(In chronogical order, starting from the bottom)
15 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight update of the introduction to the Cuculidae at Chinese.
30 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Cinclidae to H&M4.
- Fixed a couple of errors at Taiwan index page (Vietnamese).
29 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Artamidae, Aegithinidae, Troglodytidae, and Eupetidae to H&M4.
28 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Pittidae and Eurylaimidae to H&M4.
- Added Calyptomenidae as per H&M4.
21 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Tentatively updated the site logo with new calligraphy provided by Tuya. Slight update to the page on Tuya and elsewhere in the site.
5 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Added some pages that had mysteriously disappeared (some are possibly remainders from 16 August).
- Attempted to fix line heights in tables, which have been intractable for several years.
- Fixed errors at Phasianidae of Vietnam, added Mongolian names to Phasianidae of Japan.
21 September 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Regulidae at Mongolia.
16 September 2014 (Beijing)
- Edited Ramphastidae at all countries, mainly by tidying up photos, etc.
- Recommended Maxthon for traditional Mongolian script.
23 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight editing of ABOUT THIS TABLE information for Birds of Vietnam to reflect latest name additions.
22 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished transferring TVC names to the 'Other Names' column. This completes the incorporation of the TVC names for Vietnamese species. In the process quite a few mistakes and omissions were rectified.
21 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued transferring TVC names to the 'Other Names' column.
20 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued transferring TVC names to the 'Other Names' column.
19 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued transferring TVC names to the 'Other Names' column.
18 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued transferring TVC names to 'Other' column.
- Fixed glossing inconsistency at Vietnamese names.
17 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished updating passerine names at Vietnam to TVC. Included the fixing of errors, the deletion and addition of species, etc.
- Since it has become clear just how mischievous many of the changes in the TVC list are, I've decided to relegate them to the Other Names column. This has already begun but will require a fair bit more work. Where necessary, TVC names also need to be entered at countries outside Vietnam.
16 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated passerine names at Vietnam to TVC as far as the Muscicapidae. This involved removing a couple of species from the list, and a number of name changes.
- Added a large number of pages that appear to have been deleted at the site.
6 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated passerine names at Vietnam to TVC as far as Orthotomus.
- Unified a few nonpasserine names across families.
5 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated passerine names at Vietnam to TVC as far as the Cisticolidae.
- Fixed minute (but major) error in code at Sylviidae.
4 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated passerine names at Vietnam to TVC as far as the Monarchidae.
3 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished adding nonpasserine order names to index pages, mainly through the addition of Korean and Turkish names. Thai order names have been left untranslated. Also added some Korean family names.
- Updated Vietnamese passerine names to TVC as far as Oriolidae.
2 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Started adding nonpasserine order names to index pages, based on H&M4. This involved finding appropriate order names in Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese. Rectified omissions and errors that cropped up in the process.
1 August 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued harmonising Vietnamese entries at other countries, including the fixing of errors.
- Updated Pandionidae to TVC.
- Updated Vietnamese passerine names to TVC as far as Laniidae.
31 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued harmonising Vietnamese entries at other countries.
- Started updating Vietnamese passerine names to TVC (Eurylaimidae and Pittidae).
30 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Vietnamese names to TVC as far as Psittaculidae. Nonpasserines now complete. However, this applies only to Birds of Vietnam. Other countries are in the process of conversion.
29 July 2014 (Beijing)
28 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Vietnamese names to TVC as far as Trogonidae.
27 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Vietnamese names to TVC as far as the Accipitridae, with some corrections of errors. Update mainly confined to Vietnam, but also a few families at other countries.
26 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated to TVC as far as the Scolopacidae, with some corrections of errors.
25 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued updating Vietnamese names to TVC, now as far as Ciconiidae. Serious misassignment of names rectified at Ciconiidae.
20 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Inner Mongolian names now all updated at nonpasserines of China.
- Restarted work updating Vietnamese families with TVC names. Starting at the Anatidae and moving down, now up to the Cuculidae (including better source marking for already completed families).
19 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Worked through Inner Mongolian name sourcing for Gruidae, Otididae, Gaviidae, Pelecanidae, Ciconiidae, Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Burhinidae, Recurvirostridae, Rostratulidae, Scolopacidae, Turnicidae, Glareolidae, Laridae, Pandionidae, Accipitridae, Strigidae, Upupidae, Picidae, Coraciidae, and Falconidae. Added and corrected some material. The Nonpasserine Inner Mongolian names are now up to date at Birds of Mongolia (although not yet at other countries).
18 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Worked through Inner Mongolian name sourcing at Apodidae, Columbidae, Cuculidae, Rallidae.
16 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued working through Inner Mongolian name sourcing (Phasianidae, Podicipedidae, Pteroclidae, Caprimulgidae); made some corrections.
15 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Clearer marking of Inner Mongolian name sourcing, starting at Anatidae.
14 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Index pages for Birds of Taiwan. All nonpasserine families at all countries now updated to H&M4 (although there are some details that still need attending to, e.g., addition of binomials that differ from H&M4).
13 July 2014 (Beijing)
10 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Index pages for Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore to H&M4 order.
9 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Scolopacidae at Taiwan and W Malaysia/S'pore to H&M4.
8 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Scolopacidae at Vietnam to H&M4.
7 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Roughly updated Cuculidae to H&M4 at remaining countries.
6 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Alcidae, Diomedeidae, Procellariidae, Alcedinidae, Meropidae, Tytonidae, Anatidae, and Bucerotidae at all countries to H&M4.
- Slight change to cleaner formatting at the tables.
5 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued updating and correcting the Picidae at several countries to H&M4.
- Updated Picidae at Vietnam with TVC names.
- Updated Alcidae at China to H&M4.
4 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Gruidae to H&M4 at remaining countries.
- Fixed some errors, including formatting errors at Mongolia.
3 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Haematopodidae to H&M4 at several countries.
- Modified the introduction to the Strigidae (Thailand).
2 July 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Gruidae and Picidae to H&M4 (Mongolia). Mongolian non-passeriformes have now all been converted to H&M4.
8 June 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight changes to the introduction to the Strigidae (Mongolia).
3 June 2014 (Beijing)
- Added note on the onomatopoeic origin of the name of the magpie in Mongolian.
31 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted the Accipitridae to H&M4 at China, Japan, Taiwan, and W Malaysia/Singapore. This involved a certain amount of rewriting and corrections.
- Split off the Pandionidae at China, Japan, Taiwan, and W Malaysia/Singapore as separate families.
- Converted the Phoenicopteridae (Mongolia and China) to H&M4.
- Converted the Charadriidae to H&M4 at Mongolia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and West Malaysia/Singapore. Added TVC Vietnamese and recent Inner M names.
- Fixed error at Cacatuidae of China.
- Slight tinkering with the introduction to the Bucerotidae of Thailand.
30 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Some corrections/modifications at Accipitridae (Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia), including a rewriting of the introduction at Accipitridae of Mongolia.
28 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Again slightly revised the introduction to the Laridae at Mongolia to better reflect new information and perspectives.
- Slight modifications to the introduction of the Stercorariidae at Mongolia. Added traditional script, modified glosses.
26 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Added TVC Vietnamese and recent Inner M names for Laridae. Added traditional Mongolian script. Fixed some errors.
- Slightly rewrote the introduction to the Laridae at Mongolia.
25 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Columbidae at other countries to H&M4.
- Added Vietnamese names for Columbidae from TVC, added recent Inner M names for Columbidae, added traditional Mongolian script.
- Made a few changes at introductions and glosses for Columbidae, fixed a couple of errors.
- Converted the Otididae and Pteroclidae at all relevant countries to H&M4. Added most recent Vietnamese and Inner Mongolian names.
- Converted the Laridae at all countries to H&M4. The herring gull mess necessitated a Procrustean approach.
- Converted the non-passerine families at Thailand index pages to H&M4 order.
24 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted the Columbidae of Thailand to H&M4.
23 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Rallidae at all countries to H&M4. Slightly rewrote Mongolian introduction. Added recent Inner M names.
- Updated the family Otidae to Otididae and the family Pteroclididae to Pteroclidae.
20 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted the Picidae, Rallidae, Charadriidae, and Gruidae at Thailand to H&M4 and added TVC Vietnamese names.
19 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted the Strigidae at all countries to H&M4. Also added TVC Vietnamese names; added recent Inner M names. Some rewriting of introductions.
- Some fixes to index pages (for Apodidae).
- Converted 'IM' to 'Inner M' (in tables).
8 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Tentatively converted the Falconidae at all countries.
7 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Tytonidae and Falconidae of Thailand to H&M4.
6 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Alcedinidae of Mongolia and China to H&M4. Some rewriting of introductions.
- Updated unfixed index pages to reflect recent conversions.
5 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Cuculidae of Japan, Taiwan and Mongolia to H&M4. Fixed errors, tinkered with introductions.
4 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Cuculidae of Vietnam and Thailand to H&M4. Added some TVC names and tinkered with introductions.
3 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Further work on new-look species tables.
- Finished updating Apodidae at all countries. In addition to conversion to H&M4, this also involved adding new Vietnamese names at Apodidae of Vietnam, fixing some taxonomic notes and indications, and fixing Mongolian names at Apodidae of China.
2 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Gave the species tables a new look. Main benefit is columns that line up within families.
- Updated Apodidae to H&M4 at several countries. Hemiprocnidae is no more.
1 May 2014 (Beijing)
- Added Stercorariidae and Hydrobatidae at Vietnam.
- Converted Heliornithidae, Recurvirostridae, Phalacrocoracidae, and Stercorariidae to H&M4. Corrected error in name of Recurvirostridae at Taiwan and some other errors.
30 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Fregatidae, Phaetonthidae, Pelecanidae, Threskiornithidae, Ciconiidae to H&M4. Added some Inner Mongolian names.
29 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Hydrobatidae, Oceanitidae, Podargidae, Caprimulgidae, Trogonidae, Coraciidae, and Ramphastidae (at all relevant countries) to H&M4.
- Converted Apodidae and Meropidae of Mongolia to HM4.
28 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Added Mongolian name to Laniidae of China.
27 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Added page on Danh Lục Các Loài Chim Ở Việt Nam (Latinh - Việt - Pháp - Anh - Hán) (33).
- Converted Accipitridae of Vietnam to H&M4. Added page on Pandionidae. Included new names from (33).
- Converted a number of families at Thailand to H&M4, including Alcedinidae, Jacanidae, Meropidae, Psittaculidae (formerly Psittacidae), Rostratulidae, Burhinidae, Dromadidae, Glareolidae, Coraciidae, Upupidae, Bucerotidae. Some of these spilled over to other countries.
- At China and WMS, also created a page for Cacatuidae.
26 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Accipitridae of Mongolia to H&M4. Added Pandionidae. Contents pages have yet to be modified.
- Some corrections to Pandionidae of Thailand.
25 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Added H&M3 token at index pages (for unconverted families).
23 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Rewrote the introduction to the Scolopacidae of Thailand.
- Slightly rewrote the introduction to the Scolopacidae of Mongolia.
22 April 2014 (Beijng)
- Converted the Scolopacidae of Japan to H&M4.
- Slight rewriting of the Introduction at Scolopacidae Thailand.
21 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Replaced 'choat bird' as a gloss with 'sandpiper (bird)' (Scolopacidae of Vietnam).
20 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Scolopacidae of Mongolia, China, and Thailand to H&M4. At the same time added the most recent Inner Mongolian names, added traditional Mongolian script, added some Buryat names, and slightly rewrote the introduction.
[Sibagu Year 6]
14 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Housekeeping
- Various minor changes and additions at Thailand.
- Converted Rostratulidae (Thailand and West Malaysia) to H&M4.
- Converted Ardeidae (all countries) to H&M4, converted Haematopodidae (China) to H&M4.
- Added new token to indicate families which have been converted to H&M4.
13 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Introduction to the Phasianidae and Ardeidae of Thailand to accord with H&M4 and added some older names.
- Updated Phasianidae of Vietnam, China, and Taiwan to H&M4.
- Added tooltip on the borrowing of Vietnamese cay from French quaille.
- Tried to fix a problem whereby Khmer is rendered in a tiny font in Chrome (Windows).
- Added note on Traditional Mongolian script at both Birds of China and Birds of Mongolia. Regrettably, the current Traditional Mongolian script does not work in all environments. Until I can figure out what the problem is and how to make it work, users are advised to try IE and Safari. Even then results can't be guaranteed.
11 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Added reading of liù for 鷚 at Birds of Taiwan. Although 鷚 liào is recognised, it does not appear by any means to be the dominant reading.
10 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight changes to Phasianidae (China and Mongolia).
9 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Inner Mongolian names at Phasianidae.
8 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Converted Phasianidae of West Malaysia and Singapore, Thailand, Japan, and Mongolia to H&M4. Updates to index pages.
7 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Uploaded details of Fauna Inner Mongolia (new source of Inner Mongolian names). Added details of Howard and Moore 4th edition and Fauna Inner Mongolia to sources page.
- Added Danh Lục Các Loài Chim Ở Việt Nam (Latinh - Việt - Pháp - Anh - Hán) at the sources page.
- Fixed H&M4 version of Anatidae at Mongolia and China (failure to separate Anatinae subfamily).
- Updated Turnicidae and Gaviidae at China to show changes at Mongolian names.
- A few minor tweaks to other material uploaded on 6 April.
6 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated a number of families at Thailand, including Podicipedidae, Sulidae, Fregatidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Anhingidae, etc. Mainly minor changes.
- Updated Podicipedidae, Gaviidae, Sulidae, and Anhingidae to H&M4. Most of these families required little work. Also updated Accipitridae of Thailand (including Pandionidae) to HM4, a major and not entirely satisfactory undertaking.
- Added Inner Mongolian names at Turnicidae and Gaviidae.
- Made some changes to the introduction to Accipitridae at Vietnam.
- Added page on H&M4.
5 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Phasianidae and Anatidae of Thailand.
- Converted Anatidae of Thailand, China, Mongolia, and W Malaysia/Singpore to H&M4.
- Started retiring former Taiwanese ornithological names.
- Mopped up unfixed Sibley & Monroe and Howard & Moore markings. (Also fixed up a mess caused by uploading error).
- Tried to reduce overuse of horizontal bars in cells.
- Fixed misspelling of Pelecanus.
4 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Falconidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Continued the process of retiring Sibley and Monroe names. Howard and Moore 2003 is now in bold black; the two sets of names are no longer differentiated by colour (red and purple).
- Fixed country icon issues resulting from yesterday's fix.
3 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Gruidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Made a few adjustments to Turnicidae of Thailand.
- Fixed problems with country icons (which showed up in IE with a border).
- Fixed tooltip error at Accipitridae.
- Started retiring S&M (Sibley and Monroe) names from active service.
2 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Estrildidae and Turnicidae of Thailand in line with (23) with the addition of old names.
1 April 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Alcedinidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Fixed a few problems with tooltips at Alcedinidae.
30 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Psittaculidae of Thailand (mainly the introduction).
- Updated the Charadriidae, Burhinidae, Dromadidae, Stercorariidae, Scolopacidae, Jacanidae, and Apodidae of Thailand in line with (23) (all from Michael).
29 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed a couple errors in Inner Mongolian bird names.
28 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Changed 'tâeew-láeew bird' and 'tâeew-ráeew bird' to 'pitta (bird)' (Pittidae of Thailand).
23 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight corrections to updates.
- Changed gloss for 綬鶏 jukei from 'jukei' to 'silkribbon-fowl/chicken'.
22 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Apodidae, Hemiprocnidae, Columbidae, Laridae, Cuculidae, Corvidae, and Podargidae of Thailand in line with (23).
21 March 2014 (Beijing)
18 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Caprimulgidae and Strigidae of Thailand.
17 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Alcedinidae of Thailand.
16 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Bucerotidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Changed the word 'official' to 'ornithological' at Japan, China, Taiwan, and Mongolia (except the 2007 list). Mongolian 'former official' names changed to 'Mongolia formerly'.
13 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Ramphastidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Replaced 'official' with 'etymological' at Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Also changed 'Taiwan former official' to 'Taiwan formerly'.
12 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Picidae of Thailand in line with (23).
- Tried to make the header at 'Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore' shorter. With the title given in six languages, it was virtually breaking its banks.
11 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Rewrote the introductions to Cistoclidae and Orthotomus, fixed a few errors.
- Fixed English-language glossing for แถบ tʰàeep.
10 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Sylviidae, Timaliidae, Sittidae, Pittidae, Pycnonotidae, Cistoclidae, and the genus Orthotomus of Thailand in line with (23) (all from Michael).
- Added new subtitle to index page.
7 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed visible HTML code at Birds of Thailand (ABOUT THIS TABLE).
- Updated the Motacillidae, Muscicapidae, and Timaliidae of Thailand in line with (23) (all from Michael).
5 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight update to Fringillidae (Thailand) in line with (23).
- Some other minor fixes at Thailand
- Slight changes to the introduction to the Remizidae of Mongolia.
2 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Completely updated the introductions to the Paridae, Remizidae, and Aegithalidae (Thailand). In the cells, made (23) standard. Added earlier ornithological tit names. Changed family names. Added missing Remizidae family name to Thai table of contents. (Above all from Michael.)
- Changes to the pages for นกในเมืองไทย เล่ม (Birds in Thailand), including correction of a photo.
- Tweaked the introduction to the Accipitridae (Vietnam).
- Updated source data at tooltips (Thailand only).
- Converted more Mongolian traditional names in 'Other' column to smaller font.
- Fixed various minor errors.
1 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Added new source (นกเมืองไทย - Birds of Thailand 2012) at Sources. Sources are now up to date and ready for conversion to 2012 Thai species names.
- Slight improvements to the introduction to the Psittaculidae (Vietnam).
- Added some information to the introduction to the Accipitridae (Vietnam) and made changes to glossing in the tables.
28 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight change at Paridae, Remizidae, and Aegithalidae of Thailand.
26 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Rewrote the introduction to the Alcedinidae (Japan) and revised tooltips.
- Somewhat rewrote the introduction to the Psittaculidae (Vietnam).
- Slight modifications (pronunciation of name, missing Taiwan tag) at the Emberizidae of Mongolia.
- Fixed errors at the Paridae of Thailand, etc.
- Fixed source numbering errors.
25 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Revised tooltips at the Alcedinidae (Japan).
- Fixed errors at the Regulidae (China).
23 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Added a couple of Chinese alternative names at the Timaliidae.
- Resolved a problem at the Fringillidae of Mongolia and possibly resolved a problem at the Anatidae of Mongolia; removed tooltips.
- General correction and harmonisation of glosses, addition of tooltips, and correction of errors at Birds of Mongolia.
22 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Made some changes at the introduction to the Alcedinidae.
- Added clarifications at Chinese names for some of the Timaliidae.
- Tooltip for Zitting Cisticola etc. (Japanese).
21 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Tried to improve on the Alcedinidae introduction. Also tidied up photo links and worked on the Japanese tooltips.
- Tooltip added at the Accipitridae (Japan).
20 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Finally rewrote the introduction to the Alcedinidae of China to back up the point that the different types of kingfisher were not traditionally distinguished in Chinese.
- A few other glossing and tooltip changes.
19 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued glossing changes, including an attempt to fix the gloss for kingfishers.
- Fixed a few Index pages for Birds of Vietnam (old split-page numbering had not been rectified).
- Fixed positioning of note to mobile users ([CONTENT FOLLOWS NAVIGATION / SITE SEARCH]), which had mysteriously changed.
18 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Further tweaking and glossing changes, mainly affecting Chinese and Vietnamese names (including Flowerpeckers and Woodpeckers).
17 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Changed the introduction to the Psittaculidae (Thailand) (from Michael.) This round of updates to Birds of Thailand beginning in mid-October 2013 is now complete. The updates involved checking and addition of species names from all existing sources, correction of errors, addition of tooltips, and rewriting of introductions.
- Changed some more glosses, etc.
16 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Changed a few glosses (mainly 'weaverbird' and 'thatchgrass').
- Rearranged some sources in preparation for retiring the former online list as our main Thai standard and adopting in its place the latest edition of the Lekagul series.
- Fixed a few issues at the Motacillidae (Thailand).
15 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Motacillidae and Timaliidae of Thailand with a new introduction, new entries, and tooltip (from Michael). Also added missing species names where the Thai list diverged from H&M 2003.
- Added or corrected Simplified and Traditional character renditions of Chinese names at a few families in Birds of Thailand and Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore that had been passed over in 2011, when these two country lists were not yet on line.
14 February 2014 (Beijing)
- A few more minor changes and corrections; added some tooltips.
13 February 2014 (Beijing)
- A few small adjustments.
- Attempted to harmonise some 'verb+object' attributive constructions.
12 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Some rewriting of the introduction to the Nectariniidae.
11 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Rewrote the introduction to the Sylviidae at Mongolia.
- Updated the Nectariniidae, Dicaeidae, and Zosteropidae of Thailand.
- Slight changes to the Ploceidae of Vietnam.
10 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Sylviidae tables at Thailand. Slightly tinkered with the Sylviidae at Mongolia.
- A few corrections and modifications.
9 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished uploading Inner Mongolian ornithological names from the Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary (begun on 11 January). A total of 413 separate names in Birds of China and 324 names in Birds of Mongolia. (There are Inner Mongolian names for many species that are not found in Mongolia.)
- Made a few changes to the introductions to the Troglodytidae, Cisticolidae, Columbidae, Scolopacidae, and Strigidae, partly based on the new names, partly based on Wuti Qingwen Jian.
- Did some expansion and rewriting of introductions to the Motacillidae and Prunellidae in Birds of Japan and Birds of China.
- Added some missing tooltip notes.
- Added some extra names at Birds of Thailand.
- Added a new introduction to the Sylviidae of Thailand (from Michael).
8 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Did some rewriting of the Introduction to the Motacillidae (Mongolia). Updated the Prunellidae to include Inner Mongolian names (which had actually been included at China).
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names.
7 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names.
- Started differentiating size of traditional Mongolian script, with smaller script for Inner Mongolian, former Mongolian, and other names.
- Added a tooltip.
6 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names.
- Fixed a few glossing inconsistencies.
- Changed a couple of Mongolian family names (families not occurring in Mongolia itself).
- Added some tooltips.
5 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names.
- Reversed an old decision at Remizidae to split Remiz coronatus and Remiz consobrinus. Now follow Howard and Moore 2003 in treating them as Remiz pendulinus. Still messy, but easier to follow and more faithful to the stated principle of using H&M as a standard.
4 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Added cross-family information at Turdidae and Sturnidae (Thailand).
- Added additional material to and rewrote the introductions of Pycnonotidae, Cisticolidae, and Tailorbirds (Thailand) (from Michael).
- Added some Inner Mongolian names.
3 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Added a very large number of Inner Mongolian names, including one new family name and one family name change. Distinguished IM names in the coding.
2 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Added additional material and rewrote the introductions to the Fringillidae and Emberizidae of Thailand (from Michael).
- Fixed some tooltip formatting and content issues (Thailand).
- Tentatively rewrote the introduction to the Fringillidae and Emberizidae at Vietnam.
- Added tooltips for Japanese fringillid names that have traditionally been written with 2-3 different Chinese character combinations.
- Tinkered with the positioning of material in the small-screen version (on some pages the heading section was coming down too far and being obscured by the navigation).
- Taxonomic notes preceding the General Names section reduced to small lettering.
- Added more Inner Mongolian names, including two new family names.
1 February 2014 (Beijing)
- Added additional material and rewrote the introduction to Estrildidae of Thailand (from Michael).
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names from the 汉蒙名词术语分类词典 Mongolian (Cyrillic): Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг). Added Inner Mongolian family names at Fregatidae and Phaethontidae (China).
- Corrected an error at Fringillidae (China).
31 January 2014 (Beijing) (Chinese New Year's Day)
- Fixed some editing problems at the introduction to the Paridae, Remizidae, and Aegithalidae (Thailand). Also updated Birds of Vietnam and Birds of W Malaysia/Singapore with the new information.
- Added a border to references to site and country icons to indicate what they are (icons, not letters).
- Added more Inner Mongolian names.
- Slight rewriting of part of the introduction to the Accipitridae of Mongolia.
- Rewrote the introductions to the Coraciidae at Japan, China, and Mongolia.
- A few changes at Scolopacidae of Mongolia.
- Added and updated a few tooltips to Histrionicus and Melanitta at Anatidae of Mongolia.
- Added tooltips at Cinclidae (Mongolia) and added to the introduction.
- Renamed the Alcidae in Mongolian.
- Expanded the introduction to the Paridae in Chinese and added links to the Passeridae..
- Rewrote the introduction to the Campephagidae of China.
- Added East Asian Bird images at the Laridae (all countries) and did some housecleaning.
- Changed 'alternative in' to 'alt in' in the interest of brevity.
30 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Additional changes to the introductions to the Paridae, Remizidae, and Aegithalidae (Thailand).
- Fixed up a few oversights at Muscicapidae of W Malaysia/Singapore.
- Added a few Inner Mongolian names.
29 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Corrections and additions to the Paridae, Remizidae, and Aegithalidae of Thailand (from Michael).
- A few other minor fixes and changes.
28 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Corrections and additions to Muscicapidae (Thailand) (from Michael).
- Added four missing species to Muscicapidae (West Malaysia and Singapore).
27 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Corrections and additions to the Monarchidae and Genera incertae sedis (Tephrodornis, Philentoma) at Thailand (from Michael).
- Added tooltip on 'olivaceous' at Turdidae, Rallidae, and Picidae (Thailand).
- Added some missing photo links to Turdidae.
26 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Corrections and additions to Hirundinidae (Thailand). (From Michael).
- Corrections and additions to Turdidae (Thailand). (From Michael). Removed note on new Vietnamese family name for Turdidae.
25 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Added new introduction and amendments to the Sturnidae of Thailand. (From Michael).
- Corrected some Chinese and Japanese glosses at the Sturnidae. Rewrote the introduction to Sturnidae of China.
- Corrections and changes to Eurylaimidae, Acanthizidae, Eupetidae, Campephagidae, Pachycephalidae, Dicruridae, Rhipiduridae, and Chloropseidae (from Michael).
- Rewrote the introduction to the Campephagidae in Japan.
24 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Tweaked the introduction to Oriolidae and Aegithinidae (Thailand).
- Amended the spelling 'mynah' to 'myna' sitewide. Ornithologically, at least, 'mynah' seems to be on the way out.
- Minor changes to Campephagidae (Japan).
23 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Revised Oriolidae and Aegithinidae (Thailand), adding new introductions and some new alternative names at the latter. (From Michael)
- Further tinking with the Corvidae.
22 January 2014 (Beijing)
- A little tinkering with the previous day's update (Corvidae Thailand).
- Added Inner Mongolian names and traditional Mongolian script to Dicruridae, Scolopacidae, and Recurvirostridae. Unfortunately, there were several names for which a definite pronunciation could not be determined.
- Updated the languages page at Mongolia.
21 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Corvidae of Thailand (information from Michael) with additional names and a new introduction.
- Fixed some remaining errors. Developed different tooltip notes for ヤイロチョウ ya-iro-chō and 八色鸫 bā-sè-dōng (Pittidae).
- Somewhat rewrote the introductions to the Turdidae at China, Taiwan, and Japan.
- Rewrote the introduction to the Phasianidae at Japan. The existing introduction was for some reason disjointed and incomplete.
20 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names. Some tidying up.
- Fixed error at Trogonidae of Thailand.
19 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated the Pittidae of Thailand with alternative names, tooltips, new introduction, and some corrections (information from Michael).
- Slightly rewrote introductions at Japanese, Chinese, and Korean names for the Pittidae. Added photo links.
- Added some Inner Mongolian names from the Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary and made a few format changes. Slight rewriting of the introduction to the Upupidae.
- Slight additions to the About page.
18 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding names and information from the Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary, including Inner Mongolian names and noting the dictionary as a source for Chinese alternative names.
- Slightly rewrote the introduction to Alcedinidae (Mongolia), but still not satisfactory.
16 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding names and information from the Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary.
14 January 2014 (Beijing)
13 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Rewrote suggested etymology of Хотгуужин khotguujiŋ (at Histrionicus histrionicus) and put it into a tooltip.
- Fixed Pelecanidae at Japan.
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names at Birds of Mongolia and Birds of China.
12 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued adding Inner Mongolian names from the 汉蒙名词术语分类词典 Mongolian (Cyrillic): Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг). New families that have been affected include the Apodidae, Sylviidae, Alaudidae, and Fringillidae. There is continuing impact on introductions at families like the Apodidae and Alaudidae. Some errors have also been corrected.
11 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Started adding Inner Mongolian names from the 汉蒙名词术语分类词典 Mongolian (Cyrillic): Хятад Монгол нэр томъёоны зүйл хуваасан толь (байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны бүлэг) (Chinese-Mongolian classified terminological dictionary, natural sciences part), starting with Picidae, Corvidae, Laridae, Muscicapidae, Phasianidae, Anatidae, Procellariidae, Ciconiidae, Threskiornithidae, Pycnonotidae, Motacillidae, Dicruridae, Accipitridae, Emberizidae, and Pittidae. At some places slightly rewrote the introduction to reflect the new information. Apart from Mongolian names, the new input has also brought about small additions to the Chinese alternative names.
- In future, the Mongolian column at Birds of China will contain only Mongolian official names and Inner Mongolian names (implementation under way).
- Housekeeping: Fixed formatting throughout the site (including some table headers and tooltip titles). Removed some unnecessary reference sources, especially at Birds of Thailand and Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore.
10 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Following tweaking at several pages, the minor revamp that started in mid-December is now essentially complete. The revamp was designed to (1) transform the site into a Responsive Web Design format, improving viewability on mobile devices and (2) adopt new site and country icons. Explanations and explanatory material concerning the icons were also added. Certain problems and errors discovered in the course of the revamp were also corrected.
9 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Added a page on the Inner Mongolian calligrapher Tuya, whose work formed the basis of the Sibagu site icon.
- Corrected Traditional Mongolian spelling and changed gloss at the Anatidae (Anas poecilorhyncha), plus a few other tweaks and corrections.
8 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Added explanations of country icons at all countries.
7 January 2014 (Beijing)
- Modified some of the country icons, namely Vietnam (added Chu Nom), Malaysia (added Jawi), China (reduced size of writing) and Taiwan (reduced size of writing). Started adding introductions explaining the country icon to users.
1 January 2014 (Queensland)
- Further tinkering with index pages.
- Fixed formatting issue (family names in different languages) at index pages.
- Moved 2013 Updates to their own page.