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The new Sylviidae are a combination of the old Sylvia warblers from the Old World warbler assemblage (Sylviidae), plus the fulvettas and parrotbills from the babbler assemblage (Timaliidae).
(Other families arising from the break-up of the Sylviidae include the Locustellidae, Phylloscopidae, Acrocephalidae, and Scotocercidae. Other families arising from the break-up of the Timaliidae include the Timaliidae, Pellorneidae, Leiothrichidae, and Pnoepygidae, plus parts of the Stenostiridae and Zosteropidae.)
The ornithological naming of the new Sylviidae is mixed:
1. The genus Curruca (previously assigned to Sylvia) is known as 林鶯 'forest warbler', using 鶯 , the ornithological name of the old Sylviidae assemblage. The traditional meaning of 鶯 in Chinese is oriole; it was ornithologically adopted for the sylviid warblers under the influence of the Japanese family name of the Sylviidae, 鶯科 uguisu-ka, which was a result of Japan's poetic identification of its native Japanese Bush Warbler or uguisu (Horornis diphone) with China's oriole (see 'Of Orioles and Warblers').
2. The Streak-throated or Grey-hooded Fulvetta (Fulvetta cinereiceps) is known as 灰頭花翼 'grey-headed flowery wing'.
3. The parrotbills, now split into a number of genera, are known as 鸚嘴 'parrot-bill', a direct calque from English.
Species names
Curruca | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Curruca nana Sylvia nana ![]() |
Asian Desert Warbler Desert Warbler Desert whitethroat |
(漠地林莺) 漠地林鶯 'desert-land forest-warbler' |
亚洲漠地林莺 (亞洲漠地林鶯) 'Asian desert-land forest-warbler' (36) 漠林莺 (漠林鶯) 'desert forest-warbler' (2, 4, 5) 漠地林莺 (漠地林鶯) 'desert-land forest-warbler' (1, 3. alt in 5) |
(漠莺) 漠鶯 'desert warbler' (6) |
サバクムシクイ (砂漠虫喰) sabaku mushi-kui 'desert insect-eater' |
Chích sa mạc châu Á 'Asian desert warbler' (Wikipedia) |
Curruca curruca Sylvia curruca ![]() |
Lesser whitethroat White-throated warbler |
(白喉林莺) 白喉林鶯 'white-throated forest-warbler' |
白喉林莺 (白喉林鶯) 'white-throated forest-warbler' |
(白喉莺) 白喉鶯 'white-throated warbler' (6) (虎脖) 虎脖 'tiger-throat' |
コノドジロムシクイ (小喉白虫喰) ko nodo-jiro mushi-kui 'small white-throated insect-eater' |
カシミアムシクイ (カシミア虫喰) kashimia mushi-kui 'Kashmir insect-eater' |
쇠흰턱딱새 soe-huin-teok-ttak-sae 'small white-chinned flycatcher-bird' |
Chích họng trắng nhỏ 'small white-throated warbler' (Wikipedia) |
Fulvetta | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Fulvetta cinereiceps Alcippe cinereiceps ![]() |
Streak-throated fulvetta or Grey-hooded fulvetta Brown-headed tit babbler |
(灰头花翼) 灰頭花翼 'grey-headed flowery wing' |
褐头雀鹛 (褐頭雀鶥) 'brown-headed finch-babbler' |
アリサンチメドリ (アリサン知目鳥) arisan chime-dori 'Ali-shan babbler-bird' |
Chim Lách tách họng vạch 'line-throated fulvetta (bird)' (12, 13) Chim Lách tách ngực xám 'grey-breasted fulvetta (bird)' (34) |
Suthora | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Suthora nipalensis Paradoxornis nipalensis ![]() |
Black-throated parrotbill Blyth's parrotbill Black-throated crowtit |
(黄羽鹦嘴) 黃羽鸚嘴 'yellow-feathered parrot-bill' |
(黑喉鴉雀) 黑喉鸦雀 'black-throated crow-finch' (1, 2, 4, 5) (橙額鴉雀) 橙额鸦雀 'orange-foreheaded crow-finch' (3) |
橙背鴉雀 (橙背鸦雀) 'orange-backed crow-finch' (6) |
キバネダルマエナガ (黄羽達磨柄長) ki-bane daruma e-naga 'yellow-winged daruma long-handle' |
Chim Khướư mỏ dẹt họng đen 'black-throated flat-billed babbler (bird)' (12, 34) |
Sinosuthora | ||||||||
Latin |
English |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
Chinese (Mainland) |
Other Ch |
Japanese |
Other J |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Sinosuthora webbiana Paradoxornis webbianus ![]() |
Vinous-throated parrotbill Rufous-headed crowtit Vinous-breasted parrotbill Vinous-throated crowtit |
(粉红鹦嘴) 粉紅鸚嘴 'pink parrot-bill' |
棕头鸦雀 (棕頭鴉雀) 'reddishbrown-headed crow-finch' (2, 3, 4, 5) 棕翅缘鸦雀 (棕翅缘鴉雀) 'reddishbrown-wing-edged crow-finch' (alt in 1) |
(乌形山雀) 烏形山雀 'crow-shaped mountain-finch' (驴粪球儿) 驢糞球兒 'mule dung ball' (黄头) 黄頭 'yellow head' (红头仔) 紅頭仔 'red-head' |
ダルマエナガ (達磨柄長) daruma e-naga 'daruma long-handle' |
붉은머리오목눈이 bulgeun-meori-omongnuni 'red-headed longtailedtit' |
Chim Khướư mỏ dẹt bé 'little flat-billed babbler (bird)' (12, 13, 34) |
The term 山雀 shān-què 'mountain finch' (or 'mountain sparrow') is the ornithological name for the tits (Paridae). The name has possibly been influenced by Japanese ヤマガラ yama-gara, written 山雀, which is the name of the Varied Tit (Sittiparus varius). Within the Paridae, Mainland usage now reserves 山雀 for species that at the time belonged to the genus Parus. Other genera use the abbreviated form 雀 què.
セッカ sekka is used in Japanese for several small warbling birds in the Cisticolidae, Locustellidae, and Phylloscopidae. The etymology is unknown. It is written with the ateji 雪加 (literally 'snow-add') or 雪下 (literally 'snow-below'), characters assigned on the basis of sound only with little or no relation to etymology or meaning.
In its original sense, 雀 què meant 'sparrow' in Chinese, although from a very early stage it came to be used for the finches. It also occurs in the name 山雀 shān-què 'mountain sparrow/finch', which is the ornithological name for the tits (Paridae). Here, 雀 què is an abbreviation for 山雀 shān-què ('tit'). 雀鹛 què-méi is, in fact, the Chinese equivalent of English 'tit babbler'.
中国鸟类种和亚种分类名录大全(修订版) 郑作新 著 科学出版社 北京 2000年
A Complete Checklist of Species and Subspecies of the Chinese Birds (Revised Edition) by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 2000
中国鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2005年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2005
中国鸟类野外手册(中文版)约翰・马敬能、卡伦・菲利普斯,合作者:荷芬奇,翻译:卢和芬 湖南教育出版社 长沙 2000年
A Field Guide to the Birds of China (Chinese translation) by John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps, in collaboration with He Fen-qi, translated by Lu Hefen, Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe (Hunan Educational Press) Changsha 2000
世界鸟类分类与分布名录 主编:郑光美 科学出版社 北京 2002年
A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World Chief editor: Zheng Guangmei, Science Press, Beijing 2002
世界鸟类名称(拉丁文、汉文、英文对照)第二版 郑作新等 科学出版社 北京 2002年
Birds of the World (Latin, Chinese and English Names) 2nd ed. by Cheng Tso-Hsin et al, Science Press, Beijing 2002
中国鸟类分布名录 第二版 郑作新 科学出版社 北京 1976年
(Checklist of the Classification of Birds of China 2nd edition by Cheng Tso-Hsin, Science Press, Beijing 1976)
香港及華南鳥類(第六版)(翻譯成中文及重新修訂) 尹璉、費嘉倫、林超英 香港性徵特區政府新聞處政府印務局 1994年
Birds of Hong Kong and South China (6th edition, translated into Chinese and newly revised) by Clive Viney, Karen Phillipps, Lin Chaoying, Hong Kong Govt. Press 1994
Danh Lục Chim Việt Nam (In lần thứ hai) (Checklist of the Birds of Vietnam) Võ Quý, Nguyễn Cử, Nhà Xuất Bản Nông Nghiệp, Hà Nội 1999
Chim Việt Nam Nguyễn Cử, Lê Trọng Trải, Karen Phillipps; Nhà Xuất Bản Lao Động - Xã Hội, 2000
Danh Lục Các Loài Chim ở Việt Nam (Latinh, Việt, Pháp, Hán) Trần Văn Chánh 2008-2009
中国观鸟年报-中国鸟类名录 1.1 (The CBR Checklist of Birds of China v1.1) 中国观鸟年报 (China Bird Review), 2010