(In chronogical order, starting from the bottom)
18 December (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added a couple of names at Pelecanidae (Mongolia). Performed little housekeeping.
16 December (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed Javascript-related error at Passeridae and Panuridae of China that was stopping the page from rendering.
- Fixed faulty link on China index page (reproduced across all index pages).
9 December (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed Javascript-related error at Laniidae of China that was stopping the page from rendering.
30 November (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight fixes to code.
18 November (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added name to Scolopacidae at Mongolia.
22 October (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed problem where Mongolian-language dictionaries were not showing traditional script properly.
21 October (Ulaanbaatar)
1 October (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Mongolian name to Alcidae (Japan).
29 September (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight corrections to Accipitridae of Mongolia and minor edit at Laridae.
9 September 2016 (Beijing)
- Further rewriting of the introduction to the Emberizidae at China. Added a few old species names that had been omitted.
8 September 2016 (Beijing)
- Some rewriting of the Emberizidae and Urocynchramidae at birds of China.
- Fixed link on home page.
- Adjusted location of Google search box.
11 August 2016 (Queensland)
- Ditched Baidu for site search. Unlike Google, it does not appear to be intelligent enough to keep results comprehensive or up-to-date.
[Sibagu Year 8]
30 January 2016 (Queensland)
The updating of the Mongolian names to feature the new Inner Mongolian names from 内蒙古动物志 (第四卷 鸟纲 雀形目) -- Fauna Inner Mongolia (Volume 4 Aves Passerines) is now complete. Regrettably, the names found in this volume not only have many mistakes and misprints; they also form an often inconsistent patchwork incorporating Mongolian influence (often including names with no attempt at consistency), sometimes incorporating existing but hitherto excluded Inner Mongolian names, and rejecting some existing traditional names. The names are so bad that I've changed the notation "IM formerly" to "IM also".
- Updated Hirundinidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
29 January 2016 (Queensland)
- Updated Acrocephalidae and Locustellidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
- A few corrections of Mongolian traditional spellings.
28 January 2016 (Queensland)
- Updated Passeridae, Motacillidae, Pycnonotidae, and Sittidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
- A few fixes at Prunellidae.
27 January 2016 (Queensland)
- Updated Alaudidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
- Fixes at popup on bor.
26 January 2016 (Queensland)
- Updated Emberizidae, Plectrophenacidae, and Turdidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
- Fixes at various places.
25 January 2016 (Queensland)
- Updated Fringillidae and Corvidae to include newly available Inner Mongolian names. Rewrote notes.
- Added update page for 2016 (this page).
- Other minor changes.