/green flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi cằm đen 'black-chinned fly-snapping bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Niltava sundara Muscicapella sundara ![]() |
Rufous-bellied niltava | 棕腹仙鶲 (棕腹仙鹟) 'reddishbrown-bellied fairy-flycatcher' |
(棕腹仙鶲) 棕腹仙鹟 'reddishbrown-bellied fairy-flycatcher' |
棕腹仙女鶲 (棕腹仙女鹟) 'reddishbrown-bellied fairy-flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
コチャバラアオヒタキ (小茶腹青鶲) ko cha-bara ao-hitaki 'small brown-bellied blue/green flycatcher' |
Niltava vivida Muscicapella vivida |
Vivid niltava Rufous-bellied blue flycatcher |
黃腹琉璃 (黄腹琉璃) 'yellow-bellied glass' |
(棕腹藍仙鶲) 棕腹蓝仙鹟 'reddishbrown-bellied blue fairy-flycatcher' |
チャバラアオヒタキ (茶腹青鶲) cha-bara ao-hitaki 'brown-bellied blue/green flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi bụng hung 'reddish-bellied fly-snapping bird' (34) Chim Đớp ruồi họng hung 'reddish-throated fly-snapping bird' (12) (Conflicts with Ficedula strophiata and Cyornis banyumas) |
Cyanoptila | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Cyanoptila cyanomelana Ficedula cyanomelana ![]() ![]() |
Blue-and-white flycatcher | 白腹琉璃 (白腹琉璃) 'white-bellied glass' |
(白腹姬鶲) 白腹姬鹟 'white-bellied lady flycatcher' or (白腹鶲) 白腹鹟 'white-bellied flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
白腹藍姬鶲 (白腹蓝矶鹟) 'white-bellied blue lady flycatcher' 日本藍白鶲 (日本蓝白鹟) 'Japanese blue&white flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) 竹林鳥 (竹林鸟) 'bamboo-forest bird' (35, general name, from Zool. Nomen.) 琉璃鳥 (琉璃鸟) 'glass bird' (35, general name, from Zool. Nomen.) |
オオルリ (大瑠璃 ~ 大琉璃) ō ruri 'large lapis lazuli' |
ルリ (瑠璃 ~ 琉璃) ruri 'lapis lazuli' ルリチョウ (瑠璃鳥 ~ 琉璃鳥) ruri-chō 'lapis lazuli bird' |
큰유리새 keun-yuri-sae 'large lapis lazuli bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi Nhật Bản 'Japanese fly-snapping bird' (12, 13, 34) |
Eumyias | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Eumyias thalassinus Eumyias thalassina Muscicapa thalassina |
Asian verditer flycatcher Verditer flycatcher Indian verditer flycatcher Verditer blue flycatcher |
銅藍鶲 (铜蓝鹟) 'copper blue flycatcher' |
(銅藍鶲) 铜蓝鹟 'copper blue flycatcher' |
銅綠鶲 (铜绿鹟) 'copper green flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
ロクショウビタキ (緑青鶲) rokushō-bitaki 'verdigris flycatcher' |
파랑딱새 parang-ttak-sae 'blue flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi xanh xám 'ash-grey fly-snapping bird' (13) Chim Đớp ruồi xanh biển 'sea-blue fly-snapping bird' (34) |
SAXICOLINAE | ||||||||
Brachypteryx | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Brachypteryx montana![]() |
White-browed shortwing Blue shortwing |
小翼鶇 (小翼鸫) 'small-winged thrush' |
(藍短翅鶇) 蓝短翅鸫 'blue short-winged thrush' |
Hereroxenicus cruralis: 白眉短髈 (白眉短髈) 'white-eyebrowed short-wing' (early ornithological) (35) |
コバネヒタキ (小羽鶲) ko-bane hitaki 'small-winged flycatcher' |
Chim Hoét đuôi cụt xanh 'blue/green short-tailed thrush (bird)' (12, 34) |
Larvivora | ||||||||
Larvivora sibilans Luscinia sibilans Erithacus sibilans ![]() |
Rufous-tailed robin Swinhoe's robin Red-tailed robin Swinhoe's red-tailed Robin |
紅尾歌鴝 (红尾歌鸲) 'red-tailed song-robin' |
(紅尾歌鴝) 红尾歌鸲 'red-tailed song-robin' |
紅腿歐鴝 (红腿欧鸲) 'red-legged European-robin' 宣氏紅腿歐鴝 (宣氏红腿欧鸲) 'Mr Xuan's red-legged European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
シマゴマ (島駒) shima-goma 'island robin' |
울새 ul-sae 'robin bird' |
Erithacus sibilans (12): Chim Oanh cổ trắng 'white-throated robin (bird)' (12, 34) |
Larvivora akahige Luscinia akahige Erithacus akahige ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Japanese robin | 日本歌鴝 (日本歌鸲) 'Japanese song-robin' |
(日本歌鴝) 日本歌鸲 'Japanese song-robin' or (歌鴝) 歌鸲 'song-robin' (alt in 1, 5) |
夜鶯 (夜莺) 'night warbler' (literary) 鴝鳥 (鸲鸟) 'robin bird' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) |
コマドリ (駒鳥) koma-dori 'robin-bird' |
붉은가슴울새 bulgeun-gaseum-ul-sae 'red-breasted robin bird' |
Erithacus akahige: Chim Đớp ruồi Nhật 'Japanese fly-snapping bird' (34) |
Larvivora komadori Luscinia komadori Erithacus komadori ![]() |
Ryukyu robin Riukiu robin |
琉球歌鴝 (琉球歌鸲) 'Ryukyu song-robin' |
(琉球歌鴝) 琉球歌鸲 'Ryukyu song-robin' |
アカヒゲ (赤髭) aka-hige 'red-beard' |
Larvivora cyane Luscinia cyane Erithacus cyane ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Siberian blue robin | 藍歌鴝 (蓝歌鸲) 'blue song-robin' |
(藍歌鴝) 蓝歌鸲 'blue song-robin' |
藍鴝 (蓝鸲) 'blue robin' 青鴝 (青鸲) 'green/blue robin' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 小琉璃 (小琉璃) 'small glass' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 黑老婆兒 (黑老婆儿) 'black wife' (northern) (35) 藍尾巴根子 (蓝尾巴根子) 'blue tailroot' (northern) 藍靛槓 (蓝靛杠) 'indigo rod' 掛銀牌 (挂银牌) 'wear silver medallion' (Sichuan) 輕尾兒 (轻尾儿) 'light-tail' 裴氏藍歌鴝 (裴氏蓝歌鸲) 'Mr Pei's blue song-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
コルリ (小瑠璃 ~ 小琉璃) ko-ruri 'small lapis lazuli' |
쇠유리새 soe-yuri-sae 'small lapis lazuli bird' |
Erithacus cyane (12): Chim Oanh lưng xanh 'blue/green-backed robin (bird)' (12, 13) |
Luscinia | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Luscinia svecica Luscinia svecicus Erithacus svecicus ![]() ![]() |
Bluethroat | 藍喉鴝 (蓝喉鸲) 'blue-throated robin' |
(藍喉歌鴝) 蓝喉歌鸲 'blue-throated song-robin' or (藍點頦) 蓝点颏 'blue-dot chin' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
藍點頦兒 (蓝靛颏儿) 'blue chin' 點頦 (点颏) 'dot chin' (also used for Calliope calliope) 藍脖 (蓝脖) 'blue throat' 藍脖子雀 (蓝脖子雀) 'blue-throated sparrow' 九圈領 (九圈领) 'nine ring collar' 藍秸 (蓝秸) 'blue stalk/straw' 蘆稿鳥 (芦槁鸟) 'reed withered bird' (Also used for Calliope calliope) 藍膀 (蓝膀) 'blue wing' (juvenile) 西比利亞歐鴝 (西比利亚欧鸲) 'Siberian European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
オガワコマドリ (小川駒鳥) ogawa koma-dori 'Ogawa robin-bird' |
흰눈썹울새 huin-nunsseob-ul-sae 'white-eyebrowed robin bird' |
Luscinia svecicus (12): Chim Oanh cổ xanh 'blue-green/throated robin (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Enicurus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Enicurus scouleri![]() |
Little forktail | 小剪尾 (小剪尾) 'small cut-tail' |
(小燕尾) 小燕尾 'small swallow-tail' |
Miorocichla scouleri scouleri: 小燕尾 (小燕尾) 'small swallow-tail' (early ornithological) (35) Miorocichla scouleri fortis: 小剪尾 (小剪尾) 'small cut-tail' (early ornithological) (35) |
シロクロシキチョウ (白黒四季鳥) shiro-kuro shiki-chō 'black and white four-season-bird' |
Chim Chích chòe nước nhỏ 'small water-magpierobin (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Myophonus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Myophonus insularus Myiophoneus insularus ![]() |
Taiwan whistling thrush Formosan whistling-thrush Formosan whistling thrush |
台灣紫嘯鶇 (台湾紫啸鸫) 'Taiwan purple whistling-thrush' |
(台灣紫嘯鶇) 台湾紫啸鸫 'Taiwan purple whistling-thrush' |
Taiwan formerly: 紫嘯鶇 (紫啸鸫) 'purple whistling-thrush' |
ルリチョウ (瑠璃鳥 ~ 琉璃鳥) ruri-chō 'lapis lazuli bird' |
Myophonus caeruleus Myiophoneus caeruleus ![]() |
Blue whistling thrush Blue whistling-thrush Himalayan whistling thrush Violet whistling thrush |
白斑紫嘯鶇 (白斑紫啸鸫) 'white-striped purple whistling-thrush' |
(紫嘯鶇) 紫啸鸫 'purple whistling-thrush' |
鳴雞 (鸣鸡) 'calling fowl/chicken' (northern) (35) 山鳴雞 (山鸣鸡) 'mountain calling fowl/chicken' 鳥精 (鸟精) 'bird spirit' 紫藍色嘯聲鶇 (紫蓝色啸声鸫) 'blue-purple whistling-voiced-thrush' (early ornithological) (35) |
オオルリチョウ (大瑠璃鳥 or 大琉璃鳥) ō ruri-chō 'large lapis lazuli bird' |
Chim Hoét xanh 'blue/green thrush (bird)' (12, 13) |
Calliope | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Calliope calliope Luscinia calliope Erithacus calliope ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Siberian rubythroat | 野鴝 (野鸲) 'wild robin' |
(紅喉歌鴝) 红喉歌鸲 'red-throated song-robin' or (紅點頦) 红点颏 'red-dot chin' (1, 3, 5) |
紅靛頦兒 (红靛颏儿) 'red-indigo chin?' 紅頦 (红颏) 'red chin' 點頦 (点颏) 'dot chin' (also used for Luscinia svecica) 白點頦 (白点颏) 'white-dot chin' 紅脖 (红脖) 'red throat' 紅脖雀 (红脖雀) 'red-throated sparrow' 蘆槁鳥 (芦槁鸟) 'reed withered bird' (also used for Luscinia svecica) |
ノゴマ (野駒) no-goma 'field-robin' |
ヒノマル (日の丸) hinomaru 'hinomaru' (Japanese flag) ノドアカ (喉赤) nodo-aka 'red-throat' |
진홍가슴 jin-hong-gaseum 'true (?) red-breast' |
Erithacus calliope (12): Chim Oanh cổ đỏ 'red-throated robin (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Myiomela | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Myiomela leucura Cinclidium leucurum ![]() |
White-tailed robin White-tailed blue robin |
白尾鴝 (白尾鸲) 'white-tailed robin' |
(白尾藍鴝) 白尾蓝鸲 'white-tailed blue robin' (1, 2, 3, 5) or (白尾藍地鴝) 白尾蓝地鸲 'white-tailed blue ground robin' (1, 3, 5) (白尾地鴝) 白尾地鸲 'white-tailed ground robin' (4) |
白尾斑地鴝 (白尾斑地鸲) 'white-tailed striped ground robin' (6, 7) |
コンヒタキ (紺鶲) kon hitaki 'darkblue flycatcher' |
Cinclidium leucurum (12): Chim Oanh đuôi trắng 'white-tailed robin (bird)' (12, 13) |
Tarsiger | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Tarsiger indicus Luscinia indica Erithacus indicus ![]() ![]() |
White-browed bush robin White-browed bush-robin |
白眉林鴝 (白眉林鸲) 'white-eyebrowed forest-robin' |
(白眉林鴝) 白眉林鸲 'white-eyebrowed forest-robin' |
Ianthia indica indica: 白眉树丛欧鸲 (白眉樹叢歐鴝) 'white-eyebrowed bush European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) |
キクチヒタキ (菊池?鶲) kikuchi hitaki 'Kikuchi flycatcher' |
Erithacus indicus (12), Tarsiger indicus (34): Chim Oanh đuôi nhọn mày trắng 'white-eyebrowed sharp-tailed robin (bird)' (12, 34) |
Tarsiger johnstoniae Luscinia johnstoniae Erithacus johnstoniae |
Collared bush robin Collared bush-robin Taiwan bush robin |
栗背林鴝 (栗背林鸲) 'chestnut-backed forest-robin' |
(台灣林鴝) 台湾林鸲 'Taiwan forest-robin' |
アリサンヒタキ (アリ山鶲) ari-san hitaki 'Mt Ali flycatcher' |
Tarsiger cyanurus Luscinia cyanura Erithacus cyanurus ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Red-flanked Bluetail Orange-flanked Bush Robin Red-flanked bush robin Siberian bluechat |
藍尾鴝 (蓝尾鸲) 'blue-tailed robin' |
(紅脇藍尾鴝) 红胁蓝尾鸲 'red-flanked blue-tailed robin' |
青鶲 (青鹟) 'green/blue flycatcher' (35, from Zool. Nomen.) 藍尾歐鴝 (蓝尾欧鸲) 'blue-tailed European-robin' 亞東藍尾歐鴝 (亚东蓝尾欧鸲) 'East Asian blue-tailed European-robin' (early ornithological) (35) Ianthia rufilata rufilata: 紅脇歌鴝 (红胁歌鸲) 'red-flanked song-robin' 青尾兒 (青尾儿) 'green/blue tail' (also Larvivora cyane) 藍尾巴根子 (蓝尾巴根子) 'blue-tailroot' (also Larvivora cyane) (northern) (35) 藍點岡兒 (蓝点冈儿) 'blue-spotted rod' (northern) (35) 藍尾述 (蓝尾述) 'blue-tailed shu' (southern) |
ルリビタキ (瑠璃鶲 ~ 琉璃鶲) ruri-bitaki 'lapis lazuli flycatcher' |
유리딱새 yuri-ttak-sae 'lapis lazuli flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Oanh đuôi lưng cụt xanh 'blue/green-backed short-tailed robin (bird)' (12) |
Ficedula | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Ficedula albicilla Ficedula parva Muscicapa parva ![]() |
Taiga Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-throated flycatcher Ficedula albicilla: Taiga Flycatcher |
紅喉鶲 (红喉鹟) 'red-throated flycatcher' |
(紅喉姬鶲) 红喉姬鹟 'red-throated lady flycatcher' or (紅喉鶲) 红喉鹟 'red-throated flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) or (黄點頦) 黄点颏 'yellow-dot chin' (alt in 1, 5) |
オジロビタキ (尾白鶲) o-jiro-bitaki 'white-tailed flycatcher' |
Ficedula parva: 서양흰꼬리딱새 seoyang-huin-kkori-ttak-sae 'western white-tailed flycatcher-bird' Ficedula albicilla: 흰꼬리딱새 huin-kkori-ttak-sae 'white-tailed flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi họng đỏ 'red-throated fly-snapping bird' (12, 13) Ficedula albicilla: Chim Đớp ruồi Taiga 'Taiga fly-snapping bird' (34) |
Ficedula hyperythra![]() |
Snowy-browed flycatcher Thicket flycatcher Rufous-breasted blue flycatcher |
黃胸青鶲 (黄胸青鹟) 'yellow-breasted green/blue flycatcher' |
(棕胸藍姬鶲) 棕胸蓝姬鹟 'reddishbrown-breasted blue lady flycatcher' or (棕胸藍鶲) 棕胸蓝鹟 'reddishbrown-breasted blue flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
ムネアカビタキ (胸赤鶲) mune-aka-bitaki 'red-breasted flycatcher' |
Chim Đớp ruồi mày trắng 'white-eyebrowed fly-snapping bird' (12) |
Ficedula zanthopygia![]() |
Yellow-rumped flycatcher Tricolor flycatcher |
白眉鶲 (白眉鹟) 'white-eyebrowed flycatcher' |
(白眉姬鶲) 白眉姬鹟 'white-eyebrowed lady flycatcher' or (白眉鶲) 白眉鹟 'white-eyebrowed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
鴨蛋黄 (鸭蛋黄) 'duck egg yolk' 黄鶲 (黄鹟) 'yellow flycatcher' |
マミジロキビタキ (眉白黄鶲) mami-jiro ki-bitaki 'white-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
흰눈썹황금새 huin-nunsseop-hwanggeum-sae 'white-eyebrowed golden-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi vàng 'yellow fly-snapping bird' (12, 13) |
Ficedula mugimaki![]() ![]() |
Mugimaki flycatcher Robin flycatcher |
白眉黃鶲 (白眉黄鹟) 'white-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
(鴝姬鶲) 鸲姬鹟 'robin lady flycatcher' or (鴝鶲) 鸲鹟 'robin flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
ムギマキ (麦蒔き ~ 麦播き) mugi-maki 'wheat-sower' |
コツバメ (小燕) ko-tsubame 'little swallow' |
노랑딱새 norang-ttak-sae 'yellow flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi Mugi 'mugi fly-snapping bird' (mugi abbreviation of 'mugimaki', from English/scientific name) (12, 13) Chim Đớp ruồi cổ đỏ 'red-necked fly-snapping bird' (34) |
Ficedula narcissina![]() ![]() |
Narcissus flycatcher Narcissina flycatcher |
黃眉黃鶲 (黄眉黄鹟) 'yellow-eyebrowed yellow flycatcher' |
(黄眉姬鶲) 黄眉姬鹟 'yellow-eyebrowed lady flycatcher' or (黄眉鶲) 黄眉鹟 'yellow-eyebrowed flycatcher' (alt in 1, 3, 5) |
キビタキ (黄鶲) ki-bitaki 'yellow flycatcher' |
황금새 hwanggeum-sae 'golden bird' Ficedula narcissina elisae: 중국황금새 jungguk-hwanggeum-sae 'Chinese golden bird' Ficedula narcissina wostoni: 적도황금새 jeokdoh-wanggeum-sae 'equatorial ? golden bird' |
Chim Đớp ruồi lưng vàng 'yellow-backed fly-snapping bird' (12) |
Phoenicuropsis | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Phoenicuropsis frontalis Phoenicurus frontalis ![]() ![]() |
Blue-fronted redstart Chinese blue-fronted redstart |
藍額紅尾鴝 (蓝额红尾鸲) 'blue-foreheaded red-tailed robin' |
(藍額紅尾鴝) 蓝额红尾鸲 'blue-foreheaded red-tailed robin' |
中国蓝额鹟 (中國藍額鶲) 'Chinese blue-foreheaded flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) |
ルリビタイジョウビタキ (瑠璃額尉鶲 ~ 琉璃額尉鶲) ruri-bitai jō-bitaki 'lapis lazuli-foreheaded jō-flycatcher' |
Chim Đuôi đỏ núi đá mày xám 'grey-eyebrowed rocky mountain red-tail (bird)' (12) |
Rhyacornis | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Rhyacornis fuliginosa Rhyacornis fuliginosus Phoenicurus fuliginosus ![]() ![]() |
Plumbeous water redstart Plumbeous water-redstart Plumbeous redstart |
鉛色水鶇 (铅色水鸫) 'lead-coloured water thrush' |
(紅尾水鴝) 红尾水鸲 'red-tailed water robin' |
鉛色鶲 (铅色鹟) 'lead-coloured flycatcher' 鉛色水鶲 (铅色水鹟) 'lead-coloured water flycatcher' (early ornithological) (35) 燕石青兒 (燕石青儿) 'swallow stone green/blue' 溪紅尾 (溪红尾) 'brook red-tail (bird)' |
カワビタキ (川鶲) kawa-bitaki 'river-flycatcher' |
부채꼬리바위딱새 buchae-kkori-bawi-ttak-sae 'fan-tailed crag flycatcher-bird' |
Phoenicurus fuliginosus (12): Chim Đuôi đỏ đầu xám 'grey-headed red-tail (bird)' (12) |
Chaimarrornis | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Chaimarrornis leucocephalus Phoenicurus leucocephalus ![]() ![]() |
White-capped water redstart White-capped water-redstart River chat |
白頂溪鴝 (白顶溪鸲) 'white-capped brook robin' |
(白頂溪鴝) 白顶溪鸲 'white-capped brook robin' |
白頂水鶲 (白顶水鹟) 'white-capped water flycatcher' 白頂鶲 (白顶鹟) 'white-capped flycatcher' 白頂溪紅尾 (白顶溪红尾) 'white-capped brook red-tail' 看水童子 (看水童子) 'water-watching child' |
シロボウシカワビタキ (白帽子川鶲) shiro-bōshi kawa-bitaki 'white-hatted river-flycatcher' |
흰머리바위딱새 huin-meori-bawi-ttak-sae 'white-headed crag flycatcher-bird' |
Phoenicurus leucocephalus (12): Chim Đuôi đỏ đầu trắng 'white-headed red-tail (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Phoenicurus | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Phoenicurus ochruros![]() ![]() |
Black redstart | 赭紅尾鴝 (赭红尾鸲) 'brownishred red-tailed robin' |
(赭紅尾鴝) 赭红尾鸲 'brownishred red-tailed robin' |
クロジョウビタキ (黒尉鶲) kuro jō-bitaki 'black jō-flycatcher' |
검은머리딱새 geomeun-meori-ttak-sae 'black-headed flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đuôi đỏ núi đá trán đen 'black-foreheaded rocky mountain red-tail (bird)' (12, 34) |
Phoenicurus auroreus![]() ![]() |
Daurian redstart | 黃尾鴝 (黄尾鸲) 'yellow-tailed robin' |
(北紅尾鴝) 北红尾鸲 'northern red-tailed robin' |
花紅燕兒 (花红燕儿) 'flowery red swallow' (northern) (35) 大紅燕 (大红燕) 'large red swallow' 火燕 (火燕) 'fire swallow' 茶鶲 (茶鹟) 'tea (brown) flycatcher' 朗鶲 (朗鹟) 'bright flycatcher' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 穿馬褂 (穿马褂) 'jacket wearer' 灰頂茶鴝 (灰顶茶鸲) 'grey-headed brown robin' 灰頂紅茶鴝 (灰顶红茶鸲) 'grey-headed red-brown robin' 灰頂紅尾鴝 (灰顶红尾鸲) 'grey-headed red-tailed robin' |
ジョウビタキ (尉鶲, also 常鶲, 上鶲) jō-bitaki 'jō-flycatcher' |
モンツキドリ (紋付き鳥) mon-tsuki-dori 'bird with insignia/crest' (refers to white patch on wing) |
딱새 ttak-sae 'flycatcher-bird' |
Chim Đuôi đỏ núi đá trán xám 'grey-foreheaded rocky mountain red-tail (bird)' (12, 34) |
Monticola | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Monticola gularis Petrophila gularis ![]() |
White-throated rock thrush White-throated rock-thrush Blue-headed rock thrush |
白喉磯鶇 (白喉矶鸫) 'white-throated rocky-shore thrush' |
(白喉磯鶇) 白喉矶鸫 'white-throated rocky-shore thrush' (2, 3, 4) (藍頭磯鶇) 蓝头矶鸫 'blue-headed rocky-shore thrush' (alt in 1, 5) ![]() ![]() |
紅喉磯鶇 (红喉矶鸫) 'red-throated rocky-shore thrush' 白喉石鶇 (白喉石鸫) 'white-throated stone thrush' (early ornithological) (35) 虎皮翠 (虎皮翠) 'tiger skin kingfisher' 葫蘆翠 (葫芦翠) 'gourd kingfisher' |
ヒメイソヒヨ (姫磯鵯) hime iso-hiyo 'princess rocky-shore bulbul' |
꼬까직박구리 kkokka-jikbakguri 'flowery bulbul' |
Chim Hoét đá họng trắng 'white-throated rock-thrush (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Monticola solitarius![]() |
Blue rock thrush Blue rock-thrush |
藍磯鶇 (蓝矶鸫) 'blue rocky-shore thrush' |
(藍磯鶇) 蓝矶鸫 'blue rocky-shore thrush' |
水嘴 (水嘴) 'water mouth' 麻石青 (麻石青) 'hemp stone green/blue' 石鶇 (石鸫) 'stone thrush' 磯鶇 (矶鸫) 'rocky-shore thrush' (35, from Nomen. Zool.) 亞東藍石鶇 (亚东蓝石鸫) 'East Asian blue stone-thrush' (early ornithological) (35) |
イソヒヨドリ (磯鵯) iso-hiyo-dori 'rocky-shore bulbul' |
Many regional names (see Hiraizumi - Japanese site) | 바다직박구리 bada-jikbakguri 'sea bulbul' |
Chim Hoét đá 'rock-thrush (bird)' (12, 13) |
Saxicola | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Saxicola maurus Saxicola torquatus Saxicola torquata ![]() |
Eastern Stonechat or Siberian Stonechat Common stonechat Stonechat Common bushchat |
黑喉鴝 (黑喉鸲) 'black-throated robin' |
(黑喉石䳭) 黑喉石䳭 'black-throated stone chat' |
Saxicola torquata: 西比利亞石子石棲鳥 (西比利亚石子石栖鸟) 'Siberian rock rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
ノビタキ (野鶲) no-bitaki 'field flycatcher' |
검은딱새 geomeun-ttak-sae 'black flycatcher-bird' |
Saxicola torquata: Chim Sẻ bụi đầu đen 'black-headed bush-sparrow (bird)' (12, 13) Saxicola maurus: Chim Sẻ bụi Xibêri 'Siberian bush-sparrow (bird)' (34) |
Saxicola ferreus Saxicola ferrea ![]() |
Grey Bush Chat Grey Bushchat |
灰叢鴝 (灰丛鸲) 'grey thicket robin' |
(灰林䳭) 灰林䳭 'grey forest chat' |
中國灰樹叢石棲 (中国灰树丛石栖) 'Chinese grey bush rock-roost' (early ornithological) (35) |
ヤマザキヒタキ (山崎鶲) Yamazaki hitaki 'Yamazaki flycatcher' |
Saxicola ferrea (12, 13): Chim Sẻ bụi xám 'grey bush-sparrow (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
Oenanthe | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Oenanthe oenanthe![]() ![]() |
Northern wheatear Wheatear |
穗䳭 (穗䳭) 'grainear chat' |
(穗䳭) 穗䳭 'grainear chat' |
石棲鳥 (石栖鸟) 'rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 麥穗 (麦穗) 'wheat ear' (early ornithological) (35) |
ハシグロヒタキ (嘴黒鶲) hashi-guro hitaki 'black-billed flycatcher' |
북방사막딱새 bukbang-samak-ttak-sae 'northern desert flycatcher-bird' |
Oenanthe isabellina![]() |
Isabelline wheatear | 沙䳭 (沙䳭) 'sand chat' |
(沙䳭) 沙䳭 'sand chat' |
黃褐色石棲鳥 (黄褐色石栖鸟) 'yellow-brown rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
イナバヒタキ (因幡鶲) inaba hitaki 'Inaba flycatcher' |
긴다리사막딱새 gin-dari-samak-ttak-sae 'long-legged desert flycatcher-bird' |
Oenanthe deserti![]() |
Desert wheatear | 漠䳭 (漠䳭) 'desert chat' |
(漠䳭) 漠䳭 'desert chat' |
黑喉沙漠地石棲鳥 (黑喉沙漠地石栖鸟) 'black-throated desert-land rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 黑喉沙漠地麥穗 (黑喉沙漠地麦穗) 'black-throated desert-land wheat ear' (early ornithological) (35) |
サバクヒタキ (砂漠鶲) sabaku-hitaki 'desert flycatcher' |
Oenanthe pleschanka![]() |
Pied wheatear | 白頂䳭 (白顶䳭) 'white-capped chat' |
(白頂䳭) 白顶䳭 'white-capped chat' (1, 2, 3, 5) (斑䳭) 斑䳭 'striped chat' (4) ![]() ![]() |
白頭鶲 (白头鹟) 'white-headed flycatcher' (northern) (35) ![]() ![]() 西比利亞石棲鳥 (西比利亚石栖鸟) 'Siberian rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) 中國白頂石棲鳥 (中国白顶石栖鸟) 'Chinese white-capped rock-roosting bird' (early ornithological) (35) |
セグロサバクヒタキ (背黒砂漠鶲) se-guro sabaku-hitaki 'black-backed desert flycatcher' |
검은등사막딱새 geomeun-deung-samak-ttak-sae 'black-backed desert flycatcher-bird' |