(In chronogical order, starting from the bottom)
14 October 2012 (Beijing)
- Emendations to the notes for the naming of larks (Alaudidae) at Mongolia. The naming of small passerines is a messy area in Mongolian; this is crying out for more attention.
13 October 2012 (Beijing)
- Slight change to glossing of バン ban in Japanese ('moorhen' instead of 'coot'). See Rallidae (Japan).
30 September 2012 (Beijing)
- Added source.
29 September 2012 (Beijing)
- Slight addition to Corvidae (Vietnam).
20 September 2012 (Tokyo)
- Finalised split of Ardeidae at Taiwan.
17 September 2012 (Tokyo)
- Split Chinese Ardeidae into two pages: Ardeidae 1 and Ardeidae 2.
15 September 2012 (Tokyo)
- Split Chinese Phasianidae into three pages: Phasianidae, Phasianidae 2, Phasianidae 3.
12 September 2012 (Tokyo)
- Slight rewriting and minor addition to the introduction of Falconidae (Mongolia).
9 September 2012 (Tokyo)
- Slight changes to Anatidae (Mongolia).
20 August 2012 (Beijing)
- Added a few Buryat and Mongolian names at Hirundinidae and Anatidae.
19 August 2012 (Beijing)
18 August 2012 (Beijing)
- Added names in Traditional Mongolian at Hirundinidae (Mongolia and China).
- Some additional work on Phasianidae (Mongolia).
11 August 2012 (Beijing)
3 August 2012 (Beijing)
- Added names in Traditional Mongolian script to table in Sittidae (Font)
- Also added missing Inner Mongolian name for Nuthatch.
19 July 2012 (Beijing)
- Tentatively added names in Traditional Mongolian script to table in Alcedinidae (Mongolia). Font needs to be downloaded.
- Added missing Mongolian name at Alcedinidae (China)
17 July 2012 (Beijing)
- Made a few changes to the Alcedinidae (Mongolia).
2 May 2012 (Beijing)
- Changed 白烏秋 to 白翁鳥 (Japanese name of Garrulax leucolophus).
23 April 2012 (Beijing)
- Changed gloss of Mongolian буурал buural from 'roan' to 'greyish'. It apparently refers to an off-white similar to grey hair (i.e., mixture of original hair colour with grey hairs), although it is very hard to tell from looking at photos of birds exactly what exactly is буурал buural about them.
- Added links to East Asian Bird Club images at Podicipedidae.
19 April 2012 (Beijing)
- Slight changes to Vietnamese names (Accipitridae and Corvidae).
[Sibagu Year 4]
2 April 2012 (Beijing)
- At the Phasianidae (Vietnam), added most recent Malaysian names. Also corrected an incorrectly entered cell.
25 March 2012 (Beijing)
- At the Phasianidae (Vietnam), changed explanation and wording on derivation of Cay 'quail' from French caille to more definitive statement. Fixed gloss at Phasianidae (China).
19 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Added the 五體清文鑑 (Таван зүйлийн үсгээр хавсарсан манж үгний толь бичиг) to the Sources page.
18 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Added some alternative Chinese names at Caprimulgidae (China), Apodidae (China), Trogonidae (China), and Alcedinidae (China). Fixed a few small errors, changed a few glosses.
17 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Added and changed some photo links at Turnicidae.
13 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Changed "General names" heading to "General" (all countries).
- Slight change to introduction to Columbidae (Japan).
11 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Added external link to explanation of ヌエ nue at Turdidae (Japan).
9 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Added notes at introduction to the Bombycillidae (Mongolia).
6 March 2012 (Beijing)
- Slight glossing changes at Phasianidae (Vietnam).
28 February 2012 (Beijing)
- Changes to Malaysian entry at Anhingidae, Pelecanidae and Phaethontidae (Vietnam).
20 February 2012 (Beijing)
- Changed 'bonito bird' to 'skipjack-tuna bird' at Sulidae (Japan) and other countries. The use of the English name 'bonito' for this species of fish (Katsuwonus pelamis) is customary in Japan but not strictly correct. 'Skipjack tuna' is more accurate.
- Made a few changes to the Malaysian gloss for the ibises at Threskiornithidae (Vietnam).
19 February 2012 (Beijing)
- At Threskiornithidae (Vietnam), changed gloss of quăm/quắm to curved[bill]. Slightly rewrote introduction.
- Slight glossing changes at Procellariidae (Vietnam).
- Slight expansion of introduction at Sulidae (Japan).
18 February 2012 (Beijing)
- Updated alternative Chinese names at the Picidae (Taiwan).
- Rewrote the introduction to the Picidae (China and Taiwan).
- Slight changes to Phasianidae (Vietnam).
17 February 2012 (Beijing)
- Added further alternative Chinese names at the Picidae (China).
- Slight changes at Anatidae, Laridae, and Podicipedidae (Vietnam).
14 February 2012 (Beijing)
- Slight gloss change at Anatidae (Vietnam).
4 February 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight tweaks at Birds of Mongolia.
2 February 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Changed gloss of Malay Angsa to 'goose' (Sulidae Vietnam), corrected spelling of Topeng (Laridae Vietnam), corrected Malay name of Anas clypeata to Itik Paruh Bajak 'plough-billed duck' (Anatidae Vietnam).
30 January 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Again rewrote the introduction to Alaudidae (Mongolia). The usage of names for this family is difficult to pin down, and ornithologists' attempts to reassign existing names to cover scientific genera (sometimes resulting in the reassignment of names to totally different families) have only exacerbated this.
26 January 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Further tweaked the introducton to Alaudidae (Mongolia).
25 January 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
23 January 2012 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added alternative Chinese names to Otididae.
22 January 2012 (Beijing)
- Added alternative Chinese names to Turnicidae and Gruidae.
16 January 2012 (Beijing)
- Brought MAIN MENU navigation panel up to date on all updates pages.
- Moved 2011 Updates to its own page.