(In chronogical order, starting from the bottom)
31 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Completed formatting changes at index pages.
30 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Continued formatting changes at index pages.
29 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Continued making formatting changes at Index pages.
- Fixed erroneous links to Diomedeidae of Thailand.
28 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Started making formatting changes at Index pages (starting with Birds of Thailand) in order to make them more compact.
27 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Tweaks made to layout.
- Fixed Vietnamese family name for the Diomedeidae, which was inexplicably clipped.
- Got rid of a few remnant Freefind search boxes.
24 December 2013 (Queensland)
- Revamped the site to accord with Responsive Web Design. It should now appear in a smartphone-friendly form. The makeover involved, among other things, moving the navigation (sitewide navigation and navigation between countries) to a position directly below the page title (family name) in mobile devices. Previously the navigation completely obscured the page title when viewed in mobile devices. Probably still needs tweaking.
- Implemented new site icon (
- Fixed up a number of errors of various kinds.
14 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Slight additions to the Anatidae of Mongolia.
13 December 2013 (Beijing)
10 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Somewhat rewrote the introduction to the Phasianidae of Mongolia. Some rearrangement of photo links to put East Asian Bird Images in first place.
4 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Slight rewriting and some additions to the Gaviidae of Mongolia.
22 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Made corrections and additions at a number of Thai families: Scolopacidae, Threskiornithidae, Accipitridae, Recurvirostridae, Charadriidae, and Psittaculidae.
21 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Finished updating the Scolopacidae (Thailand); made a minor correction at the Threskiornithidae.
20 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Partially updated the Scolopacidae of Thailand (from Michael).
19 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Falconidae and Accipitridae at Thailand and made minor corrections and additions to a number of families (from Michael).
18 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Ciconiidae and Theskiornithidae at Thailand (from Michael).
13 November 2013 (Beijing)
12 November 2013 (Beijing)
10 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Procellariidae, Hydrobatidae, Podicipedidae, Sulidae, Anhingidae, Burhinidae, Dromadidae, Recurvirostridae, Jacanidae, and Hemiprocnidae at Thailand (thanks to Michael).
8 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Stercorariidae, Otididae, Cuculidae, Columbidae, Gruidae, Strigidae, Caprimulgidae, Podargidae, Apodidae, Hemiprocnidae , Alcedinidae, and Meropidae at Thailand (thanks to Michael).
7 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Columbidae (Thailand) -- from Michael.
3 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Titles to tooltips. (Taxonomy and naming notes have not been given titles.)
- Housekeeping: Corrections and adjustments at various places.
2 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Changes and additions to Psittaculidae, Cuculidae, and Rallidae (Thailand). (From Michael)
- Rewrote the introduction to Alcedinidae of Vietnam; added Chu Nom for trả.
- Added missing name details at Anatidae (Thailand)
1 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Introduction and many alternative names at Alcedinidae (Thailand) (from Michael).
- Some changes to the introduction at Alcedinidae of Vietnam.
- Some leftover fixes from previous day.
31 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Additions and corrections at Turnicidae, Bucerotidae, Ramphastidae, and Picidae of Thailand (from Michael).
30 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Made slight corrections to Phasianidae and Anatidae (Thailand) and changed the introduction to the Anatidae (from Michael Nichols).
27 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Made corrections and additions to Phasianidae of Thailand; added rewritten introduction. Made additions to Anatidae of Thailand. Slight changes to the introduction at the Picidae. (All from Michael Nichols).
11 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Further work on the introduction at Ardeidae.
10 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Added completely rewritten introduction at Ardeidae of West Malaysia and Singapore (from Michael Nichols).
29 September 2013 (Beijing)
- At Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore, moved the Indonesian column to the right side of the 'Other M' column. Some retitling of columns.
21 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated names and information in cells at Ardeidae of West Malaysia and Singapore (from Michael Nichols).
12 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Again rewrote parts of the introduction to the Oriolidae in Japan to include information on trade with Korea.
11 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Slight changes to Ciconiidae in West Malaysia and Singapore.
- Added note on tooltips.
10 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Ciconiidae in West Malaysia and Singapore, a large update with many tooltips. Thanks to Michael.
- Further changes to the introduction to the Oriolidae in Japan and addition of literary names to the 'Other names' column.
8 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Some changes to the introduction to the Oriolidae in Japan and Oriolidae in China.
- Added names and sources to Ciconiidae of West Malaysia and Singapore (thanks to Michael).
7 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Further rewrote the introduction to the Oriolidae in China and added a missing species to the species list.
- Rewrote the introduction to the Oriolidae in Japan.
6 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Made some changes to the Introduction to Oriolidae in China.
1 September 2013 (Beijing)
- Added links to Birds of Thailand and Birds of West Malaysia to Turkish and Korean index pages. (Left over from 27 August.)
29 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Adjustment to glosses at Phasianidae, Laridae, and Psittaculidae (W Malaysia).
27 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated links on non-English index pages (a task left over from the 'coming out' of the Thai and West Malaysian subsites). This included translating some links into Thai and Mongolian. The result is dodgy...
- Some rewriting of the introductions at Anatidae and Podicipedidae of West Malaysia and Singapore (thanks to Michael).
26 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Anatidae of West Malaysia and Singapore (thanks again to Michael Nichols).
25 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Malay-English and Indonesian-English dictionaries at Sources.
24 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated tooltips and some other information at Phasianidae (Birds of West Malaysia and Singpore).
- Adjustments to some Birds of Thailand pages.
22 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Ornithological Specialisation tables at Phasianidae, Anatidae, Hydrobatidae, and Procellariidae (Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore).
21 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Slight adjustments at W Malaysia-Singapore Phasianidae.
20 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated index page.
- Updated and fixed some floating menus.
- Added information and tooltips at Phasianidae (West Malaysia and Singapore).
- Slight changes at Turnicidae and Procellariidae (West Malaysia and Singapore).
- Added pages for sources from Malaysia: A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (second edition) and Senarai Nama-nama Burung Semenanjung Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara
19 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Uploaded Birds of Thailand and Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore (the sixth and seventh countries at this site). Both are partly in a state of preparation (especially the introductions), but both are essentially complete as far as species tables are concerned.
13 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated Malaysian and Indonesian names for the Burhinidae (Birds of Vietnam) (thanks to Michael).
12 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Slight change to tooltip at Malaysian and Indonesian names for Psittaculidae.
- Updated Malaysian and Indonesian names for the Laridae (Vietnam) (thanks to Michael).
11 August 2013 (Beijing)
- The last gasp of the overhaul involving (1) replacing Freefind Search with Google as a search engine (Freefind Search was not updating properly and doesn't handle all languages), (2) changing the Mongolian font download panel from that ghastly red, and (3) fixing a few errors.
- Additionally, the Malaysian and Indonesian names of Psittaculidae were updated at Birds of Vietnam (thanks to Michael), the introduction to Psittaculidae at Birds of China was slightly rewritten, and Japanese glosses to the Psittaculidae were changed slightly.
- Added a few photo links to Sylviidae of Japan.
10 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Completed the minor overhaul started on 20 July.
- Tooltips have now been updated to the new style at all countries.
- All families previously spread across multiple pages have been amalgamated into one (this time the change is permanent). Navigation has also been updated.
- Along the way, certain other issues have been addressed. This includes corrections to glosses, the placing of Latin species names in plain view when different from H&M 2003 (previously often hidden in tooltips, especially for birds of Thailand and Korea), harmonisation of treatment across countries where they had got out of sync, and other matters mentioned in the last few updates.
4 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Implemented new tooltips at Birds of Mongolia.
- Added Mongolian names for the Pectoral Sandpiper, the Eurasian Stone Curlew (new page for Burhinidae), the Lesser Grey Shrike, the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, the European Robin, the Red-fronted Serin, the Desert Finch, the European Greenfinch, the Red Crossbill (from the Dictionary of Vertebrate Animals of Mongolia).
- Fixed a few tooltip errors.
- Added Latin species names at Mongolia where they differed from Howard Moore 2003.
- Many other small corrections and changes.
3 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Added missing floating menu files for Birds of Mongolia.
- Added Mongolian script to Charadriidae (China).
- Added two more reference books: A Dictionary of Vertebrate Animals of Mongolia and 汉蒙名词术语分类词典(自然科学部分)(Cyr: Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг)).
2 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Implemented new system of tooltips at Birds of Vietnam. Made various changes and corrections.
1 August 2013 (Beijing)
- Fixed a few Vietnamese glossing errors at Birds of China.
28 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Minor corrections.
27 July 2013 (Beijing)
- New system of tooltips implemented at Birds of China (an updated version of Walter Zorn's tooltips, completed before he died in 2009).
- Implementing the new system involved fixing discrepancies that had gradually arisen between different countries covered in the site.
20 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Slightly rewrote the introductions at Ardeidae, Ciconiidae, and Threskiornithidae (Vietnam).
- Tooltips converted to green script.
- Updated the page on Oriolidae in Mongolia.
- Added brief source note for (FS) (中国动物志 Fauna Sinica).
19 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Changed 'ornithological specialisation' tables in Ardeidae, Ciconiidae, and Threskiornithidae (Vietnam). Fixed a few errors.
18 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added a further book to sources.
14 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Continued adding material to sources.
- Slight changes to the introduction to the Anatidae (Vietnam).
- Made some changes to the introduction to the Hirundididae (Vietnam).
13 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added more material to sources.
- Added Chu Nom at cranes in Vietnam.
- Changed gloss 'hac bird' to 'crane (bird)'.
12 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added a few more pages of sources.
10 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added a few more sources and photos, and reorganised the classification and arrangement of sources.
9 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added a few Mongolian-language sources.
- Slight changes to page on Bombycillidae (Mongolian).
8 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Updated page on Procellariidae (Vietnam). Translation of the word for 'petrel' is more consistent than originally represented.
- Added Traditional Mongolian script to the Phoenicopteridae and Oriolidae.
7 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Rewrote Mongolian page on the Charadriidae.
- Rewrote Mongolian page on the Glareolidae, changed the introduction, and added traditional script.
- Added Mongolian traditional script at Upupidae and added a couple of names.
- Added Malaysian and Indonesian names to page on the Heliornithidae (Vietnam) -- from Michael Nichols.
- Tentative steps taken towards more uniform treatment of introductions.
6 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Mongolian traditional script to the Cinclidae, Laniidae, and Otididae.
- Fixed a few infelicities in the Mongolian traditional script.
1 July 2013 (Beijing)
- Added old Malay names (mostly from Robinson) to several families at Sibagu Vietnam (in particular Phasianidae, Anatidae, Rallidae, Turnicidae) -- from Michael Nichols.
30 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Additional Malaysian species at Turnicidae (Vietnam), plus some modifications to Malaysian glosses.
- Added species names from Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali to Indonesian names at Turnicidae, Rallidae, Anatidae, Anhingidae, Threskiornithidae, Fregatidae, Procellariidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Sulidae, Pelecanidae, Podicipedidae, Phasianidae (all at Birds of Vietnam).
29 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Changes and additions to Malay names of the Rallidae (from Michael).
- Minor corrections to glosses of some Malay names.
28 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Minor corrections to Malay names at Birds of Vietnam.
25 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Added extralimital Malay names to Anatidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Anhingidae, and Threskiornithidae (Vietnam) (from Michael Nichols).
24 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Added extralimital Malay names to Phasianidae Vietnam (from Michael Nichols).
- Fixed some Malay and Thai names and glosses at Fregatidae, Pelecanidae, and Sulidae.
23 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Added image and page for MacKinnon's Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali (from Michael Nichols).
- Minor changes to Indonesian names at Fregatidae (Vietnam).
22 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Added name for the falcon at Mongolian Falconidae and variant of name at Chinese Falconidae.
[Sibagu Year 5]
17 April 2013 (Beijing)
- Made a few edits to the introduction to Falconidae of Mongolia.
15 April 2013 (Beijing)
- Made a few changes to Falconidae of Mongolia related to the word for 'Amur'.
23 March 2013 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Mongolian script to Corvidae (Chinese).
17 March 2013 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Mongolian traditional script to Sittidae, Falconidae, Rallidae, Turnicidae, Picidae, Phalacrocoracidae, and Motacillidae (Chinese). Slight changes and corrections at some of the original Mongolian pages and Chinese pages.
16 March 2013 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added Mongolian traditional script to Pteroclidae, Strigidae, and Accipitridae (Chinese).
- Slight changes to page on languages included in the Chinese list.
- Slight changes to note on Mongolian font.
17 February 2013 (Beijing)
- Added traditional Mongolian script to the Strigidae (Mongolia), along with a slight rewrite of the introduction.
- Added an extra name at the Gruidae (Mongolia).
16 February 2013 (Beijing)
- Added traditional Mongolian script to the Motacillidae (along with a rewriting of the introduction), Turnicidae (including a major query about the name), as well as the Phalacrocoracidae, Meropidae, and Picidae. Made a few changes in glosses etc. at these and other families, fixed rather glaring error.
- Added a few names at Phasianidae (Mongolia).
15 February 2013 (Beijing)
- Added traditional Mongolian script to the Gruidae and Charadriidae (Mongolia). At the same time rewrote the introduction to the Charadriidae and made changes to glosses, etc. at both families.
14 February 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Mongolian traditional script to the Accipitridae (Mongolian).
- Refined the notes to Fringillidae (Mongolian).
13 February 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Mongolian traditional script to the Falconidae, Ardeidae, Corvidae, Pteroclidae, Bombycillidae, and Rallidae (Mongolia), and changed some of the notes at introductions and tables, including newly-discovered or confirmed information.
- Slight corrections at Corvidae (Vietnam).
1 January 2013 (Queensland)
- Moved 2012 Updates to its own page.