(In chronogical order, starting from the bottom)
13 December 2011 (Queensland)
- Changed "Malay" to "Malaysian".
5 December 2011 (Beijing)
- Rewrote rather hasty changes to the introduction to the Hirundinidae.
29 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Modified the introduction to the Hirundinidae.
19 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added alternative Chinese names for the Cuculidae and Strigidae, with slight rewriting of the introductions.
- Some other fixes.
- Changed note at China to indicate that pinyin readings of some dialect names were essentially 'fictitious'.
18 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added another Mongolian word for sparrow (which needs checking) and slightly cleaned up the introduction.
17 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed relic header at Tytonidae (China), rewrote introduction, and added alternative names.
15 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added alternative names to Columbidae (China) and Columbidae (Taiwan), as well as Psittaculidae (China). Fixed some omissions at Columbidae (Japan).
13 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Extensively rewrote the introduction to the Phasianidae (China). The new introduction is not totally satisfactory, but is a considerable improvement on the original one.
- Added alternative names to Pteroclidae (China).
12 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added alternative names to Anatidae (China) and rewrote introduction. Added further links into Of Orioles and Warblers.
11 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added alternative names to Ciconiidae (China).
10 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Further fine-tuning of the introduction to Ardeidae (China).
9 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Fine-tuning of the introduction to Ardeidae (China).
8 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Rewrote the introduction to Chinese Ardeidae again. Added alternative names to Ardeidae of Taiwan and slightly rewrote introduction.
7 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added missing names to Ardeidae (China). Rewrote the introduction, added two graphics.
6 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added a few names and sources, and amended a few introductions, mainly at Phalacoracidae and Fregatidae (China).
- Added some links.
3 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Slight corrections (including slight rewriting of the introduction to Otididae in Vietnam).
1 November 2011 (Beijing)
- Added some alternative names to Procellariidae (China).
31 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Slight change to the introduction at Prunellidae (Japan).
- Added a couple of names at Podicipedidae (China).
29 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Made some changes to the introduction at Anatidae (Japan).
23 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Added 中国动物志 (Fauna Sinica) to sources.
22 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Added alternative names from 中国动物志 (Fauna Sinica) Vol 4 to the Phasianidae. Added character
- Some other minor changes.
16 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Removed note on the updating of Malay/Indonesian names at Birds of Vietnam.
- Changed นกของเวียดนาม to นกในเวียดนาม ('Birds of Vietnam').
- Added Lananhbirds Club to Links.
- Uploading has become increasingly buggy and difficult over the past few months, which I suspect is not unrelated to China's increasingly blatant interference with the Internet.
15 October 2011 (Beijing)
- At Birds of Vietnam, split Laridae into two pages, added page at Timaliidae, added page at Muscicapidae.
- Other minor changes (e.g., 'clash' changed to 'conflict').
14 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Minor fixes at Phasianidae (Vietnam).
13 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Minor fixes at Emberizidae and Fringillidae (Vietnam). This largely completes the updating of Malay/Indonesian names.
12 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Glossing changes at Passeridae and Estrildidae (Vietnam).
11 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Glossing change at Muscicapidae (Vietnam). Slight correction at Chloropseidae.
7 October 2011 (Beijing)
- Amalgamated Sylviidae of Japan into one page. Original two pages were both individually too short to justify breakup.
- Changes and corrections to Timaliidae (in particular, 'chime-bird' changed to 'babbler').
- Some minor changes and corrections at Chloropseidae, Zosteropidae, and Irenidae.
6 October 2011 (Beijing)
- A few changes and corrections at Artamidae, Glareolidae, Hirundinidae, Cisticolidae, and Pycnonotidae. Fixed errors at Orthotomus.
- Added Traditional and Simplified Chinese at Pycnonotidae.
5 October 2011 (Beijing)
- A few changes and corrections at Tephrodornis/Philentoma, Artamidae, Cisticolidae, Sylviidae, Oriolidae, and Dicruridae (Birds of Vietnam and elsewhere).
3 October 2011 (Hohhot)
- Minor corrections and changes, mainly at Birds of Vietnam (Podicipedidae, Coraciidae, Aegithinidae, Campephagidae). This continues the updating of Malay/Indonesian names.
2 October 2011 (Hohhot)
- Made a few minor corrections and changes.
27 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Added Simplified characters where they had been missed at Gruidae, Pittidae, Pycnonotidae, Rallidae, Ramphastidae, Regulidae, and Turnicidae in Birds of Taiwan, Gruidae, Pycnonotidae, and Regulidae in Birds of Japan, and Gruidae in Birds of China.
26 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed up a couple of errors.
25 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed up few errors.
24 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed up a couple of errors.
23 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed up a couple of errors.
20 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed errors at Rostratulidae (Taiwan).
- Added character
in addition to simplified
18 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed miscellaneous errors, added hyphens, etc.
17 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Added more Simplified/Traditional characters. Essentially complete, apart from "mopping up", which means fixing errors, finding families and species that have been missed, etc.
- Added name of country to page titles (e.g. "Accipitridae of China - 中国的鹰科").
15 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Added more Simplified/Traditional characters.
12 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated main page.
- Slightly rewrote the section on Orioles and Warblers.
11 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
10 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
- Corrections, changes and additions to Phasianidae.
8 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
7 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
6 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
4 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
3 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
2 September 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
30 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified/Traditional characters.
21 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Added more Simplified/Traditional characters.
14 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
13 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
9 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Re-uploaded a number of pages that weren't uploaded properly.
8 August 2011 (Beijing)
- Added page on how the meaning of 莺/鶯 changed from 'oriole' to 'sylviid warbler' under the influence of Japanese.
- Moved the writing of Japanese bird names in kanji to the Notes section. Also updated navigation.
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
31 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
28 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
25 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
24 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names at Picidae (thanks to Michael).
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
16 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names at Strigidae and Tytonidae, thanks to Michael.
- Added some Simplified and Traditional characters.
10 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Added Traditional/Simplified characters to Falconidae. Made a few corrections (mainly suggestions from Michael).
9 July 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Fringillidae for Malay/Indonesian (thanks to Michael Nichols) and for character usage.
- Started changing all glosses 'sparrow/finch' to 'sparrow'.
- A few changes at Accipitridae.
29 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
25 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names at Timaliidae. At the same time added Simplified and Traditional characters at all names. Also made some glossing changes, etc. Proved to be a very big job.
- Continued adding Simplified and Traditional characters.
18 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding alternative character renditions (Simplified and Traditional). Have now done enough that it might be noticed by visitors.
15 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Trad/Simplified characters.
- Fixed an error at Corvidae (some countries failed to list the original Taiwanese name of the Jackdaw) and slightly rewrote the introduction at Chinese corvid names.
14 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Changed 'kera' to 'woodpecker' at Birds of China, which for some reason was left out.
13 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Traditional and Simplified characters.
12 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Traditional and Simplified characters.
- Added note saying that this is in progress.
11 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding characters, but very slowly.
10 June 2011 (Beijing)
- A bit more work adding characters. This is an arduous process and looks like being staggered out a lot longer than expected. While adding both character forms is an improvement, the visual results and ease of interpretability for those who are not familiar with Chinese characters are not ideal...
9 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding characters.
- The change in Chinese name of the Common Swift is an example of regularisation of naming, but of an extreme and rather arbitrary type. From being virtually a 'non-swift' (superficially, in fact, a kind of swallow), Apus apus is transformed into the swift par excellence, the unmarked name without descriptor. Added a clumsy note to this effect.
8 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding characters.
- In the process found long-standing error -- Zheng Guangmei's lists have actually changed the name of the Common Swift, which I failed to notice when adding material may years ago.
5 June 2011 (Beijing)
- The long job of adding Simplified/Traditional characters according to the new policy begins.
4 June 2011 (Beijing)
- Changed policy on adding Simplified/Traditional characters. Giving Simplified characters as the 'standard' version of Taiwanese names is jarring and incorrect. Henceforth Taiwanese names will be given in Traditional characters, with Simplified given in parentheses above, except at Birds of Taiwan, where Simplified will be given below. Mainland names will be given in Simplified form, with Traditional in parentheses below. Hopefully this arrangement will be less confusing. The first to go up is Accipitridae, changed at all countries. Also added extra information on the writing of Japanese Accipitridae names in kanji.
31 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Traditional and Simplified characters to Chinese bird names at Birds of Vietnam.
30 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Standardised column width at Birds of China.
- More rewriting of the introduction to Accipitridae (China).
- Added links to a few photos.
29 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued condensation of code (mainly fixing up problems not noticed before).
- Revamped Japanese code to place Traditional Chinese characters (bracketed) on new line.
- Started implementing changes to site policy on the use of Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters for Chinese bird names. Originally Mainland Chinese names were given in Simplified characters; Taiwanese Chinese names were given in Traditional characters. At Birds of China, however, I decided to stick with Simplified characters exclusively, and at Birds of Taiwan I stuck with Traditional characters exclusively. Only at Birds of Japan was an attempt made to give Traditional as well as Simplified characters, mainly for the benefit of Japanese users. The overall result of dividing script usage up along political lines was a very messy mixture. It has become clear that Traditional characters are necessary at all places since they form the bedrock of the system (including the Simplified characters), and that Simplified characters are also necessary at all places given that they are the standard usage for the vast majority of Chinese speakers. In order to simplify presentation, I have decided that Simplified characters will come first for all Chinese bird names on the site, followed by the Traditional characters in parentheses. The exception is Taiwan, where Traditional characters will come first (since they are the normal orthography on Taiwan) with Simplified characters in parentheses. At Japan, no Simplified form will be given for Taiwanese bird names given that Traditional characters are to a large extent fairly familiar to the Japanese. The first page to implement the new policy is Accipitridae (Vietnam).
- Minor corrections.
28 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Some condensation of code (mainly at "span classes", amalgamating span classes into compact format).
26 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Slight changes at Accipitridae Vietnam (added 'Mandarin' before pinyin, since Mandarin is not the only Chinese pronunciation).
25 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Made minor changes to Scolopacidae (China) and the glossing of Pycnonotidae (Japan), as well as Hemiprocnidae, Hirundinidae (China), and Jacanidae (Vietnam).
24 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Further refinements to the introduction to Fringillidae (Japan).
- Tidied up and added photo links at Meropidae.
- Extra name at Cuculidae (China), some fixups at Columbidae (China), including some rewrites to the introduction and additional photo links.
23 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Rewrote introductions to Fringillidae (China and Japan) to conform with presentation at other families and to clarify the tangled names for the hawfinches and grosbeaks. Added or rearranged links to photos, etc.
- Slight changes and corrections to Pycnonotidae (Vietnam).
22 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Rewrote introductions at Strigidae (Japan) and Diomedeidae (Japan) for clarity. Some rewriting also at China and Vietnam. Changed gloss for 'albatross' in Chinese and Japanese.
- Added notes that Traditional and Simplified characters are used exclusively for Chinese words at Birds of Taiwan and China respectively.
- Added alternative character for crow (鴉) at Japanese corvid tables. Also added some cultural information, including information that had previously been lost in the transfer from cjvlang.
- Added some bird names at Vietnamese. A few other miscellaneous changes.
21 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Added a couple of Chinese etymologies for Vietnamese birds.
- Started rewriting a few introductions to better indicate Japanese or Chinese origins of shared names.
- Updated Pycnonotidae (Vietnam) with final Malay/Indonesian names and glosses, thanks to Michael Nichols.
19 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Finished adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names. This often involves corrections and harmonisation across countries. Hopefully, the result is greater uniformity and transparency.
18 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese name lists, along with corresponding English gloss.
- Made some changes in glossing of Strigidae (Vietnam).
- Made major changes in glosses at Sturnidae, mostly affecting Chinese and Japanese, in the direction of glossing the meaning of the name. Changes to the introduction.
- Various other corrections as they became apparent.
17 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Expanded introduction to Otididae (Vietnam) to include etymology of authority name and to give alternative names. Added proverb to Passeridae.
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names.
- Some changes to the glossing of the Scolopacidae.
16 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names.
- Carried out extensive (although possibly still incomplete) corrections and harmonisation at Fringillidae.
- Slight rewriting of the introduction to Fringillidae (China).
15 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names.
14 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names.
- Fixed naming error at Cisticolidae (Chinese). Added crosslinks for sekka in Japanese (Cisticolidae, Sylviidae). Corrected some other errors in glosses etc.
13 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Continued adding "Chim" to Vietnamese bird names. Also various other fixes.
- Alternative Chinese names at Artamidae.
12 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Added a few notes etc. to introductions at Birds of Japan.
- Started adding Chim to all Vietnamese bird names (excepting the Anatidae and Phasianidae).
11 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Minor changes.
10 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Added some alternative Chinese names at Turdidae and Muscicapidae.
9 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Slight glossing change at Falconidae (Japan).
- Added a few alternative Chinese names at Emberizidae.
- Added alternative Chinese gloss at Pittidae.
- Some emendations and rewriting at Campephagidae as more information comes to light on alternative names.
8 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Revised and expanded Malay/Indonesian names for the Muscicapinae, thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Slight changes at glossing of coucals at Cuculidae.
7 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Added some alternative names at Cisticolidae (China) and slightly rewrote the introduction.
- More gloss harmonisation, hyphenation fixes. Updated glossing of 青 in Chinese, previously glossed in totally haphazard manner.
- Slight changes to the Apodidae (Vietnam).
- Other minor changes.
5 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Minor corrections.
- Tidied up some photo links.
4 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Added some cultural information at Corvidae (China and Taiwan) and Accipitridae (Japan).
- Some gloss harmonisation, insertion of hyphens, etc.
- Tidied up some photo links.
3 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Some minor glossing, romanisation, and other fixes. Some tidying up of photo links to put East Asian Bird Images first.
- Alaudidae proverb lacked pinyin -- now added.
2 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Started updating links to photos at second page of accipitrids.
1 May 2011 (Beijing)
- Glossing changes for Vietnamese names of Paridae, Aegithalidae, Luscinia, and Leiothrixes. Slight changes at introduction to Oriolidae and slight changes in Contents pages for naming of the Sylviidae.
- Slight glossing changes for Malay/Indonesian at Chloropseidae and Cisticolidae.
- Spelling correction at the Pittidae.
30 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Corrected and supplemented names and glosses of the Sylviidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Removed Seicercus burkii from Sylviidae at Vietnam. The correct identification of this species is Seicercus valentini. (Thanks to Michael's sharp eyes!) Slight tinkering to give prominence to non-clashing names.
- Slight changes at introduction to Sylviidae (China).
- Changed gloss for 'prinia' (Vietnamese).
- Further gloss harmonisation (mainly at the Sylviidae).
- Cleaned up coding at Contents pages.
- Fixed up some more errors at the Javascript menu.
- Reorganised note referring to previous Taiwan official names.
- Added or converted binoculars to link to East Asian Bird Club at Accipitridae (page one).
29 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Changes/harmonisation of glosses for Aix galericulata.
- Harmonisation of glosses at Picidae.
28 April 2011 (Beijing)
- One gloss change.
- Fixed messy code and links in headers.
26 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Slight correction at Accipitridae (Vietnam).
- Some changes at Ciconiidae (Vietnam), per Michael Nichols.
- Overhauled glosses at Ardeidae (Vietnam), per Michael Nichols.
24 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Some changes and additions at Threskiornithidae and Scolopacidae (Vietnam), per Michael Nichols.
23 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added overhauled Malay/Indonesian names and glosses at Cuculidae, Gruidae, and Rallidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Slight corrections at Campephagidae (Vietnam).
- Various other gloss harmonisation.
- Added another name to Upupidae (Mongolia).
22 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added names, sources, and amended glosses for Malay/Indonesian at Campephagidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Globally changed 䴗 to 鵙 (the latter appears to be more standard).
- Rectified an old oversight and added Lalage nigra to Birds of Taiwan.
- Added a couple of alternative Chinese names at the Campephagidae.
- Slight rewriting of introductions at Chinese and Taiwanese Campephagidae.
- A few other fixes.
21 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Some more gloss harmonisation.
- Slight changes to the introductory notes on Nectariniidae, Ploceidae, and Orthotomus, in line with the site policy on distinguishing (or attempting to distinguish) 'natural' language names or popular names on the one hand, and names made up or regularised by ornithologists on the other.
- Added Chu Nom for the Dicaeidae (Vietnam).
- Index page headers and title languages rearranged. Added missing inter-index links at Taiwan index page.
20 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added Korean transliteration and gloss for Zoothera citrina, which was mysteriously missing.
- Fixed long-standing error in the Vietnamese name for Gampsorhynchus rufulus.
- Adopted etymology for Vietnamese name of the Dicaeidae ('insect bird'). (While the meaning is fairly obvious, an initial uncertainty was for some reason set in stone and never changed).
- Continued harmonising glosses.
- 'Sibagu' added to all page titles.
19 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Further refinement of the introduction to Accipitridae (China). Usage is varied and difficult to pin down. Fixed a few more characters.
- Added links between Contents pages. Fixed coding errors at Japanese contents page.
- Expanded Milonic navigation.
- Continued efforts at harmonising glosses.
[Sibagu Year 3]
18 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added expressions at Japanese Passeridae.
- Slight rewriting of the introduction to Accipitridae (China). Changed some characters to Simplified (previously missed).
17 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Corrections and additions to Malay/Indonesian names for Accipitridae and Falconidae (thanks to Michael Nichols).
- Fixed Chinese and Mongolian Javascript menus (Milonic menus).
- Added the name Sibagu at a few places.
- Made some global glossing corrections.
16 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Minor fixes.
15 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added a large number of popular Chinese names for the Emberizidae, many but not all from Chinese Wikipedia. Also added some to Fringillidae.
14 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added note on the Hypocolius at the Bombycillidae (China and Taiwan).
13 April 2011 (Beijing)
- A few minor corrections.
- Added a number of alternative Chinese names from a book on Birds of Baotou.
12 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Corrected Malay/Indonesian names and glosses at Eurylaimidae and Pittidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols. Fixed some errors at Estrildidae.
- Revamped social site buttons.
11 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added page on how to look up World Bird Names in Chinese, plus hints on how to find the pronunciation and the meaning.
- Took down the incipient section on Birds of the World. This project is too large to complete and is not going to go anywhere.
- Corrected Malay/Indonesian names and glosses at Zosteropidae, Sittidae, Alaudidae, and Paridae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Expanded left-side menu.
10 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Corrected Malay/Indonesian names and glosses at Acanthizidae, Genera incertae sedis (Tephrodornis, Philentoma), Pachycephalidae, Laniidae, Rhipiduridae, Monarchidae, Chloropseidae, thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Other minor changes to Malay/Indonesian glosses.
- Birds of the World revamped to include Zheng Guangmei's A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of the World, as found at the 中国野鸟图库 site.
9 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Slightly rewrote the introductions at Anatidae, Passeridae, Alaudidae, and Fringillidae (Birds of Mongolia) for greater clarity. Also added a few final Buryat names, mainly at Corvidae and Accipitridae.
- Made some corrections to Malay/Indonesian names at Birds of Vietnam.
- Added tooltips at Columbidae (Vietnam).
- Added Chu Nom to Passeridae (Vietnam).
- Fixed error at Passeridae (China).
- Added page of Links.
8 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names for the Motacillidae, Passeridae, Ploceidae, Estrildidae, Emberizidae, and Fringillidae (Birds of Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Added Odontophoridae to Birds of the World. Corrected Numididae.
7 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added Malay/Indonesian names for Meropidae, Upupidae and (belatedly) Podargidae and Caprimulgidae (Birds of Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Have just begun Birds of the World (generic-level names), which promises to be a very long-term project. This section will be updated irregularly.
6 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Rewrote introductions to Passeridae and Alaudidae (Birds of Mongolia). Minor changes to glosses.
- Tried to untangle the naming of Procellariiformes in Vietnamese. Also some rewriting of Japanese and Chinese introductions.
- Extra name at Vietnamese Zosteropidae. Again there is some confusion.
5 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Fixed some coding errors. Fixed errors at Phasianidae (China).
- Added some links to photos at Columbidae (principally China). Also fixed quite a few glosses.
- Added Buryat word at Hirundinidae.
- Fixed errors at Passeridae (China and Mongolia).
4 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian glosses for Laridae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Added note to all occurrences of the Japanese word for 'tern' (鯵刺 aji-sashi) that the characters mean 'horse-mackerel-stabber'. Made some changes in the hyphenation of names of terns at Chinese transliterations and glosses.
3 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Added page for Zheng Guangmei's Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China.
- Subspecies of two motacillid species at China and Mongolia (Motacilla flava taivana and Motacilla alba personata) now shown 'under the bar' in cells.
- Cleaned up and harmonised Japanese names of pipits at Birds of China and also at other countries.
- Added note on Lanius fuscatus.
- Removed Crypsirina temia and Cissa thalassina from Corvidae (Birds of China), as per Zheng Guangmei.
- Fixed error in the introduction to Turdidae (China).
- Placed subspecies of Ficedula narcissina 'under the bar' (Korean and Thai classifications only).
- Changed Chinese 苇莺科 to 莺科 (Sylviidae). I'm not even sure why 苇莺科 (literally Acrocephalidae) was retained at some places.
2 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names at Glareolidae, Haematopodidae, Recurvirostridae, Rostratulidae, Scolopacidae, and Jacanidae, thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Added pages for Cheng Tso-Hsin's posthumous Birds of the World and for Howard and Moore 2003.
- Links to sources page indicating the source of species names converted into Tooltips (mainly affects Chinese and Malay/Indonesian, as well as some Vietnamese).
- Removed link to Walter Zorn's site as it is now defunct and has been acquired by a squatter.
1 April 2011 (Beijing)
- Updated Malay/Indonesian names at Burhinidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Added Riparia diluta to Hirundinidae (Birds of China). Added a few alternative names for Riparia riparia.
- Fixed table headings at a number of families (Birds of China).
- Some harmonisation of Malay/Indonesian glosses at Birds of Vietnam.
- Other minor emendations.
31 March 2011 (Beijing)
- Added Vanellus gregarious at the Charadriidae (China) and Xema sabini at Laridae.
- Culled some Taiwan-only species from the list of Chinese birds (missed in an earlier cull). Species include: Anas americana (Anatidae), Rallina fasciata (Rallidae), Heteroscelus incanus, Calidris mauri, Calidris himantopus, and Tryngites subruficollis (Scolopacidae).
- Added Vietnamese family name to Stercorariidae. Added note on Chinese distribution (Spratly Islands).
- Fixed table headings at Laridae (China).
- Created individual Updates pages for 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.
- Slight corrections at Strigidae (China).
30 March 2011 (Hohhot)
- Rewrote the introduction at Rallidae (China).
29 March 2011 (Hohhot)
- Changes to coding of right menu.
- Smaller size font at Index page lists.
- Some changes at Threskiornithidae, Ardeidae, Ciconiidae (China).
- Other minor changes.
28 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added site icon at a number of pages that were missing it.
- Linked cjvlang Updates page to pre-Sibagu updates (now split up by the year).
27 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Spizaetus cirrhatus at Accipitridae (Birds of China).
- Deleted some Japanese alternative names from Korean column at Phasianidae (Birds of China).
- Fixed some errors.
- Did some work on menus and navigation.
26 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Ardea insignis and Branta canadensis to Birds of China.
- Added links to social sites in a desperate attempt to wean the site off dependence on Google.
22 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- The home page at cjvlang now links directly to Sibagu.
- A few minor corrections at index pages.
- Added links to About page and the page on the use of kanji to write Japanese bird names at the right-hand menu.
21 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Minor tweaks.
20 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Finally updated inter-country navigation at all families, correcting a few errors in the process.
- Almost all pages at the Birds of East and Mainland Southeast Asia subsite (cjvlang) have now been redirected to this site. The redirect is to individual pages of Birds of China (unless the family doesn't occur in China, in which case the redirect is usually to Birds of Vietnam). Some of the comment and commentary pages remain at the original site, as well as a couple of families not represented in the five countries currently at Sibagu. Since the commentary pages are often of not much more than 'historical' value, they may eventually be scrapped.
- Transferred pre-Sibagu updates page from cjvlang. Some links on the page may be faulty.
- This largely marks the completion of the original goal set when this site was begun, namely to restructure the old cjvlang Bird Names site and move it to Sibagu. However, the goal has since been expanded somewhat and several steps remain to be completed: two subsections are to be set up for Birds of China (Birds of South China and Birds of North China); bird names in Malay and Indonesian are yet to be completely updated; and sites are to be set up for Birds of Thailand and Birds of Malaysia. Other enhancements are also proposed further down the track. If someone is willing to assist with Korean, I would obviously like to create a Birds of Korea as well, but this seems unlikely at present.
19 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added right-hand menu to Birds of China (links among countries at genus level).
18 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- A few changes and corrections to Chinese-language navigation.
- Added right-hand menu to Birds of Japan (links among countries at genus level)
17 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Started making some changes to side menus. Not yet complete, so navigation is a bit inconsistent as yet.
16 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Minor changes to side menus. A few corrections.
15 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed the menu at the left side. First, the wording has been changed a little (from 'Home' to 'Contents'). Secondly, foreign-language menus have been updated. Thirdly, the button referring to the current page has been transformed into a dead button.
- Google ads have been restored at Contents and Index pages.
14 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed mistakes and missing files caused by uploading problems.
13 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Birds of China has been uploaded. Although there are some rough edges and hyperlinks between countries are not complete, the subsite is in a presentable enough state to be placed in public view.
12 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Corrected errors in Index pages at several sections, notably Mongolia.
- Added alternative Latin names and English names at some species; a few other corrections.
10 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Got rid of most Google ads (for the time being, at least) and moved links to the same family in other countries up into their place. Start of main text also moved up a little.
- Various other small fixes.
8 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- A few minor changes.
7 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Very minor changes.
6 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Inner Mongolian names or slightly rewrote introductions at Pycnonotidae, Rallidae, Corvidae, Cuculidae, and Picidae (Mongolia).
5 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Miscellaneous corrections.
3 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Miscellaneous changes.
1 March 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight rewriting of Anatidae introduction at Mongolia.
- A few minor changes and corrections.
28 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Inner Mongolian names at Motacillidae and Glareolidae (Mongolia).
- Fixed remaining mistakes pertaining to the letter Ө (Mongolian).
27 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added some content to Oriolidae and Hirundinidae at Birds of Taiwan.
- Added name to Sittidae in Birds of Mongolia.
26 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Updated Malay and Indonesian names at Charadriidae (Vietnam), thanks to Michael Nichols.
- Changes to Javascript menus (e.g., 'Japan' --> 'Birds of Japan')
- Other minor changes.
25 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight addition to Cisticolidae (Mongolia).
24 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added name for drongos at Dicruridae (Mongolia).
- Slight reorganisation of Home Page.
- A few other corrections.
22 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- A couple of minor corrections/changes.
20 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Reorganised drop-down menu (separate menu for SIBAGU).
- Corrected a few errors. Housekeeping.
- Completed adding EMAIL.
19 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
Now working with a new computer.
- Added note (EMAIL) next to envelope token.
- Fixed a few errors.
6 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Layout changes. Main text brought up slightly. Consolidated links to home pages (for each country/territory) into one column at the left. To make room for it, deleted the left-hand Google ad. Some changes to Javascript menus.
- Various other changes (corrections, housekeeping).
- Changed the Chinese reading of 冠 from guàn to guān. There are two readings of this character, and in the meaning 'crest' guān is correct.
5 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Finished adding Kazakh glosses -- or at least finished the first tentative pass. Many glosses have yet to be satisfactorily resolved.
- Fixed mess at Artamidae (Japan).
- Glossing changes for ducks and geese: 雁 glossed as 'wildgoose'; 鴨 (Japanese) glossed as 'wildduck'.
- Fixed Corvidae (Mongolia) for incorrect species attribution of Inner Mongolian name of Jay.
- Various other incidental changes, corrections, and housekeeping.
2 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar) - Eve of Tsagaan Sar.
- Continued adding Kazakh glosses. The work is continuing apace, but the results are frankly unsatisfactory.
- Added an About page.
1 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Continued adding Kazakh glosses to Birds of Mongolia (again with mixed results).
- Housekeeping.
30 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Kazakh glosses to Corvidae (Mongolia).
- Added Taiwan Index for Mongolian birds at Home Page.
- Changed gloss "grey/brown" to "dun". Not ideal, but "dun" is a better rendition of бор or боз than "grey/brown" or "brown/grey".
29 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Rebalanced Accipitridae 1 and Accipitridae 2 at all subsites (by transferring genus Circus to second page).
- Changed column heading "Chinese" to "Chinese (incl. Taiwan)" at Birds of Mongolia.
- Added a few more Kazakh glosses at Birds of Mongolia.
- Trimmed introduction to Accipitridae (Taiwan).
22 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Finished adding Taiwanese bird names at birds of Mongolia. Added Taiwan index page.
- Corrected quite a few errors.
- Made some changes to Vietnam languages page.
- Fixed some page headings, especially at Mongolian.
- Continued with the treacherous business of providing Kazakh glosses.
20 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Continued adding Taiwanese names to birds of Mongolia.
- Corrected various random errors.
19 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added some names and glosses to Coraciidae (Mongolia).
18 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Taiwanese names to more Mongolian families.
- Added note to kanji concerning the use of the character 鴬.
- Corrected a couple of miscellaneous page-title errors.
17 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed up more errors and omissions at Mongolian birds.
- At birds of Mongolia, added a number of new species at Ardeidae and Threskiornithidae. Added section on Coraciidae.
16 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Continued attempts to add Kazakh glosses (mainly at Alaudidae) and fixed some omissions in Mongolian transliterations.
15 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Largely finished modifying the romanisation of Mongolian.
- Made a very clumsy attempt to fill out Kazakh glosses at Accipitridae (Mongolia). Using dictionaries (especially Kazakh-Mongolian dictionaries) to decipher an unfamiliar language is very hard going.
14 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Continued modifying romanisation of Mongolian, fixing minor errors, and adding Buryat.
13 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Continued modifying the romanisation of Mongolian. Mainly involves changing n to ŋ, and nn to n.
- Also added a couple of Buryat names.
9 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed long-standing misspelling of the Mongolian word шувуу at the Mongolian index page.
8 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Updated Malay-Indonesian names at Corvidae, Dicruridae, and Picidae (thanks to Michael Nichols).
- Slight additions to Languages (Mongolia).
- Added Buryat general names at a couple of families. More to be added.
- Started changing n to ŋ in Mongolian transliterations. This will be accomplished gradually as there is a lot to do. nn will be rewritten as n.
7 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Finished fixing coding errors.
- Changed a few more yao to 'sparrowhawk'.
5 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added a few more Taiwanese names at Mongolian birds.
- Started fixing coding errors at Birds of Taiwan.
2 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Started adding Taiwanese names to Chinese names column at Mongolian birds. For some reason I had earlier decided that Taiwanese names were irrelevant to Mongolia. So far only Accipitridae, Alcedinidae, and Anatidae have been done.
1 January 2011 (Ulaanbaatar)
- At long last added a note indicating that Malay-Indonesian names are currently being updated. Those that have been updated show the source of names. Those not updated do not show sources. Only updated pages are reliable.
- Moved 2010 Updates to its own page.
- Glossed 鷂 yào as 'sparrowhawk', except in the official names, where it is glossed as 'harrier', with an note indicating that it was traditionally used for the sparrowhawk.